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Display case glass film


Product introduction: Display case glass film | Watch display case glass film

Published: 2019-03-28 07:21:40

keyword: Display case glass film | Watch display case glass film

Supplier information of this product


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Details of this product

Main products: Glass explosion-proof film | Glass decorative film | Glass antifogging film | Glass thermal insulation film

contacts: ***

mobile phone: 136********

Telephone: 5488****

Business model: Trade oriented

Company size: Less than 100000 yuan

Industry: Management Department

Product details: The thermal insulation film refers to a completely transparent film used on building glass doors and windows, which is made of PET substrate and multi-layer composite processing through a special coating process. It can change the thermal insulation performance and other optical properties of glass. Explosion proof membrane refers to the ability to fix broken glass in the frame after the glass explodes, so as to prevent the glass from flying away and injuring people, prevent the aging and falling of glass curtain wall from high altitude and prevent the glass from breaking and injuring people caused by typhoon, earthquake and other natural disasters.

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