Tear eyes! The 93 year old veteran died and found three pieces of shrapnel crystals in his ashes
Source: August 1 video on China Military Network Author: Zheng Xinyu Editor: Li Xiaolin 2024-05-16 08:33:25

Tear eyes! The 93 year old veteran died and found three pieces of shrapnel crystals in his ashes

On April 28, Gao Xingkuan, a 93 year old veteran of the Anti Japanese War in Ezhou City, Hubei Province, died. After the cremation of the body, the funeral staff found three pieces of shrapnel crystals in its ashes. Hail to the veteran! (Source of video material: Jingchu. com)

  • Source: August 1 video of China Military Network
  • Author: Zheng Xinyu
  • Edit: Li Xiaolin
  • release: 2024-05-16 08:33:25

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