fast stable Efficient convenient

Basic cloud computing services to create a stable and efficient system

Knight Internet green low-power data center, high-quality network, T-level bandwidth access, super large-scale distributed infrastructure, new generation intelligent automatic operation and maintenance and super strong cloud security team will escort your cloud business. It provides a full range of computing, network and storage products to meet the IT needs of different scenarios. The Knight Internet expert team provides you with excellent solution support.

View details

High specification data center

A number of green data center technology innovations, professional operation and maintenance to improve the level of IT facilities

Efficient and stable computing services

Knight Interconnect has used cluster management and system optimization technology for many years to provide stable computing power

Reliable and secure storage services

Multi level data storage solution to ensure data storage security

  • Domain name registration

    Establish a website, starting from domain name registration

  • Virtual host

    10 years of IDC virtual host experience

  • ECS

    Hong Kong ECS, Buy Now, Use Now

  • Cmail

    Save trouble, money and worry

  • Stand alone server

    Physical server with strong performance

Domain name registration

It is a reliable choice for domestic users. Multiple types of domain names can be registered independently.
Knight Internet provides reliable technical support to meet users' domain name needs in a one-stop manner and to protect the website security stably!

View domain name registration

Customer Stories

Rich and reliable intelligent cloud products

Efficient and stable intelligent cloud products and services provide you with cost-effective cloud services

More reliable data support

High security and high reliability data support to ensure your data practice in an all-round way

  • ten thousand eight hundred and ninety

    resist an attack

  • ninety-nine point seven


    Data reliability

  • one hundred

    Members enjoy discounts

  • 7X24

    Customer service support

Cloud products make it easier for enterprises to go to the cloud

Knight Internet's excellent cloud service can meet the all-round needs of your business

Start your business now Registered member Manage your products Login user

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