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A brigade of the 77th Group Army focuses on the future battlefield to forge a battle oriented talent matrix

Source: China Military Network - PLA Daily Author: Li Jiahao, Zhao Yunqiao, Cai Tong Editor in charge: Yi Xilam
2024-04-29 06:20:26

A brigade of the 77th Group Army focuses on the future battlefield to forge a battle oriented talent matrix——

Let pilots become excellent fighters

■ Special correspondent of PLA Daily Li Jiahao Correspondent Zhao Yunqiao Cai Tong

In mid April, a cross day and night flight training was carried out in a brigade of the 77th Group Army. When the theoretical flight duration limit was reached, the pilot Huang Xinglei was replaced from the cabin and the backup pilot Su Jie took over. The leader of the brigade introduced that the backup pilot took over the flight to ensure continuous training and prolong the continuous operation time of the fighter.

"The battle hawks need skilled pilots to fight in the sky. Once the pilots are unable to fly, they will be replaced by backup pilots." Leaders of the brigade introduced that in order to solve this problem, in recent years, they have taken the old to lead the new, multi post training and other ways to solidly hone young pilots' multi model flight ability, to ensure that they can fly at any time when necessary Ready to fight.

Pilot Su Jie is one of the outstanding young pilots in the brigade. He can not only fly two main combat aircraft, but also win good results in professional post competition organized by the brigade. During an air ground confrontation training, the guidance and control team suddenly gave the special situation that "the helicopter was slightly damaged after being hit by the 'enemy', and the pilot was injured". In an emergency, Su Jie, as a backup pilot, took over and effectively handled several simulated special situations to successfully complete the follow-up tasks.

"When the backup pilot comes on the field, he performs exactly the same task as the pilot planned to fly, which requires that we have the ability to take over any position at any time," Su Jie told reporters.

"Flight talents have excellent fighting ability, and they have more confidence in winning in the battlefield." Leaders of the brigade introduced that with the growing number of young pilots with excellent comprehensive quality, the full staffing rate of the brigade's main combat posts has exceeded the requirements for combat dispatch rate.

In order to accelerate the growth of young pilots, they also pay attention to the role of excellent pilots as "yeast" and "seed"——

Not long ago, pilot Yang Qugang received a task: as the backbone of pre storage, he went to the friendly forces to participate in the modification training of a new aircraft type in advance.

"In recent years, with the vigorous development of the army aviation, the army has been constantly equipped with new aircraft types. In order to avoid the situation of 'equipment and other talents', we also undertake the task of preparing talents to refit, so as to ensure that the army can quickly form combat effectiveness after receiving the equipment," Yang Qugang said.

Modification training means that a lot of knowledge and skills need to be learned from scratch. During that time, Yang Qugang sacrificed his rest time and studied books according to his study plan; When having dinner, he would always sit beside the teachers and communicate technical details with them; In training, he was the first to wear the coat and the last to leave the cabin. He said: "Only when we have found out the new equipment and returned to the unit can we become a good coach."

A group of mature pilots, a group of trained pilots, a group of reserved pilots... With the full play of the role of outstanding pilots, the quality and efficiency of the training of young pilots in the brigade are constantly improving, forming a good situation of stable structure and echelon ratio. Since last year, more than 40 pilots of the brigade have been hardened and tempered, and have successively taken the posts of flight commander, flight instructor and captain.

Moreover, changes in the "sky" also affect the "ground". Due to the significant increase of helicopter dispatch rate, the flight mission is increasingly heavy, and the burden on the ground crew is also obviously heavier.

A series of practical measures, such as organizing training in cross disciplinary fields, carrying out post training activities, optimizing the training mechanism for sending students to school, have pressed the "accelerator" for the construction of the ground service talent team. Since last year, a total of dozens of people in the brigade have successfully passed the maintenance level assessment, and more than 400 sergeants have passed the professional skills assessment. Mechanic Wen Jilin has won second class honors for finding and effectively handling major safety hazards. When talking about this, Wen Jilin said: "Only by upgrading our capabilities as soon as possible can we catch up with the wings of the eagle."

Short comments

Practice strong winning ability in the "extra preparation"

Luo Yunzhong

"A single wire does not form a line, and a single tree does not form a forest." In the combat effectiveness chain, every officer and soldier is closely connected with the combat system. Once a link is destroyed, the whole system may be paralyzed. A brigade of the 77th Group Army has solidly cultivated a team of excellent young pilots to ensure that they can fly and fight at any time when necessary, laying a solid talent foundation for winning the future battlefield.

In actual combat, the troops may face dangerous and difficult situations at any time. This requires all levels to strengthen the system thinking, strengthen the "backup thinking", focus on the worst, do enough backup work for each other, and ensure that the ability to win is strengthened and the confidence to win is accumulated in the "extra hand".

For officers and soldiers, we must abandon the misconceptions that "the task is not my turn" and "fighting has nothing to do with me", take the "responsibility of backup" with the "ambition of the protagonist", constantly enhance the sense of responsibility, overall awareness, and sense of place filling, practice hard to prepare for war, and be ready to fight at any time, so as to ensure that in any case we can call, fight, and win.