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Non motor vehicle anti-theft label


Product introduction: Non motor vehicle anti-theft label | quotation of non motor vehicle anti-theft label | price of non motor vehicle anti-theft label

Published: 2019-07-10 04:47:57

keyword: Non motor vehicle anti-theft label | quotation of non motor vehicle anti-theft label | price of non motor vehicle anti-theft label

Supplier information of this product


contacts: ***

Mail: *************

Telephone: 6816****

mobile phone: 181********

Region: Shanghai*********

Address: China******************************

Details of this product

Main products: Technical consultation | technical service, computer | sales of environmental protection equipment | wires and cables

contacts: ***

mobile phone: 181********

Telephone: 6816****

Business model: Other types

Company size: 100000 to 300000 yuan

Industry: Board of Directors

Product details: The new generation Bluetooth IoT products of Renmin Microelectronics have outstanding performance indicators and industry characteristics such as low power consumption, low cost, high precision, and large ecology, and are being used in almost all indoor scenes of smart city construction projects in the new era. The company has established many branches for the public security, procuratorial and judicial departments, medical care and elderly care, smart schools, smart factories, warehousing and logistics, smart buildings, smart homes and other industries, providing professional, meticulous, enthusiastic and thoughtful products and technical services.

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