Provincial education periodicals What are the contents of periodicals? Thesis publishing website

What are the educational periodicals? You can query the catalog of provincial educational journals on this paper publishing website to get the educational cn journals that teachers want to know. This website provides a detailed catalog of provincial educational journals for teachers to refer to when publishing and submitting their papers

Knowledge Power Magazine_provincial periodicals (free manuscript review) included on China Journal Network


Published on October 29, 2023 at 19:12:22 Source: Official website of Knowledge Power magazine

Guide: The invitation letter information published on the official website of Knowledge Power Magazine is as follows. This journal is relatively cheap and preferential among all provincial journals. And most of the content is about education, which is very suitable for teachers to publish professional title papers. Moreover, this journal is published very quickly, and the Internet is also very fast. If you want to publish a paper in the Knowledge Power Journal, please contact our teacher Li

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New Wisdom Magazine Office_provincial-level Journals_CNKI Collection (free review)


Published at 12:26:37 on October 29, 2023 Source: official website of New Smart Magazine

Guide: New Wisdom Magazine's official website solicits contributions as follows. You can read the following content in detail. New Wisdom is a high-quality provincial journal in Hubei Province, which is included by CNKI. The paper publishing price is also relatively favorable, which is very suitable for the majority of teachers to submit papers. Although it is a comprehensive journal, this journal focuses on education, and teachers can submit their contributions with confidence. How about New Smart Magazine? okay? New wisdom journal published comments

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Is it reliable in and out of Chinese class? How about magazines in and out of Chinese class


Published on 22:47:21, August 20, 2023 Source: Official website of magazine office inside and outside Chinese class

Reading guide: The magazine in and out of class of Chinese can be seen from the name of the magazine. The magazine is specially prepared for Chinese teachers. The three words "in and out of class" in the name of the magazine in and out of class of Chinese make people feel that it contains all the contents of the language type. It is a good magazine Which Chinese teacher in the primary school wants to publish the title paper of Chinese, you can directly contact the editor of this website, Mr. Li's (

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In and out of Chinese class magazine office (journal contribution)


Published on 22:16:48, August 20, 2023 Source: Official website of magazine office inside and outside Chinese class

G4 Letters for soliciting contributions to the magazine "Chinese in and out of class" Introduction to the magazine "Chinese in and out of class": Guide: The magazine "Chinese in and out of class" is officially approved by the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China, managed by the Education Bureau of Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, and sponsored by the magazine office "Chinese in and out of class". International standard serial number: ISSN1672-1896; National standard serial number: CN51-1649/G4. Founded in 1985, it is a national outstanding academic period published publicly at home and abroad

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Success Magazine (journal contribution)


Published on August 14, 2023 at 19:11:45 Source: official website of Success Magazine

Success magazine solicitation letter has been successfully closed! If you want to publish other publications, you can contact me with QQ above! I'm not in the club. If there is a problem, just call the book! Introduction to Success Magazine: Approved by the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China and sponsored by Hubei Changjiang Newspapers and Media Group (Hubei Education Newspapers and Periodicals Agency), Success Magazine is a core educational and teaching magazine that is open to the public at home and abroad

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Tianjin Education Magazine (journal contribution)


Published on August 2, 2023 at 13:17:23 Source: official website of Tianjin Education Magazine

Introduction to Tianjin Education Magazine: Tianjin Education Magazine is a professional guidance publication on education and teaching in China, which is in the charge of Tianjin Municipal Education Commission and sponsored by Tianjin Education Press. How about Tianjin Education Magazine? okay? Since its inception, it has always adhered to the combination of theory and practice, paid equal attention to popularization and improvement, advocated service innovation, promoted the development of education, and served teaching research and education

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Chinese World Magazine (journal contribution)


Published at 18:19:58 on July 28, 2023 Source: official website of Chinese World Magazine

Letter of Solicitation of Chinese World Magazine Introduction to Chinese World Magazine: How about Chinese World Magazine? okay? Is it reliable to publish papers in Chinese World Journals? "Chinese World" magazine was founded in 1994. It is the cover of the provincial Chinese professional education periodical sponsored by Harbin Normal University and supervised by Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education. It is approved by the National Press and Publication Administration and is open to the public

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Western Quality Education Magazine (journal contribution)


Published at 16:34:54 on July 18, 2023 Source: official website of Western Quality Education Magazine

Introduction to Western Quality Education Magazine: How about Western Quality Education Magazine? okay? Is it reliable to publish papers in western quality education journals? Western Quality Education Magazine is an educational academic journal (G4) which is managed/sponsored by Qinghai People's Publishing House and directed by the Teachers' Further Education Branch of China Education International Exchange Association

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Contemporary Teaching and Research Series Magazine (journal contribution)

Published at 13:59:38 on July 18, 2023 Source: official website of contemporary teaching and research journal

Introduction to contemporary teaching and research journals: How about contemporary teaching and research journals? okay? Is it reliable to publish papers in contemporary teaching and research journals? Contemporary Teaching and Research Series is an educational professional journal jointly run by Heilongjiang Writers Association and published at home and abroad. It is an excellent journal based on the author's authority in scientific research and promotion. The contemporary teaching and research journal is a provincial journal, with Zhiwang database and Wanfang database complete

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Journal and magazine office of "The Way to Success" (contribution)


Published at 16:36:29, July 17, 2023 Source: Official website of the magazine

Journals and magazines on the way to success: How about magazines on the way to success? okay? Is it reliable to publish papers in journals? The Journey of Becoming a Talent was founded in 1999 and published ten days a year. Officially approved by the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China, it is a provincial large-scale educational journal focusing on talent and focusing on the educational and teaching achievements of front-line teachers

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