One good father=200 teachers. All dads should have a good look!

When dad Take a good look at everything, and then children Don't blame others if you don't give strength. Children are the shadow of fathers. I hope every father who has read the full text can become a Good father How high the father's quality is, how high the child can fly!

⑴ Dad is the best teacher for children

How high the father's quality is, how high the child can fly. Help children with rational fatherly love healthy The key to educating children is to grow up and improve their own quality. Correct "navigation" is the first responsibility of fathers, so that children can learn life Responsible. Behind every problem child, there is a problem father. Dad should also learn from his children. Don't forget to cultivate their sense of community and plant a seed of "ideal" for them.

⑵ 99% of children succeed in taking 1% of father's changes

Changing children starts with changing fathers. There are no children who can't teach well, only fathers who can't teach. "Weak" fathers teach "strong" children and attach importance to cultivating their hobbies and expertise. Put on a coat of praise for criticism. Don't take the exam results as the criteria for evaluating children. Be a "muddle headed" father. Dad should learn to save face for children.

⑶ The "tutor psychology" that father must understand

Have positive mentality Only in this way can we have a good future, be optimistic, make our children's future full of sunshine, be independent, let them choose their own life, be confident, and find life It aims to dispel jealousy and chemotherapy for children's psychological cancer. The confidence comes from the father's trust, defeats selfishness and corrects the children's sense of "egoism".

⑷ Ten qualities that father must give to children

Gratitude It is also a kind of cultivation.

tolerant Teach children to learn "psychological transposition".

Optimism opens the door to a bright future for children.

Confidence, building the golden triangle of children's motivation.

Honesty is the passport of children's life.

Diligence, cultivate children's diligent "bee" spirit.

Etiquette is the "card" of children's social interaction.

Responsibility, implant the sense of responsibility into children's heart garden.

Be strong, let the young shoulder not be afraid of difficulties.

Self determination, let the space for growth be more free.

(5) To be a "financial adviser" for children

Teach children to learn rational consumption, and prevent children from following“ money ”Look, give children the knowledge of pocket money.

good habit Decide the future of children

Cultivate children's spirit of cooperation, cherish time like gold, and have a knack for scheduling. Cultivate children's habit of labor and good living habits. Save, make life richer, and cultivate children's habit of learning. Good hygiene, good body , train children to be good thinking Habits, cultivate good manners and manners.

(7) Dad's "quality education"

Explore creativity and give children eyes that are good at discovering. Improve understanding and let children start from reading. Concentrate and develop the habit of concentration. Enhance memory and give children golden efficiency. Let children have colorful sky by using their imagination. Exercise observation and stimulate children's curiosity.

(8) 11 "Don't"

Don't let fatherly love lose its reason

Don't let your children always revolve around your "thoughts"

Don't always limit children to the authority of their father

Don't judge children by their own "standards"

Don't impose your interests on children

Don't "pay" for children's mistakes

Don't measure children with "scores"

Don't always emphasize children's "weaknesses"

Don't plan your child's life, let him explore it by himself.

Don't play hardball with rebellious children. The key is guidance.

Don't encourage children's vanity

(9) Seven sentences that hurt children most

"You are so stupid"

"Get out of here"

"For so many years, you have been fed for nothing".

"Don't you see I'm busy? I'll talk about it later".

"See how I deal with you"

"Look at the XX next door. It's much better than you.".

"Don't think that when you grow up, I can't control you".

(10) Six details of father's education

Love ratio money More important

Punctuality is to keep your integrity foundation

Don't let children be confined to their own world

Turn setbacks into opportunities for children's growth

No matter how rich you are, you have to suffer

Don't be pitiful, be responsible for yourself.

(11) "13 magic weapons" to improve children's competitiveness

Focus - let children focus

Bearing - learn to bear external pressure

Challenge - summon up courage to climb to the peak of victory

Distinguishing between right and wrong is the foundation of society

Cooperation -- cultivating teamwork ability

Eloquence -- Lotus with tongue, making a better life

Reflection - Let children not make the same mistakes

Win or lose - face victory and failure correctly

Communication -- the dissolver of suspicion and confrontation

Affinity -- being a popular person

Responsibility - competitiveness over ability

Contingency -- let the mind break through the cage

(12) Let children love learning

Don't be a "high-pressure" father

Find the interest that captured children's learning

Do not "label" children

Timely adopt "shepherd style" education

Cleverly set "traps" to stimulate children's thirst for knowledge

Turn disadvantages into advantages: low land becomes sea, low people become king

(13) Give children time to have fun

Give the child a good environment to have fun

Make the best use of the situation to teach and enjoy

Let children no longer "love each other"

Ignite children's imagination

Be a role model for children

Urge him with "consequences" in time

Timely praise children's "love learning"

Cultivating "self-management" is fundamental

(14) Cultivate children's "specialty"

Be a child's eye "Bole"

Maintain children's enterprising interest

Push the boat along the current to be an "effective" branch.

Don't let children's enthusiasm "sleep soundly"

Take precautions, starting from "strengths".

(15) Seven lessons that change a child's life

Example teaching: qualified father, the beginning of excellent children.

Communication class: better communication and better understanding

Responsibility lesson: Dad is the water, and children are the rudder of progress.

Critical lesson: guide children to enter the correct channel

Praise class: Don't be stingy with praise

Happiness class: plant a "sunflower" and harvest a positive life.

Love class: shaping children's healthy personality

Success lesson: plant good seeds and grow rich fruits. "If you care, there are complaints everywhere.

Hope for a good article Brother Yunyang Taoge To help share or promote, please poke the icon I want to submit. I want to contribute

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