Welcome to Shanghai Qifa Experimental Reagent Co., Ltd!
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News&Articles / NEWS AND ARTICLE
Eaglebio F2131-K01 Spot - Shanghai Start

EagleBiosciences is a company headquartered in New Hampshire, the United States, focusing on providing high-quality and innovative experimental reagents, kits and related services for life science research, clinical diagnosis and drug research and development. Since its establishment, Yingpai Biotechnology has always been committed to providing customers with good products and services to meet various scientific research and diagnostic needs

About us / ABOUT US

Shanghai Qifa Experimental Reagent Co., Ltd., a professional small brand agent, was founded in 2009 with a registered capital of 5 million yuan. It has an office and storage building of 1100 square meters in Chuansha, Pudong. The company focuses on the sales of life science research reagents, instruments, consumables and other research supplies. At present, there are more than 20 employees, representing more than 100 independent brands (Li Ji) and biotechnology brands (more than 10 manufacturers, more than 90 primary agents). The product line involves immunology, cell biology, molecular biology reagents and consumables. The brands mainly include: ALSTEM, EnzymeResearch, GeneBridges, Innovative Research of America, Pel FreezTriLink, BIOCHAIN, glenresearchiNtRON and other brands, most of which have a spot inventory of 10 million. At the same time, Qifa has maintained good cooperation with more than 500 domestic agents, many of which have good purchase prices. Qifa has more than 3000 industrial customers, business contacts with nearly 60% of biological and pharmaceutical companies, and more than 4000 dealers all over the country. Qifa has its own QQ, and cooperates with more than 20 purchase platforms, covering the market, Customers can easily and conveniently purchase our products through online and offline shopping channels. Qifa has 10 years of experience in biological reagent import customs declaration, with nearly 10 tickets of biological reagent import every day, and also began to serve Qifa externally

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