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Punch APK20-19-80-P18-W8.14-R1.5


Product introduction: Profiled punch grinder | punching punch calculation formula | What is a ball lock punch in Shanghai

Published: 2020-01-09 04:42:45

keyword: Profiled punch grinder | punching punch calculation formula | What is a ball lock punch in Shanghai

Supplier information of this product

Shanghai Qingyang Precision Mold Parts Co., Ltd

contacts: Yang Dehui


Telephone: thirty-nine million three thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine

mobile phone: fifteen billion eight hundred and twenty-one million three hundred and fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and nineteen

Region: Shanghai City District Jiading District

Address: Room 101, No. 204, Lane 5000, Baoqian Road, Waigang Town

Details of this product

Main products: Stamping die parts | Plastic die parts | Industrial automation parts | Bolt fasteners

contacts: Yang Dehui

mobile phone: fifteen billion eight hundred and twenty-one million three hundred and fifty-seven thousand seven hundred and nineteen

Telephone: thirty-nine million three thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine

Business model: Productive

Company size: 1-2 million yuan

Industry: technology

Product details: The company mainly produces German FIBRO automobile mold standard parts, Sanxie SANKYO standard wedge, turning PUNCH standard parts, Misimi MISUMI standard parts, stop keys, locating keys, one-way guide plates, self-lubricating guide plates, wear plates, self-lubricating guide sleeves, non oil feeding bushings, CSR and other high sleeves, fixing block components, fixing pin stop concave die bushings CSR sleeve type limit screw, side pin assembly, lock plate for side pin, material positioning bracket, positioning guide pin, wedge; Nitrogen spring, Datong spring, auxiliary guide post guide sleeve, SGP sliding guide post guide sleeve, sliding guide post components for RD, RZ, PD, PZ mold bases; SRP ball guide sleeve, PMSH (GMSH), PKSH (GKSH), PM (GM), PK (GK) steel ball guide components for mold base; TUB, TUR guide post; MISUMI standard MYP, MYZP sliding guide pillar components; MYAP, MYJP movable stop steel ball guide post; MYKP, MJKP fixed stop guide post assembly; SKD11 punch, punch, etc

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