Title Thesis Contribution_ Journal Contribution_ Journal Contribution_

Journal and magazine contribution mode

  • QQ contribution:
  • Email contribution:
  • Consulting telephone:


Journal submission process:

 Submission process

  • Upload your own contributions from email or QQ. (There are submission requirements below)
  • We will review the submitted manuscript and publish it after passing the review.
  • You will be notified if you are employed.
  • Pay for the layout fees. You can view the specific fees( Publication price of professional title papers ), or contact us to inquire.
  • After finalization, you will wait for a while, and the journal will publish your article.
  • A copy will be presented to you after the publication of the journal.

Requirements for contributions to journals

 Periodical publication and contribution

Basic requirements for journals:

  • 1. The reproduction ratio must be within 30% and the journal within 20%.
  • 2. The article should not have sensitive topics and do not involve politics (especially Japanese culture).
  • 3. Soft advertising is not allowed.
  • 4. In line with the scope of contribution solicitation of the journal (for example, economic contributions cannot be published in Engineering Technology).
  • 5. The electronic version of word document shall be adopted for all incoming documents.

Character requirements for journals:

  • 1. General journals start from the first edition, with 2000-3000 words, most of which are about 2500.
  • 2. The number of characters in the published statistics is based on the number of characters (counting spaces). If there are tables and figures, attention should be paid to the accounting layout (one figure is about 300-500 characters, and one table is about 300-500 characters).

Format requirements for journals:

  • 1. Title: generally no more than 20 Chinese characters (except subtitles); The title in the text shall be concise and clear, and the level shall not be too much, and the serial number shall indicate;
  • 2. Abstract: It is written in the third person ("article" can be used instead of "article" or "author"); All papers with document identification codes of A, B and C should be attached with Chinese abstracts, with a length of 100-300 words;
  • 3. Article structure: title, author, author unit, abstract, keywords, article body, references, address, zip code;

 Paper publishing and submission

  • 4. Body format:
  1. The structure shall be rigorous, the expression shall be concise, the semantics shall be accurate, the argument shall be clear, the argument shall be sufficient, the quotation shall be standardized, and the data shall be accurate.
  2. The manuscript shall be reliable, accurate, creative, scientific and practical. The argument should be novel, the argument should be sufficient, the data should be reliable, and the words should be refined.
  3. The article should be carefully worded, clear and refined, and remember the large articles with empty content.
  4. The charts are numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and follow the corresponding content of the text, and are indicated in the text as shown in a chart. Figures and tables shall have short and exact titles. The figure number and figure name shall be placed under the figure, and the table number and table name shall be placed on the table. Three line tables shall be used as far as possible.
  5. Key words: generally, 3~5 articles can be selected for each article.
  6. References: select 3~5 main references, and indicate the citation author, source, version and other details.

Other requirements for journals

  • 1. If the topics involved in the paper have obtained special funds or key research projects at or above the national or ministerial or provincial level, they should be noted below the text of the article.
  • 2. The editorial department of the journal office has the right to edit the contributions.
  • 3. The content of the manuscript should be the latest research results in the field of management informatization and the advanced experience in practical work, with innovative ideas. It should not repeat, imitate or even copy the achievements of others. Remember the piecemeal articles. The contribution shall be at his own responsibility.



Review of published articles zero