China Military Network
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A scientific guide to comprehensively promoting the cause of building a strong military in the new era

The Party's absolute leadership over the army is the foundation of the people's army and the soul of building a strong army

A strong country must strengthen its military

Build the People's Army into a world-class military

The army is ready to fight

Promote high-quality development of our military

Reform is the only way to build a strong military

Technology is the core combat effectiveness

The way to build a strong army is to get people

Improve the rule of law in national defense and military construction

Consolidate and improve the strategic system and capacity of integrated countries

Excellent style is the distinctive feature and political advantage of our army

Firmly grasp the contemporary Chinese Marxist military concept and methodology

Anchoring the goal of building a strong military and promoting the overall progress of grass-roots construction

To achieve the goal of building a strong military, the foundation is at the grass-roots level. As an important component of the national defense mobilization system, the military sub division and the Ministry of People's Armed Forces are at the forefront of national defense mobilization and reserve force construction, with special status and important role. [Detailed]

The military forum strengthens the idea of seeking combat effectiveness from reform

To strengthen the idea of seeking combat effectiveness from reform, we must recognize the internal relationship between reform and the building of combat effectiveness, promote the reform in depth with the spirit of continuous relaxation, further liberate and develop combat effectiveness, so that the source of combat effectiveness will continue to flow and the level of combat effectiveness will continue to improve. [Detailed]

Ideological front: improve the level of legalization of national defense and military construction

On the new journey, we will comprehensively implement the strategy of running the military according to law, accelerate the fundamental transformation of the way of running the military, improve the level of the rule of law in national defense and military construction, and provide strong legal support for building a strong military. [Detailed]

Make "hard fingers" into "iron fists"

After the reform, the barriers of the leadership and command system "alliance" of our army have been broken, and the mechanism of "alliance" has been established, but the construction of the joint battle command system is not once and for all. [Detailed]

The Transformation and Upgrading of Development Effectiveness -- How to See the Comprehensive Strengthening of Military Governance

On the new journey, we should strengthen our mission, carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation, comprehensively strengthen military governance, and use new military governance to boost the new development of the cause of building a strong military. [Detailed]