[Steamed Eggplant] Procedure Chart Eggplant is delicious and delicious 5 times a week, not satisfying

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In summer, the beans, peppers and eggplant It has never stopped. These foods are not only nutritious, but also very cheap when they were last season. Some time ago, when I made eggboxes, the whole family ate round bellies. So today I would like to share with you a delicious way of cooking eggplant, steamed eggplant. Don't steam eggplant directly in the pot. Let me teach you this trick. Eggplant is delicious and delicious. It's not satisfying five times a week.

 Picture [1] - Procedure of [Steamed Eggplant] Eggplant is delicious and delicious 5 times a week, not satisfying - Dancing Recipe Website



Steamed eggplant is very common menu , but it also needs some tips to taste good. Many friends said that the steamed eggplant was not tasty, and that they did not know how long it would take to steam it. Some friends steamed it for more than ten minutes, but the eggplant was still hard, as if it was not thoroughly cooked. Here are detailed answers for everyone. Steamed eggplant is nutritious and delicious. Eating eggplant often can prevent hypertension, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Friends who like to eat eggplant can collect it. It is very simple. They can often cook it when they learn it.

[Steamed Eggplant]

1、 Ingredients: 3 eggplants, 5 garlic cloves, 1 green and 1 red pepper, a little pepper powder, a little pepper powder, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon rice vinegar, some salt, a little sesame oil, and some edible oil.

2、 How to steam eggplant:

1. Prepare all the ingredients. Rub the eggplant skin with salt and then rinse it with water. If you want eggplant, it is easier to taste it. We use a rolling pin to gently tap eggplant to soften its inner core. Then use a knife to cut the end. Cut the end and leave it longer, because the end is also very delicious. Then cut the remaining side in half and deal with the eggplant in this way.

 Picture [2] - Procedure of [Steamed Eggplant] Eggplant is delicious and delicious 5 times a week, not satisfying - Dancing Recipe Website



2. Start a steamer and pour the eggplant into the pot with cold water. Don't forget the eggplant butt, and put it in together. Put on the lid and boil it on high heat. After steaming, adjust it to medium heat and continue steaming for 10 minutes. If the whole eggplant is steamed, it will not be easy to ripen in the middle. It is recommended to cut it in half for better steaming. If the whole eggplant has to be steamed, then use a toothpick to insert some holes on the surface of the eggplant, which can also perfectly solve the problem that the core is still hard after 10 minutes of steaming.

 Picture [3] - [Steamed Eggplant] Procedure Diagram Eggplant is delicious and delicious 5 times a week, but it's not satisfying - Dancing Recipe Website



3. At this time, we will prepare the sauce, clean the garlic, chop it into minced garlic and put it into a bowl. Remove the seeds of the red pepper, and then cut it into thin wires, and then cut it into small pieces with a knife and put it into a bowl. The green pepper is also seeded first, then cut into thin filaments, and then cut into small pieces and put them into a bowl. Now come to season, add a little pepper, a little pepper, and then burn a little hot oil, pour it on these ingredients, fully stimulate the flavor of the ingredients. Add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar, a little sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of white granulated sugar to freshen up, 1 teaspoon of salt, and then use chopsticks to mix evenly, and our sauce will be ready.

 Picture [4] - [Steamed Eggplant] Procedure Diagram: Eggplant is delicious and delicious 5 times a week, but it's not satisfying - Dancing Recipe Website



4. At this time, our eggplant has also been cooked, because it has been knocked with a rolling pin, so it is particularly easy to mature. Take out the eggplant, we tear it into thin strips by hand, put it on the plate, and take out the stalk. Finally, pour the sauce we just mixed, and the delicious steamed eggplant will be ready. It is simple, nutritious and delicious. When eating, use eggplant to wrap the sauce, which is delicious and juicy. It's delicious and delicious, and it's not enough to cook three at a time.

 Picture [5] - [Steamed Eggplant] Procedure Diagram: Eggplant is delicious and delicious 5 times a week, but it is not satisfying - Dancing Recipe Website



 Picture [6] - [Steamed Eggplant] Procedure Diagram: Eggplant is delicious and delicious 5 times a week, but it is not satisfying - Dancing Recipe Website




The practice of steaming eggplant shared today is over. It is very simple and easy to do. As long as you remember these tips, you can also make delicious steamed eggplant. Other friends like eggplant steamed out bright color, so just cut the eggplant, put it in clean water, add a little white vinegar, and soak it for a few minutes. The color of eggplant steamed out is very beautiful. There are many eggplant practices. Later, I will share more eggplant practices with you. If you like it, please pay attention to it and collect it.

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