Senior Kindergarten Thesis (Selected 10)

Guide: What we recommend today is about 2000 words - 3000 words of the model essay on the kindergarten large class. The kindergarten large class is an important stage in the growth of children, and the education in this stage has a profound impact on the development of children. This paper aims to explore the characteristics, objectives and methods of kindergarten large class education.

 Senior Kindergarten Thesis

Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 1

Topic: Talking about the regular training of large class children in kindergarten

Abstract: The routine training of children mainly includes the following aspects:; Such as routine cultivation of behavior and personal habits, routine cultivation of health, routine cultivation of learning and sports activities, etc.

Key words: kindergarten; Large class; child; Routine culture

Helping children develop good personal habits can better complete the process of transition from one stage to another. At the same time, the routine training of children is also an important part of the daily work of the class, which is an important teaching means conducive to the development of children. With the continuous growth of children's age, their self-control ability and the ability to distinguish between wrong and wrong have been developed and improved accordingly, which provides a strong foundation and guarantee for the regular training of large class children.

1、 The dedication of love and the guidance of heart

As a teacher, we should give more love and patience to children in the daily routine training, guide them with heart, improve the good image of teachers in children's hearts, and enable children to fully trust teachers. In the daily activities of the kindergarten, we should feel the children's words and deeds carefully, not blindly criticize the children, think that what the children do is wrong, bad, when problems occur, we should patiently ask the children why they do it, there are no other reasons we do not know to urge them to do so. When we get the answer, we will educate children according to the actual situation. When children perform well on a problem, for example;

Be polite to other children and teachers, be able to eat all the food independently, tidy up their own things or make their own quilts independently, etc. At this time, the teacher should give certain praise and encouragement;

Teachers should often say to children: "You are great, you are doing well, you are the best." We should communicate with parents in a timely manner for children's progress in any aspect, so that children can have a more sense of achievement, enhance their self-confidence and self-esteem, and encourage them to consciously develop good behavior habits.

2、 Set an example

For children in large classes, the requirement for independence has been raised, and children's initiative should be given full play in the regular designation of classes. For example, I have set up a "small bookcase" for each child in the class. Since this small bookcase is available, children's school supplies can be placed neatly by themselves, and it reduces unnecessary waiting for our teaching activities. For example, the open regional environment allows children to play, and the rules in the area can be faithfully executed under the leadership of the regional duty student, so that the bad habit of chasing each other in the class has been eliminated.

In order to better educate children, our teachers should constantly improve their own quality and self-cultivation, take themselves as the example of children, infect children with good and standardized behavior, and give children standardized image edification. If children study and play in a clean classroom every day, the teacher's appearance is clean, the objects are placed in order, and the communication between teachers is cordial and friendly. Just like the story of "Three Movements of Mencius and Mencius", children can be imperceptibly influenced by this good influence in their daily study and life. Because teachers can say that they have more contact with children and children have deep feelings. Many children take their teachers as models and objects of imitation. At this time, children have strong imitation ability and like to imitate the way adults speak, live and get along with others.

We can also use the example incentive method. When children learn good behavior habits from teachers or parents, we should give them some praise and affirmation, and also give them appropriate rewards, such as;

Reward children with small safflower, small stamp or some candy, etc. Let children know what kind of behavior is good. "They should learn, so that they can constantly change their bad personal habits in such repetition. Because at this time, children's discrimination of wrong is still very vague, and they only attach great importance to the praise and rewards of adults. Our teachers can just make effective use of this to give timely recognition and praise to children's good behavior habits, especially children who obey the regular discipline, and set a small example for other children. In this way, children can develop good personal habits. The best way to affirm and praise children's good behavior and consolidate their good personal behavior. Be valued, liked, affirmed and praised by others for each child's psychological needs, and encourage and affirm children to meet their psychological needs in a timely manner.

3、 Repeated consolidation and persistence

(1) We should pay attention to the proper ways and methods in the daily routine training, not to rush for success, but to start from small things and little by little in a step-by-step manner. From simple to complex, through such a process, children gradually develop good habits. Here we should pay special attention to;

The stability of children is not strong, and their ability to accept and understand new behaviors or things is very different. Teachers should give different guidance according to the different characteristics of each child, communicate with children more and give patient guidance.

(2) Once children's good behavior habits are established, they need to continue to consolidate and strengthen. This consolidation requires teachers to regularly check and comment on children's behavior habits, so that children can consciously form and abide by good behavior habits in daily life. On the basis of consolidation, teachers should encourage children to adhere to good personal habits. For example;

When washing hands and going out, crowded and noisy situations often occur. At this time, teachers should give children proper reminders, but the effect did not meet the expectations. At this time, teachers need to remind and standardize repeatedly to achieve the best effect. Individual criticism education should be carried out for individual children with poor behavior habits. After a period of time, the children in the big class can develop and follow the corresponding rules.

(3) To make children form a good daily code of conduct, here we should pay special attention to adhere to. The cultivation of individual behavior does not take a day. It is the so-called "Rome is not built in a day". Teachers should develop a set of limited conventional cultivation methods, and combine daily conventional cultivation and learning to make children in large classes reach the required level. A set of methods should have a unified standard and implementation. Teachers of one course cannot strictly abide by it, and teachers of another course cannot strictly abide by it, which makes children loose and tight, and is not conducive to the formation of children's conventional habits. Only a unified standard and a unified implementation can keep the routine training of children in a stable state.

4、 Conclusion

The routine of children, the display of the collective image of a class, also reflects the level of class management of teachers in charge. I think that as long as we have love and perseverance, and promote the formation of children's good personal habits through a variety of ways, a class will certainly develop actively and healthily, and become a home for every child to grow up happily. The cultivation of children's routine education and good personal habits can not be achieved overnight. As a kindergarten teacher, we should start from every bit of the cultivation of children and make unremitting efforts to cultivate children in a routine way for a long time. Mr. Chen Heqin once said: Only by forming good habits can one be used for life;

On the contrary, bad habits will affect his life. Bad personal habits are not only harmful to children's physical and mental health, but also affect children's communication ability and interpersonal harmony to a certain extent. Routine education in kindergartens plays an important role in the development of children in all aspects. Therefore, we should carry out systematic and regular training for children in daily infant management, be a conscientious person everywhere, create a good educational environment for children, and let them develop a sense of self service from an early age. Help them develop good personal habits. Of course, teachers are not alone, but the whole society and family need to give us more attention and support, starting from children, teachers and parents, to lay a solid foundation for children's future development.


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 2

Title: Research on Mathematics Teaching of Large Class in Kindergarten

Abstract: With the deepening of preschool education reform, the kindergarten education model is quietly changing, and new education concepts have gradually penetrated into the preschool education curriculum. As a key point of teaching, mathematics teaching in middle and large classes for children should effectively implement strategies and train students, which is the primary task of our teachers. This article takes the mathematics teaching activities of the large class in kindergarten as an example to explore the effectiveness of mathematics teaching activities.

Key words: kindergarten; Large class; Mathematics teaching; Teaching strategies


Mathematics is an important part of preschool education, and also an important learning content in early childhood. Children's thinking is a whole structure. In mathematics education, children's mathematical development is only a superficial phenomenon. The most important thing is to promote the development of children's thinking structure through learning. Mathematical knowledge is changeable, while mathematical thinking is ever-changing. If we cultivate children's mathematical thinking in early childhood, it is of great significance to their in-depth mathematical learning. The composition of numbers is an important part of the content of the education of the concept of numbers. The composition education of numbers within 10 is carried out in the large class to guide children to explore, experience and feel some simple quantitative relationships contained in them, such as the inclusion relationship between the total number and the part number, the equal relationship, the exchange relationship, the complementary relationship, and the order of division and integration, It should be said that it is to endow children with an intellectual potential ability to acquire new knowledge, help them solve some problems in daily life, and have important value in promoting the development of children's thinking.

1、 Improving the Effectiveness of Mathematics Teaching Activities through Life oriented Teaching

Early childhood education is a kind of enlightenment education. In the process of early childhood education, teachers should allow children to obtain rich mathematical content. Taking the mathematics teaching activity of Understanding Single and Double Numbers as an example, teachers can make children understand the role of the mathematics teaching content in life, thus forming correct mathematical thinking, so as to learn single and double numbers. In this regard, I think teachers can introduce the scenes in life through the teaching of odd and even numbers: "people have two eyes and one mouth", "one hand has five fingers, which is odd, and two hands have ten fingers, which is even". The introduction of such teaching not only effectively arouses children's enthusiasm for learning, but also effectively urges children to fully feel the impact of mathematics in life, so that children can continue to explore and study mathematics in life, effectively improving children's mathematical learning ability and improving the effectiveness of mathematical teaching activities.

2、 Improve the effectiveness of mathematics teaching activities through interesting games

Teachers are the planners and guides of children's mathematics teaching activities, but it cannot be ignored that children are the main body in mathematics teaching activities. Children are still in the period of ignorance, and their interest in this stage is easily changed by external factors. Therefore, teachers should fully combine these characteristics of children and design games that can attract children to learn mathematics. Taking the teaching of Decomposition and Composition within 10 as an example, teachers can design games for teaching content, so that children can master the knowledge essentials of decomposition and composition within 10 through games. For example, ten cards can be made, and the number of one to ten can be put on the ten cards. Teachers can play games with children after completing theoretical teaching. The teacher takes out the card, for example, a card with nine written on it. The teacher can ask the child how many cards the card can consist of, and guide the child to solve the problem with multiple cards, such as cards with one and eight, two and seven, three and six, four and five, and so on. In this way, it can not only improve children's cognition of mathematics, but also effectively improve children's thinking ability and expand children's thinking.

3、 Improve the effectiveness of mathematics teaching activities through mathematics exploration platform

In the past mathematics teaching activities of large classes in kindergartens, little attention was paid to the education of children's age and psychological development, and only the teaching of mathematical knowledge was regarded as the main teaching content. This kind of teaching idea is backward and inappropriate. The Guidelines for Kindergarten Education clearly points out that the main teaching goal of mathematics education in kindergartens should be to stimulate and cultivate children's interest and inquiry desire. Therefore, kindergarten teachers in large classes should correctly recognize that mathematics education for children is mathematics enlightenment education. In mathematics teaching activities, teachers should create a platform for mathematical exploration to stimulate children to love mathematics and become interested in learning mathematics. Taking the "Understanding the Clock" in the large class mathematics teaching activities in kindergarten as an example, teachers can create a platform for mathematical exploration according to the teaching content. The details are as follows: 1. Let each child have a clock model that can move the hour and minute hands; 2.1-12 digital headwear; 3. Wolf headdress and music tape. Through these tools, teachers can guide children to make clocks. In this way, teaching in operation not only improves children's understanding of the clock, but also improves children's practical operation ability, allowing children to learn knowledge in the process of mathematical exploration, and promoting children's all-round development.

4、 Improving the effectiveness of mathematics teaching activities through experimental operation

Due to children's own characteristics, their cognitive knowledge and perception of things come from direct contact, so in terms of mathematical knowledge cognition and exploration, we should effectively promote children's cognition and perception of things. We should collect and carefully select a large number of materials in mathematical teaching activities, so as to guide children to carry out experimental operations, so that children can perceive mathematical knowledge in their own experience, So as to improve the level of mathematical knowledge. For example, in the math teaching activities of the kindergarten's big class in "Addition and Subtraction within 10", teachers can use chalk to let children carry out experimental operations to learn addition and subtraction within 10. Divide the children in the whole class into several groups. Each group is given ten pieces of chalk, and the teacher asks: "List these ten pieces of chalk in the form of addition and subtraction." For example, if one piece of chalk plus two pieces of chalk equals three pieces of chalk, the children can take out one piece of chalk, two pieces of chalk, and three pieces of chalk to arrange them. In this way, children can deepen their knowledge of addition and subtraction within 10.


The above is the author's analysis and discussion on the effectiveness of mathematics teaching activities in large classes in kindergartens. Improving the effectiveness of mathematics teaching activities in large classes in kindergartens can not only expand children's thinking ability and practical operation ability, but also effectively promote the comprehensive development of children's morality, intelligence, physique and beauty. Therefore, large class teachers in kindergartens should pay special attention to improving the effectiveness of teaching activities, laying the foundation for children to explore mathematics, and improving children's mathematical literacy. Therefore, kindergarten teachers in large classes should keep pace with the times, integrate new teaching concepts into the teaching process, so as to improve the effectiveness of teaching activities.


[1] Wang Han Talking about the Cultivation of Children's Interest in Mathematics Activities [J]. Research on Children's Teaching, 20z10 (10)

[2] Lin Huili. Let the joy of mathematics fly in life -- the practice and research of integrating life education into kindergarten mathematics education [J]. China Science and Education Innovation Guide, 20 × 09 (24)


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 3

Topic: Reflections on Music Teaching in Large Classes in Kindergarten

Abstract: At present, in large class teaching in kindergartens, teachers tend to focus on intellectual development, ignoring the important role of music education in the growth of children. This paper analyzes on the problems existing in the current music teaching of large classes in kindergartens, and probes into some corresponding strategies.

Key words: kindergarten; Large class; Music teaching

Music teaching is one of the important ways to improve the comprehensive quality of children in large classes in kindergartens. However, due to the poor abstract thinking ability of students in large classes in kindergartens and their lack of self-control, it is difficult to stimulate students' interest in learning through inappropriate teaching methods. Therefore, teachers should select teaching methods scientifically in teaching, so as to effectively stimulate children's learning interest and make them more like music courses.

1、 The Current Situation of Music Teaching in the Large Class of Kindergarten

At present, in teaching, we can see that there are too many social activities and mathematical activities for large class children, while there are very few class hours for music teaching. Usually, only some moral songs are infiltrated into some social activities. Even if some large classes of kindergartens have music textbooks, they are also randomly selected textbooks. Most of the content is to develop children's intelligence or carry out moral education with the help of music, which weakens the positive impact of music itself on children's physical and mental health development, which makes the music activities of large classes lack independence, or even in an uncontrollable state. On the other hand, most of the teachers in the large class of kindergartens are newly graduated students. Although they are excellent in music skills, such as singing, playing the piano and other aspects, they are lacking in music teaching experience, teaching skills and textbooks, which is not conducive to the improvement of music teaching effectiveness.

2、 Effective Strategies for Improving Music Teaching in Large Classes in Kindergarten

According to the above mentioned problems in the large class music teaching in kindergartens, this paper puts forward some targeted strategies to improve the effectiveness of music teaching and promote the overall development of large class children.

1. Teachers should fully understand the role of music teaching

In the large class music teaching in kindergarten, if teachers want to improve the teaching effectiveness, they must fully understand the role of music teaching. Only in this way can they purposefully organize and implement teaching activities, and ultimately improve the teaching efficiency. Music is like a language, which can be used to exchange people's feelings, ideas and thoughts. In each stage of history, music has shown its unique appeal and cohesion, and its influence can fully prove that music teaching is not an optional minor. In music appreciation, we can not only learn about certain cultural traditions, but also learn about the local customs of the birthplace of music. The large class students in kindergarten can process and adapt the music rhythm and lyrics when learning music, which is the concrete manifestation of children's exploration of the world and development of innovative thinking. On the other hand, kindergarten music is a very comprehensive course. In the process of learning music, children can learn about sports, language, society, nature, mathematics and other fields of knowledge, which has a great role in promoting the comprehensive development of children's moral, intellectual and physical. For example, "Five Fingers Song": "One, two, three, four, five, hit a tiger in the mountain. When the tiger didn't hit, he saw a little squirrel. How many squirrels are there? Let me count them. Count them again and again, one, two, three, four, five." This song not only has a simple and lively music rhythm, but also can learn some digital knowledge. Therefore, large class teachers in kindergartens should fully understand the role of music teaching. Only in this way can they pay more attention to music teaching and effectively complete teaching activities.

2. Pay attention to the important role of teachers in music teaching

Teachers are the main body of music teaching activities. Teachers' interest directly affects children's interest direction. Teachers' professional quality and teaching ability directly affect children's learning effect. Therefore, efficient music teaching in large classes in kindergartens puts forward new and higher requirements for teachers. In actual teaching, kindergartens should actively provide teachers with opportunities to improve their professional knowledge and teaching ability, such as providing teachers with opportunities to share teaching experience regularly, inviting children's music experts to give lectures in kindergartens, and selecting teachers' representatives to study in advanced kindergartens. On the other hand, teachers themselves should also have a strong sense of self-study, constantly learn new music teaching theories and skills for children, always adhere to the "all-round development of children" as the center in daily teaching, and actively try a variety of advanced teaching forms. In classroom teaching, teachers should not only attach importance to the teaching of children's music knowledge, but also attach importance to the guidance of children's emotions. In order to select music teaching materials and teaching methods more appropriately, teachers need to have an accurate grasp of the psychological and physiological characteristics, interests and hobbies of the kindergarten's large class children. This requires teachers to consult as many materials as possible in their spare time to understand the physical and mental characteristics of children of this age, so as to select music teaching materials and teaching methods in a targeted way. For example, some young teachers do not understand the psychological characteristics of the large class students in kindergartens, and the selected teaching materials are too difficult. This situation is not only detrimental to the improvement of children's aesthetic and music literacy, but also makes children have rebellious psychology towards music courses.

3. Flexible selection of various teaching forms to stimulate children's learning enthusiasm

The children in the large class of kindergarten already have a certain understanding of music. Therefore, teachers should flexibly choose appropriate teaching methods according to specific teaching contents in teaching to help students understand music knowledge and acquire music skills more comprehensively and accurately. In actual teaching, teachers can use music appreciation to improve the aesthetic level of large class children, so that children can experience the rich content of music and feel the happy and harmonious rhythm of music. Teachers can also organize children to carry out music creation activities, so that children can adapt their familiar music lyrics into other things they like. For example, teachers can guide them to adapt the lyrics of the children's song "Counting Ducks" into "Counting White Goose". Even if only a few words have been changed, children will feel that they can "write lyrics" and that they are a great child. Under the guidance of this positive emotion, children will enjoy music lessons more.

In a word, children in the large class of kindergarten are in a critical period of rapid physical and mental development, and music teaching has a great impact on their physical and mental development. Therefore, teachers should fully understand the current problems in teaching and actively take measures to deal with them, so as to significantly improve the teaching effect and ultimately promote the healthy and comprehensive development of children.


[1] Ge Xian. Case Analysis of Big Class Music Activity "Magic Music Valley": On the Application of Information Technology in Kindergarten Music Education Activities [J]. Examination Weekly, 201 × 4 (20): 190

[2] Gao Jie. Research on Teachers' Motivational Feedback Language in Large Class Collective Music Teaching Activities [D]. Nanjing Normal University, 201 × 3

[3] Liu Meirong. Reflections on music teaching in large classes of kindergartens [J]. China External Education, 20 × 14 (10): 152


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 4

Topic: Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Large Class Physical Activities in Kindergarten

Abstract: Sports activities are very important in the process of kindergarten teaching, but there are still a series of problems in the actual organization and implementation of children's sports activities. Therefore, kindergarten teachers need to fully realize the importance of physical education, and strive to improve their own principles and methods of physical education, so that kindergarten sports activities can be better carried out, and effectively promote the harmonious development of physical and mental health of children.

Key words: kindergarten large class sports problems countermeasures

The success of China's basic national education is closely related to the actual quality of preschool education, which to a large extent represents the future of the country. The critical period for the sound development of children's physical skills is the early childhood stage. All parents and educators of children pay great attention to the physical and mental health development of children in this period. Kindergarten sports activities can effectively meet the actual needs of children's physical development. At present, preschool physical education has achieved initial results with the joint efforts of the majority of preschool educators, but there are still some problems.

1、 The specific significance of carrying out sports activities in large classes of kindergartens

1. Effectively improve children's coordination ability

Sports activities are of great significance to the physical and mental health development of children. They fully integrate the effective elements of training children's basic movement skills in the fun games, which can enable children to complete a series of basic actions in the process of games, such as walking, running, climbing, jumping, etc., which not only improves children's coordination ability, but also strengthens their balance ability Sports ability and body coordination ability.

2. Help to cultivate children's good character and lively character

The large class students in kindergarten can experience full happiness in appropriate sports activities. The types of sports games suitable for the large class students in kindergarten mainly include dodge games, imitative games, ball games, competitive games and main plot games. These interesting and exercisable games can effectively enhance children's interest in sports activities, Make them develop good character and lively character in the process of completing sports activities.

3. Improve children's cooperation ability and social interaction ability

The large class sports activities in kindergartens are also an important way to effectively improve children's social communication ability. Children can better understand the means of social communication and enhance their understanding of the surrounding world in the virtual situation constructed by teachers. For example, the "two people and three feet" sports game can make children understand the importance of mutual cooperation, let children fully exercise their mutual communication ability in the process of sports games, and effectively cultivate children's cooperation ability [1].

2、 Problems Existing in the Development of Current Kindergarten Large Class Sports Activities

1. Neglect reasonable exercise while reasonably matching the nutrition needed by children's growth

At present, many kindergartens pay too much attention to the reasonable matching of the nutrition needed by children, while ignoring their due physical exercise, which makes it difficult for children to fully release their exuberant energy and make them physically and mentally develop well.

2. Ignoring the competitiveness and interest of sports activities while pursuing the safety of sports activities

Every child is the apple of his or her parents' eyes. Parents' overemphasis on the safety of their children's sports activities often leads kindergarten teachers to be timid in the process of organizing and implementing sports activities, putting most of their energy into ensuring the safety of children, ignoring the competitiveness and interest of sports activities, which makes it difficult for children to enjoy real happiness in sports activities, Gradually lost interest in sports.

3. The kindergarten teachers in the large class failed to give children a scientific evaluation after the sports activities

Many large class teachers in kindergartens pay too much attention to the mastery of children's new skills and the cultivation of their intelligence in sports activities. They are extremely mechanized in the way of children's sports activities training, which makes them gradually tired of sports activities and difficult to get the exercise they should have in sports activities. If teachers still fail to give them some scientific praise and evaluation after sports activities, Children are even more unable to actively participate in sports games, making their physical health level not equal to the expected level.

3、 Suggestions on Improving the Quality of Sports Activities in Large Classes in Kindergarten

1. Effectively improve and adjust the amount of physical activity in large classes of kindergartens

In the process of carrying out large class sports activities in kindergartens, teachers need to fully balance the specific amount of activities of children, judge the activity status of children from a scientific perspective, and reasonably regulate the amount of exercise based on the actual activity status of children. Kindergarten teachers can start with the coordination, accuracy, control ability and actual quality of children's physical exercises in physical activities, and closely observe their voice, breathing, face color, sweating degree and sports enthusiasm, so as to clearly grasp the fatigue level of children and make them get effective exercise under the appropriate amount of exercise [2].

2. Strive to achieve both competitiveness and safety in sports activities

When organizing children's sports activities, kindergarten teachers in large classes should pay full attention to the safety of the sports activities. When selecting specific sports activities, they should try to avoid games that may threaten children's safety, and effectively improve children's safety awareness through safety education and other ways. In addition, large class teachers in kindergartens need to use appropriate and reasonable methods to complete the organization of sports interaction, and fully improve children's obedience to orders. If the content of sports activities selected by teachers is running, teachers should try to choose a suitable place for this activity, and make children fully understand the round-trip route of running to avoid collision accidents.

3. Pay more attention to fun in the implementation of sports activities

The fundamental reason why kindergartens choose to adopt sports games to improve children's physical quality in all aspects lies in their interest. The teacher can make the large class students in the kindergarten effectively improve their basic movements such as drilling, climbing, climbing, and running in the process of sports games by setting the situation, and make the children's self-control, attention, observation and thinking ability develop well in this process, such as "rushing through the lock line", "one two three wooden people" games, etc; Teachers can also introduce folk children's sports games such as "jumping rubber band", "playing pocket", "eagle catching chicken" in the kindergarten's large class sports activities, so that they can enhance their interest in sports activities while appreciating folk culture, and participate in the kindergarten's large class sports activities with a more positive attitude [3].


More abundant and innovative physical activities in large classes in kindergartens can make children's basic movement ability develop well, give full play to their main role while giving them effective physical exercise, and make their body and mind develop harmoniously in the process of improving their creativity and imagination. Kindergarten teachers need to make efforts to change their outdated traditional education concepts, use effective teaching methods to improve children's potential ability, and cultivate more talents for the country.


[1] Bao Yunan. Reflections on the Problems in Kindergarten Sports Activities and Countermeasures [J]. New Curriculum · First Ten Days, 20 × 17, 16 (7): 154

[2] Yin Haiyan. Analysis on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Kindergarten Sports Activities [J]. Times Education, 2 × 017, 20 (10): 243

[3] Liang Dong, Zheng Hongyan, Shi Hui. Analysis of problems and influencing factors in kindergarten sports activities in Hainan Province [J]. Sports, 20 × 15, 14 (13): 104-105


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 5

Title: Practice and exploration of kindergarten large class management

As an important stage of preschool education, kindergartens are recognized by most education departments and parents as preschool education institutions. The management of large classes in kindergartens has a great impact on children's future students and life. The management level directly reflects the overall school running quality of kindergartens, but from the actual situation, there are a series of problems in the management of large classes in many kindergartens, which to a certain extent restricts the development of children. This paper analyzes some problems existing in the management of large classes in kindergartens, and puts forward corresponding solutions, hoping to have some reference significance for the management of large classes in kindergartens.

With the improvement of national quality, all sectors of society and parents pay more and more attention to preschool education. As an important transitional stage of preschool education, the management of large classes in kindergartens is also an important turning point in children's learning. Different from primary school teaching, large class management in kindergartens includes not only theoretical teaching, but also life teaching. The purpose is to cultivate children's good living habits, gradually integrate learning into the collective, communication and exchange, which puts forward higher requirements for preschool teachers in management. They should be good at finding problems in management and solving them in a timely manner.

1 Problems in the management of large classes in kindergartens

1.1 Lack of scientific management

According to the author, in many large classes of kindergartens at present, the comprehensive quality of teachers is not high, and they cannot meet the national regulations in terms of academic qualifications and job qualifications, which leads to a lack of scientificity in management, some defects can not be corrected in time, traditional management methods are still used in management mode, and the management is not clear about priorities and overall goal planning, Some teachers blindly give orders to children in the large class management of kindergartens, which does not match the large class management of kindergartens in the new situation. In addition, most kindergarten teachers in large classes lack regular refresher education, and have not made progress in a fixed circle for a long time, unable to keep pace with the times, leading to the failure to improve their management level.

1.2 Lack of integrity in management

In the management of large classes in kindergartens, many teachers can not grasp the relationship between the whole and the part well, do not realize the importance of the whole management, and focus most of their energy on the local interests. For example, many teachers pay attention to children's intellectual education and can't combine "morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor" organically, which restricts children's overall development to a certain extent. In terms of management measures, many kindergartens have formulated a series of systems in terms of large class management, but the implementation effect needs to be improved. In addition, many kindergarten principals pay much attention to the management of internal teaching facilities, but they do not pay enough attention to the construction of school spirit in kindergarten and the ideological and moral construction of preschool teachers, which affects the development of moral education of large class children in kindergarten.

1.3 Lack of objectives in management

According to the author's survey, most children are lack of goals in management. On the one hand, many teachers put their main management work on daily trivial affairs and daily teaching. Although some kindergartens have formulated large class management objectives, they can not combine the formulation and objectives with management methods in the actual implementation process, which leads to the ineffective development of management objectives. On the other hand, in the process of formulating management objectives, they are usually vague, lacking specific and detailed management objectives, resulting in poor operability of objectives.

1.4 Improper management methods

In the management of large classes in kindergartens, many teachers use the tone of command or blame. For example, when some children can't do something, some teachers use the words "how can you be so stupid", "how can you be so stupid when others can", "go quickly, or you can't eat", which will undoubtedly have a great negative impact on children's psychology, It may cause some children to go to school inactive, lack of vitality, and be bored with teachers, or it may cause psychological inferiority complex, which is very detrimental to their long-term development.

1.5 Inappropriate communication methods with children's parents

In terms of communication with parents, some teachers are totally complaining about "how your children are disobedient in kindergarten", "how many problems your children have", and "your children are not active in activities". This tone will undoubtedly make parents of children disgusted, and will not achieve ideal results in communication, affecting the management of kindergarten and the healthy growth of children.

2 Kindergarten large class management method

2.1 Create a good atmosphere

Teachers should create a good atmosphere for children in large classes of kindergartens, and strive to create a relatively warm, free and harmonious environment for them, so that they can grow freely in a specific space according to certain situations and rules. Due to their young age, the children in the senior class of kindergartens are not mentally sound. In many cases, their "talk and move" is not intentional and can not be generalized in education. If children's behaviors are indiscriminately restricted, their emotions will be suppressed to a certain extent. Although they are not mentally sound, most children are reasonable. Teachers should insist on reasoning with children, telling them why they should do so and why they should not do so, and then let them judge whether their own behavior is correct, so that they can understand what to do and what not to do.

2.2 Respect children's thoughts and behaviors

Although they are young, the senior class children in kindergarten have strong self-esteem, and they need to listen and care. In management, teachers should have enough patience and care, and respect their thoughts and behaviors. When some children are inattentive or unreasonable, it shows that they have different ideas or have suffered some grievances. In this case, teachers should not blindly criticize or lose their temper. They should encourage them to express their dissatisfaction and then guide them with appropriate methods. For example, when it is necessary to put toys back to their original places after playing games, some children are unwilling to clean up. Maybe they still want to play for a while, or they are too tired to move. Teachers should ask why. They can take a break to clean up or play again for a while to give them encouragement and confidence. Teachers should treat each child in a friendly and fair manner and establish a good trust relationship with them.

2.3 Pay attention to personality development according to children's age characteristics

From the perspective of learning stage, children in large class are in the late stage of preschool education. They are more mature than children in middle class and small class. Some children have certain personality characteristics. Children at this stage are usually more willing to participate in collective activities, especially some competitive games. They are willing to express themselves in activities. In the arrangement of activities, teachers should meet their personalized needs according to the age characteristics of large class children. In terms of thirst for knowledge, senior class children have a stronger desire to explore new things. At the same time, they can better control their own behavior in life and learning. For example, some children will not play games until they finish their homework, or insist on eating lunch without wasting. In daily activities, children can take turns to be team leaders to improve their ability to organize activities, distribute food and other aspects, give each child the opportunity to exercise themselves, and cultivate their personalized development.

2.4 Connect early childhood and primary education

Primary school is strange to the children in the big class. Some children may be full of longing, while others are full of fear of unknown things. In our daily life and study, we should remind children of the beauty of primary school, such as a bigger playground, more patient teachers, many different students, fun courses, and so on. In their spare time, they can teach children some nursery rhymes, calligraphy, painting, etc., and can also infiltrate some knowledge of nature, morality, etc. in primary schools, so that large class children are imperceptibly interested in primary schools. In addition, in terms of self-care ability, we should pay attention to the large class children trying to brush their teeth, eat, dress, comb their hair, tie their shoelaces, go to the toilet, etc., and encourage them to learn to be independent, not completely dependent on teachers and parents. In terms of self-control, large class children should learn to abide by some rules, concentrate on learning, sleep and activities on time, and pay attention to the posture of reading and writing.

2.5 Strengthen communication with children's parents

The management and cultivation of children is not a one-sided affair of kindergartens. It is very important to strengthen communication with parents of children, so that parents can have a certain understanding of what children do in kindergartens, so as to realize the cooperative management between parents and kindergartens. For example, when some children do not have strong self-control or do not eat on time, they can negotiate with their parents and take targeted measures to jointly improve their children's abilities. In terms of communication skills, before communicating with parents, teachers should make parents understand that this is out of concern for children, and then point out the advantages and problems of children according to the actual situation, so that parents can more easily accept it.

In a word, the management of large classes in kindergartens has a direct impact on the development of kindergartens and children. In the management process, teachers should strive to create a good atmosphere for children, respect their thoughts and behaviors, pay attention to personality development, do a good job in the connection of primary and secondary education for children, and strengthen communication with parents of children, so as to effectively improve the management of large classes in kindergartens, To contribute to the healthy development of kindergartens and children.


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 6

Topic: My opinion on the teaching strategy of large classes in kindergartens in the new era

Abstract: With the rapid development of preschool education in China, large class teaching has put forward higher requirements for teaching quality. The improvement of teaching effect must be based on scientific and reasonable teaching concepts, and the "integration" idea is a more scientific teaching concept. The purpose of this paper is to explore the teaching mode of the kindergarten large class from the perspective of integrated education, so as to ensure that the teaching activities of the kindergarten large class can be carried out more reasonably, meet the teaching needs and needs, and provide strong support for promoting the all-round development of children.

Key words: integrated education concept; Kindergarten teaching; Large class teaching

The large class in kindergarten is a key link in kindergarten education and teaching. Its role determines its future primary school studies. Therefore, how to effectively implement the large class teaching has important practical significance. In the current large class teaching in kindergartens, the adoption of integrated education ideas has great value and is conducive to the cultivation and development of children. Therefore, kindergarten teachers must combine integrated education ideas with large class teaching in kindergartens to achieve better results.

1、 The Principle of Infiltrating and Integrating Educational Ideas in Kindergarten Large Class Teaching

In the current process of large class teaching in kindergartens, in order to better combine the integrated education concept to carry out teaching and better realize the integrated education concept, certain principles should be followed in terms of infiltrating the integrated education concept.

First of all, the penetration of integrated educational concepts needs to follow the principle of individualization. In the process of large class teaching in kindergarten, in order to better realize the penetration of the concept of integrated education, first of all, we need to follow the principle of individualization, that is, we need to implement integrated education for students according to the characteristics and actual conditions of different students, promote the better development of students' personality, and enable students to show their own personality, which is of great significance for students' future development, It is also an important goal of the application of integrated education concepts. Secondly, the penetration of integrated education concept needs to follow the principle of openness. The principle of openness is also a very important principle in terms of the infiltration of integrated educational ideas in the large class teaching of kindergartens. This principle refers to that teachers need to break the fixed educational ideas, educational content and educational methods in the past to achieve open teaching, so that they can integrate all aspects and achieve breakthroughs, On this basis, the concept of integrated education can be reflected and the penetration of the concept of integrated education can achieve satisfactory results. Thirdly, the infiltration of the concept of integrated education should follow the principle of development. As far as this principle is concerned, it means that the infiltration of integrated educational ideas needs to aim at the development of students. When choosing teaching content and teaching methods, it needs to ensure that they are conducive to the development of students. Only in this way can the infiltration of integrated educational ideas meet the actual teaching needs and requirements, and promote the better development of the students in the large class of kindergartens, Realize a better transition of kindergarten education and teaching, and lay a better foundation and support for children's future learning and growth.

2、 Teaching Strategies and Methods of Large Class in Kindergarten

1. Infiltrate and integrate educational concepts through situational teaching

In the process of large class teaching in kindergartens, in order to make the penetration of integrated education concepts get satisfactory results, teachers can carry out situational teaching mode, and use situational teaching mode to achieve the penetration of integrated education concepts. In the application process of situational teaching mode, teachers need to set up different teaching scenarios according to the specific teaching content, and integrate various knowledge points in the teaching situation, on this basis, guide students to integrate into the situation, enhance students' experience and feelings, so that students can master all aspects of the knowledge points in the situation. For example, in the teaching of the theme of "delicious fruit", the purpose is to let students know all kinds of fruits. At this time, teachers can set up a scene where students can go to the supermarket to buy fruits. This process can realize the cultivation of students' cognitive ability and language expression ability, meet the requirements of the integrated education concept, and also enable the penetration of the integrated education concept to achieve satisfactory results.

2. Infiltrate the integrated education concept through cooperative learning

For the penetration of the concept of integrated education in kindergarten large class teaching, another more effective method is to use cooperative learning to carry out teaching. That is, in actual teaching, kindergarten teachers let students complete learning tasks through group cooperation. In this process, students' autonomous learning ability and team cooperation ability can be cultivated, So as to realize the integrated development of students and make the penetration of integrated education concepts achieve satisfactory results. For example, in the aspect of handcrafting, students can complete manual work through mutual cooperation, so as to achieve the common exercise of students' hands-on ability and collaboration ability.

3. Infiltrate and integrate educational concepts through game teaching

In terms of infiltrating the concept of integrated education into the large class teaching in kindergarten, in addition to the above two ways, there is also an ideal way to infiltrate the concept of integrated education through game teaching. In this regard, kindergarten teachers need to set up appropriate games and guide students to integrate into the games, so that students can master the knowledge they need to learn in the process of games. This kind of environment is conducive to the promotion of students' learning interest, better understanding of knowledge, forming good learning habits and quality, and meeting the requirements of integrated education philosophy.

3、 Do a good job of teacher demonstration and promote implicit moral education

Moral education management for children is an important activity for teachers to carry out class management. However, simply explaining the connotation of moral quality for children by oral means cannot deepen the impression of children and promote the formation of their noble sentiments. From practice, we can see that teachers' words and deeds have a great impact on children. Children will unconsciously imitate teachers' words and deeds, thus shaping their own moral quality and every word and deed. Therefore, in order to do a good job in moral education management of the class, teachers should actively restrain their words and deeds, and play a leading role in demonstrating for children.

For example, when guiding children to participate in thematic activities, teachers can play their exemplary role in imperceptible moral education for children. First of all, before the theme activity, teachers communicate with children to understand their preferences and comprehensive quality development level, so as to set the form and content of the activity based on the actual situation of children, and fully reflect teachers' humanistic care and teachers' respect for children. Before the activity starts, teachers should also tidy up their clothes and face children with a good image. In the activity, when the teacher asks the children questions around the content of the theme activity, the teacher should also listen to the children's answers patiently, and make comments after the children answer, so that the children can feel the teacher's respect for themselves. Based on the teacher's words and deeds, children can attach importance to their own image, sort out their own clothes, show respect for others' personality, and patiently listen to others' statements in order to improve their moral quality.

It can be seen that teachers consciously restrict their own words and deeds, set a good example for children, and can carry out moral education management activities in the class based on practice, so that children can really improve their moral quality in behavior imitation.


In the current large class teaching in kindergartens, the integration of educational concepts has become an important teaching task, which plays an important role in promoting the comprehensive development of students. Therefore, large class teachers in kindergartens should fully grasp the principles that should be followed in infiltrating the concept of integrated education, and on this basis, achieve the infiltration of the concept of integrated education through scientific and reasonable ways to meet the needs of education, teaching and student development.


[1] Wang Xiaolai. The Design of Kindergarten Project based Learning -- Taking the Large Class Project based Learning "Sand Area Instruction" as an Example [J]. Shanxi Education (Preschool Education), 202 × 1 (12): 39-41

[2] Jin Liping, Dai Yan. Using project-based learning to promote kindergarten curriculum localization -- Taking the large class project "One meter Experimental Field" as an example [J]. New Curriculum, 20 × 21 (52): 64-66


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 7

Topic: Teaching Practice of Large Class Scientific Experiment in Kindergarten

Scientific experiments play a positive role in promoting children's intellectual development. Teachers should pay attention to the important role of scientific experiments in kindergartens, follow the principles of interest, interaction, development and other experimental design principles during the scientific experiments in large classes in kindergartens, choose experimental themes and design experimental activities, so that children can increase their knowledge in the process of participating in experiments, And realize the growth of ability and emotional development.

1、 The value of large class scientific experiments in kindergartens

(1) Promote children's intellectual development

Scientific experiments often contain some interesting scientific knowledge. Children will be imperceptibly exposed to these knowledge and feel the interest of knowledge in the process of participating in scientific experiments, thus forming an interest in scientific experiments and the knowledge behind them. Through the contact with these knowledge, children's intellectual development can be promoted to a certain extent, and children can maintain strong interest and curiosity in science.

(2) Promote the development of children's behavior quality

In the scientific experiments in kindergartens, there are many scientific experiments that need children to form groups to complete, which exercises children's communication and coordination ability. If children are completely self-centered, they will not be able to successfully complete the experiment. Therefore, through scientific experiments, children can also develop good behavioral qualities of good communication and collaboration. At the same time, during the experimental teaching, teachers can make children feel the strength of the team through teaching activities, thus forming team awareness and collective spirit, which also has a significant role in promoting children's moral education. For example, in the "Light and Shadow Cup Game" mentioned below, some of the first children who completed the experiment will actively help other children and cultivate their excellent quality of being willing to help others.

(3) Cultivate children's action ability

During the scientific experiment, there are many operations that require children to have good action ability. To get ideal experimental results, children need to have certain hands-on ability. At the same time, they can exercise children's physical quality in hands-on operation and promote the development of children's body and body coordination ability.

2、 Analysis of the Principle of Large Class Experiment in Kindergarten

(1) Principle of interest

The experiment design of the kindergarten's large class must follow the principle of interest. Only when the experiment activity is full of interest, can children be attracted to participate actively, and let children realize the growth and development of their ability in the process of the experiment. Otherwise, the experiment activity will be difficult to play its due value. The children in the large class don't care about how much knowledge they can learn from the experiment, and even if the preschool teacher forces children to learn, it will only have the opposite effect. Therefore, the experiment design of the large class in kindergarten must adhere to the principle of fun, stimulate children's interest, and let children feel the charm of scientific knowledge in the fun of teaching, Stimulate children's interest in science and exploration.

(2) Principle of interaction

The large class experimental activities in kindergartens must be able to realize the interaction between teachers and children as well as the interaction between children. Teacher child interaction focuses on giving play to the guiding role of preschool teachers in experimental activities, so that children can actively participate in experimental activities under the guidance of teachers, and can obtain good learning experience during the experiment. At the same time, the principle of interaction also requires preschool teachers to organize interaction between children, divide children into appropriate groups, let different children express their ideas and views on the experiment, and achieve active cooperation between children, so as to achieve orderly development of experimental activities in this case.

(3) Developmental principle

The large class experimental activities in kindergartens should promote the development of children during the experiment, including the development of intelligence, physical strength, interpersonal relationships and other aspects. At the same time, while respecting the dominant position of children, teachers should allow children to achieve the development of emotional attitudes, such as building a questioning spirit, being able to maintain a questioning attitude towards things, and being good at asking questions to preschool teachers, Dare to express their opinions confidently in front of their classmates. In addition, teachers should also set developmental experimental goals, which can not only give play to the guiding role of experimental goals, enhance the purpose of experiments, but also achieve the development of children's thinking in experimental activities.

(4) Safety principle

When large class children in kindergarten participate in the experiment, teachers and kindergarten staff should ensure the safety of children. In any teaching activity in the kindergarten, children's safety is the first, and experimental teaching is no exception. This requires the kindergarten to ensure children's personal safety, and teachers should also optimize the design of experimental activities. For example, in the early childhood science experiment, there is an experiment called "Pharaoh's Snake". Its principle is that mercury thiocyanate is decomposed by heat. However, mercury thiocyanate is a highly toxic substance, and careless operation may pose a huge threat to the health of laboratory personnel. Moreover, the control of chemical drugs related to the experiment is extremely strict. Therefore, kindergarten teachers can design a non-toxic version of "Pharaoh's Snake", replacing mercury thiocyanate with baking soda and sugar, which can not only present the same experimental effect, but also ensure the safety of the experiment.

(5) Adaptability principle

Scientific experiments in the large class stage of kindergartens should conform to children's cognitive laws. According to constructivism theory, if the knowledge learners want to learn is too difficult or beyond the cognitive range of children, they are likely to frustrate their confidence and enthusiasm. Therefore, in the process of designing scientific experiments, teachers should comprehensively consider children's cognitive level and cognitive characteristics, make scientific experiments have certain adaptability, and avoid scientific experiments exceeding children's cognitive level and operating ability. At the same time, the principle of adaptability also requires that experimental activities should take into account the needs of different children and the physical and mental differences of children, so as to promote the common growth of all children.

3、 Analysis of the large class scientific experiment activities in kindergarten

(1) Experimental objectives

1. The light emitted by the flashlight will form a light shadow on the wall after being emitted from the cup mouth. If there is a pattern on the plastic film at the cup mouth, the pattern will appear on the wall.

2. Let children guess, operate and verify according to the experimental steps given by the teacher, and let children express their feelings and summarize the experiment.

3. Stimulate children's interest in small scientific experiments, explore experimental phenomena from life, and combine life reality with science.

(2) Preparation of experimental materials

Paper cups, plastic wrap, rubber bands, scissors, paintbrushes, flashlights, among which, the paintbrushes should be prepared in an integrated way to prevent children from swallowing small parts by mistake, while scissors are controlled by teachers throughout the process.

(3) Implement experimental steps

1. Stimulate interest with doubts

Preschool teachers play experimental videos through multimedia before carrying out experimental activities. For young children, they do not understand the scientific principle behind this phenomenon, so children will have questions and strong interest in this experiment. After completing the video presentation, the teacher can give the experimental theme and related questions: "Children, today the teacher will play a fun game with you, 'Light and Shadow Cup'. Look, why do light and shadow appear on the wall? Do the children want to show their favorite animation on the wall as in the video?"

2. Carry out experimental operation

Teachers organize children to make a small hole at the bottom of the paper cup, and then teachers use scissors to cut the bottom of the paper cup into eight equal parts; Under the guidance of teachers, children cover the mouth of paper cups with plastic wrap and fix them with rubber bands; The teacher instructed the children to draw their favorite patterns on the plastic wrap; Under the guidance of teachers, children insert a small flashlight from the bottom of the paper cup; The teacher pulled down the curtains to dim the light in the classroom, so that the children could turn on the flashlight, find a suitable distance and project, and observe the projection effect.

3. Interactive learning

In the process of the experiment, some children can successfully make the light and shadow cup and project successfully, but some children are unable to project light and shadow through the experiment. At this time, the teacher can let the children who have completed the experiment communicate actively with those who have not completed the experiment, so that children can help each other and strive to complete all experiments as soon as possible.

(4) Summary and evaluation

Through the above series of operations, children can complete the production of light and shadow cups under the guidance of teachers, and project their favorite patterns on the walls or ceiling of the classroom. After completing the experiment, the teacher should give affirmation and praise to those children who have completed the light and shadow cup first, and also give positive affirmation to other children who can successfully complete the experiment, so as to ensure that this experiment activity can be completed completely and smoothly.

(5) Expansion and extension

After the experiment, the teacher asked a question: Do the children know the principle of the light and shadow cup? What is the use of this principle? Children can go home to discuss with their parents, and we will share in class tomorrow. After the experiment, the teacher gives a question for parents and children to discuss together, so that parents can also participate in the scientific experiment and make parents realize the importance of cultivating children's scientific awareness and spirit.

4、 Analysis on the Strategy of Large Class Scientific Experiment in Kindergarten

Combined with the above cases of scientific experiments, the article specifically discusses the strategies of carrying out scientific experiments in large classes of kindergartens at this stage.

(1) Do a good job of experiment planning to ensure the smooth implementation of the experiment

Before the specific experimental activities, kindergarten teachers formulated a scientific experiment implementation plan in accordance with the five parts of experimental objectives, key and difficult points of the experiment, experimental steps, experimental summary and evaluation, and experimental expansion and extension, to clarify the experimental objectives and accurately grasp the key and difficult points of the experiment, so as to achieve a targeted goal during the experiment. At the same time, kindergarten teachers ingeniously designed the experiment, and the selected experimental theme can stimulate children's inner questions, and through the "light and shadow cup video", children are full of desire to explore the experiment.

Teachers can also ensure the safety of the experiment and avoid the adverse effects of the experiment on children's health by choosing an integrated fountain pen and taking charge of the scissors throughout the experiment. In addition, paper cups, plastic films and flashlights are common raw materials in life. Through this experimental design, children can also realize that science is everywhere in life, and can promote children to maintain a scientific attitude in their daily life. Before organizing children to carry out experimental activities, teachers should actively carry out experimental planning, clarify experimental objectives, key and difficult points and specific experimental steps, and reasonably organize children to carry out experiments in an orderly manner on this basis. At the same time, teachers should take child safety as the primary principle, which also conforms to the safety principle mentioned above. The raw materials of this experiment are all common objects in life, which also enlightens preschool teachers to try their best to come from life to life when carrying out scientific experiments, so as to achieve the effective integration of scientific experiments and real life.

(2) Do a good job of experiment introduction and set up experiment problems reasonably

Before the experiment, teachers play experimental videos through multimedia equipment to attract children's attention and stimulate their experimental interest. At the same time, after playing the video, teachers immediately put forward relevant experimental questions to guide children to think. From this point, it can be seen that scientific experiments must integrate the introduction of experiments and experimental questions, so as to stimulate children's enthusiasm and desire to explore experiments, thus enabling children to actively explore under the drive of curiosity, and enhancing children's experience of participating in experimental activities. When setting up the experiment import link, teachers can also collect videos related to the experiment from the Internet, and use Flash, Imovie and other editing software to cut and splice, so as to produce video materials that can be used for experiment import. At the same time, teachers can also make specific operation steps into videos so that children can be familiar with the next operation steps according to the content in the videos in advance. After completing the above contents, teachers can throw out questions, play the role of questions in guiding children's thinking, and attract children to actively think about the scientific principles behind the experimental phenomenon.

(3) Adhere to the principal position of children and give play to the guiding role of teachers

In the above experiment, the teacher was always in the "outsider" state. In addition to cutting the bottom of the paper cup with scissors, he did not participate in the specific experimental steps of children, nor did he directly replace children in the experimental operation, which fully respected the children's subjectivity in the experimental activities. Especially in the "implementation of experimental steps" link, teachers directly guide children to complete the experimental operation step by step, and encourage children to help each other, so that each child can finally make a light and shadow cup. Because each step is completed by children themselves, children can get active participation experience from experimental activities. At the same time, when children encounter problems or difficulties, preschool teachers do not directly help children to operate, but teach children to use their brains to participate in the experiment.

Under the reasonable guidance of teachers, different children can also help each other. Some children who are more successful in the experiment can help those who are slower in the experiment to operate. This can not only enhance the feelings between children, but also cultivate children's good quality of being willing to help others. According to the results of this experiment, under the guidance of teachers and the cooperation of children, all light and shadow cups can be successfully projected, and each child has achieved the success of the experiment. It can be seen that this experimental activity has achieved a complete success.

After the completion of the experiment, the preschool teacher evaluated the children's experimental results. During the evaluation process, the teacher affirmed and encouraged all children, and praised the children who completed the experiment first, so that all children have a sense of achievement while highlighting the pride of those excellent children.

In other scientific experiments in the future, preschool teachers should also actively contact advanced educational theories to guide the development of experimental activities, recognize their own position in the experiment, actively guide and assist children, and avoid overstepping the experimental behavior.

(4) Strengthen the home connection and carry out parent-child experiment

In the early childhood education and teaching, both early childhood education and family education are indispensable. Therefore, the practical exploration of scientific experiments should also give full play to the role of family education. After assigning homework to children, preschool teachers should make positive contact with their parents and encourage them to accompany children to explore scientific knowledge, which can not only bring closer the relationship between parents and children, but also enable children to maintain curiosity about life phenomena in family life. Preschool teachers can also assign some small scientific tasks of observation at ordinary times. For example, teachers can let children observe the ice flakes on the window in winter, or observe the "fairy spirit" around the ice cream in summer, and let parents cooperate with children to explore the physical phenomenon behind this. In addition, preschool teachers should strengthen the relationship with parents, impart some basic parenting knowledge and education skills to parents, so that parents can grow together with children.

5、 Conclusion

Starting from the important significance of large class scientific experiments in kindergartens, this paper discusses the principles of carrying out scientific experiments in kindergartens, and explains the scientific experiments in kindergartens with the "light and shadow cup game" as an example. On this basis, it discusses the exploration strategies of scientific experiments in kindergartens. Teachers should do a good job in experimental planning and experiment introduction, guide children to enter the experimental state as soon as possible, and actively play the guiding role of preschool teachers, so that children can truly become the subject of the experiment, participate in experimental activities and help each other during the experiment. Teachers should promote home education, so that parents can also participate in scientific experimental activities in kindergarten, Cultivate children's scientific spirit and inquiry spirit together.


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 8

Topic: Thoughts on Regional Activities of the Large Class in Kindergarten

Abstract: Regional activities refer to the selection of appropriate activity materials according to children's psychological characteristics, and the enrichment of children's cognition of the world through diversified teaching activities. At the same time, regional activities have a strong openness and flexibility, which is crucial to the physical and mental development of children. Therefore, starting from the current situation of the regional activities of the kindergarten's large class, research and analysis are carried out, and corresponding solutions are proposed to comprehensively improve the quality of the regional activities of the kindergarten's large class.

Key words: kindergarten; Large class; Regional activities

Preschool education is a key stage of children's physical and mental development, which helps to form a correct world outlook and values. Regional activities are one of the important ways of preschool education. Through setting up reasonable and scientific activities, children's practical ability can be cultivated and students can develop the habit of self-learning and thinking. Therefore, preschool teachers need to analyze the advantages and characteristics of regional activities in detail before carrying out educational activities, and adopt appropriate regional activities for teaching, so as to constantly improve the teaching level of kindergartens.

1、 Current situation of regional activities of kindergarten large class

1. Formalization of space and time arrangement of regional activities

At this stage, most of the regional activities of large classes in kindergartens in our country are formal and pursue visual beauty. Although teachers are aware of the application of space and time, they do not give a deeper consideration to the use of teaching space and time. The restriction of the regional activity environment is not conducive to the physical and mental development of children, cannot meet the diversified needs of children, and cannot mobilize children's enthusiasm for learning. In addition, some teachers excessively pursue beauty and neglect the real needs of children when arranging the environment for regional activities. Regional activities need more materials. At present, the regional activities of large classes in kindergartens are generally carried out according to the timetable set by kindergartens. Most regional activities are not carried out on time due to some objective factors, which cannot guarantee the time of regional activities.

2. Inappropriate material delivery mode for regional activities

At this stage, the materials for regional activities of large class kindergartens in China are generally lack of exploration and hierarchy, and the materials for regional activities are lack of innovation, which can not attract children's interest, let alone guide them to actively participate in learning activities. At the same time, at this stage, most of the materials for kindergarten regional activities do not conform to the psychological characteristics of children, and cannot achieve good physical and mental development results. In addition, the placement of materials for regional activities in kindergartens is a dynamic process, and many teachers do not take this factor into consideration and actively make corresponding adjustments.

3. Inappropriate educational methods for regional activities

At present, kindergarten teachers play the role of observers in regional activities, but some teachers will ignore problems in activities due to insufficient observation time, different observation points and other reasons. The kindergarten teachers in the large class are still the guides in the regional activities, and most of the teachers are still not involved in the regional activities at this stage, and there is no interaction and cooperation between teachers and students. Finally, teachers do not have good support in the regional activities of the kindergarten's large class, and even some teachers will interrupt the activities and directly tell children the final results or conclusions, which will greatly hinder the physical and mental development of children.

2、 Strategies for Improving Kindergarten Regional Activities

1. Reasonably arrange the space and time of regional activities

In order to ensure the quality of regional activities, kindergartens must reasonably arrange the time and space for activities. There are three specific points as follows: First, we should consider the overall situation and fix an area for students' collective activities according to children's life and activity needs in the classroom area; Second, we should plan the local location of the area, separate the quiet area from the noisy area, and improve the involvement of children in activities; Third, teachers need to provide enough time for children to complete the activity tasks, especially the exploratory regional activities that require children to use specific hands-on operations.

2. Strengthen the exploration and hierarchy of activity materials

The materials of regional activities in the large class of kindergarten are exploratory and dynamic, and the level is obvious, which requires students to have strong operational ability. Therefore, teachers must select more exploratory regional activities, guide children to operate independently in the process of regional activities, and cultivate children's thinking ability and innovation ability. At the same time, children have individual differences, their own development levels are different, and each has its own flash points. Teachers can teach students in accordance with their aptitude and design some layered and obvious activity materials. In addition, the placement of materials for regional activities needs to be adjusted in real time according to the actual situation, and constantly innovate materials to meet the needs of children, maximize the initiative of children, give full play to imagination and creativity, and enhance children's satisfaction and self-confidence.

3. Emphasize the role of teachers in regional activities

Teachers are observers in regional activities of large classes in kindergartens. They need to timely observe and record the overview and progress of regional activities, and observe students' participation in different activities in order to select the best regional activities in future teaching. Teachers can give targeted guidance to children only when they find problems in regional activities in a timely manner through continuous careful observation. Teachers are also partners in regional activities. They need to be playmates of children in regional activities. They should consider from the perspective of children, work together with children, and feel happy and moved in the activities. Finally, and most importantly, children are the main body of regional activities. Teachers need to play the role of collaborators and guides, let students choose the materials of activities independently, so that children can actively explore and operate activities independently, experience different feelings, and finally continuously improve the quality of regional activities of the kindergarten class.

To sum up, large classes in kindergartens are the key stage of children's growth and development. Regional activities are an important way to cultivate children's thinking ability and innovation ability. Teachers need to attach great importance to regional activities, participate in activities as guides, collaborators and evaluators under the premise of detailed analysis of the situation and characteristics of regional activities, and give full play to the main role of students, Change the traditional teaching concept, arrange reasonable and sufficient time and space, use diversified activity materials, find the bright spots of children from the activities, and constantly improve the teaching level of regional activities.


[1] Shu Jiaoyun. Research on the organization of outdoor activities in kindergartens: taking a large class in a kindergarten as an example [D]. Central China Normal University, 2 × 014

[2] Zhang Xiuping's Observation and Research on the Questioning Content of Children Aged 3-6 in Regional Activities [D]. Shenyang Normal University, 20 × 15

[3] Yang Qian. The cultivation of autonomous learning ability in the teaching of large class children [J]. The road to success in composition (first ten days), 201 × 6 (3): 44


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 9

Topic: A Preliminary Study of Language Teaching Strategies for Large Classes in Kindergarten

Abstract: As the connection stage between kindergarten and primary school, the large class of kindergarten has defined the language training of children as the key content. Under the light and interactive learning atmosphere of kindergarten, children can master better language skills and knowledge. This paper mainly analyzes the situation of language teaching of large class children in kindergartens, discusses and studies scientific and reasonable language teaching strategies for children, so as to promote the development of children's language pre-school education.

Key words: large class; Language teaching; Openness; strategy

Language education is the basic education for children before they receive formal campus education. Kindergartens strictly distinguish preschool education by level and age, so as to teach children in accordance with their aptitude. Children in the large class of kindergartens are approaching the stage of compulsory education. Therefore, some scientific and reasonable strategies are proposed for their language classes, The key content of today's discussion is to enable them to do a good job in the transition from young to young.

1、 Current situation of large class teaching in kindergartens

At present, there are a large number of kindergartens in China, and parents attach great importance to pre-school education. After all, 3-6 years old is the rapid development stage of children's intelligence and exploration ability. Children are in the stage of cognition and exploration of strange world. If they do a good job in pre-school education and cultivate a good habit of children, it is likely to benefit them for life. However, language, as a medium for communicating with others and expressing one's feelings about foreign objects, is still a difficult thing for children. From the infancy of babbling, children have constantly honed their language centers. Until the early stage of primary school, children's inner thoughts and feelings still cannot be fully expressed through their own language. Therefore, early language education is extremely important for children. Grasping the development of language and mastering language skills will be a step ahead of others, The exploration of external things will become more convenient and open. For large class language teaching in kindergartens, strong interaction is generally adopted. Teachers stimulate children's interests through games, singing and dancing. In the open and interactive classroom, they teach language knowledge and skills, which are mostly based on film and television works and reading stories.

2、 Problems in Language Teaching of Large Kindergarten Classes

1. Language teaching materials

When some kindergartens teach language knowledge to children, the books and materials used are always the same. The oneness of reference materials is likely to make the children's thinking process single, simple, or even unable to think, which can not fundamentally cultivate their ability. It is easy for children to form a thinking pattern, which has hit the cultivation of children's curiosity and innovation ability.

2. Errors in teacher guidance

Even children in large classes belong to kindergartens. They are still children students, and their concentration is often attracted by what they are interested in. Once teachers fail to realize this, they do not guide or interfere, and only pay attention to their own teaching progress, blindly instilling knowledge into children will often backfire. For example, when teachers are doing interesting experiments, the experimental props they use may stimulate students' interest and cause them to shift their attention. At this time, if teachers do not interfere, do not remind and guide, children's listening efficiency will be very poor.

3. The question and answer situation is seriously stylized

As a language learning, classroom communication is necessary, rich in content, and interesting in the classroom knowledge teaching process is welcomed by students. However, in the actual process of language teaching in large classes of kindergartens, many teachers have a rigid form of questions and answers in the communication link with children, and the mode of encouraging comments is relatively simple, This is just a very boring classroom communication for children whose original learning attitude is not reliable. The rigid classroom Q&A can not accelerate children's understanding of knowledge, but will limit and restrict children's thinking level, which is not conducive to the development of their innovation ability.

4. The classroom teaching atmosphere is tense

Childhood is the age when children are innocent and dare to speak and do. Only by fully tapping children's potential in class, encouraging them to speak enthusiastically, and cultivating their ability to think seriously can children's language ability be truly stimulated. However, in classroom teaching, many teachers generally use strict discipline requirements to limit the children's enthusiasm and wordiness, and make the interactive classroom "one talk". This dull and tense classroom atmosphere has a negative effect on children's language learning.

3、 Analysis Strategies of Language Teaching in Large Classes in Kindergarten

Above, we have pointed out several undesirable phenomena existing in the current large class language teaching in kindergartens. Now, we analyze the solutions to these problems.

1. Improve reading level and innovate reading teaching

Early reading is the source of children's language learning. Through reading, children can know new Chinese characters, understand new words, and imitate the language habits and sentence forms. It is certainly not enough to rely on the old single reading materials. Therefore, teachers should reform the teaching of reading and rely on diversified reading materials to let children know more information, Improve their reading level and increase their knowledge, which plays a subtle role in language learning.

2. Teachers should strengthen guidance

The games, stories, interactions and other links used by teachers in the teaching process should always pay attention to the change of children's concentration, correctly guide their curiosity, and prevent the low classroom effect caused by the shift of learning focus. Teachers should enhance their sense of responsibility, improve their teaching style, and strengthen the guidance and supervision of students.

3. Teachers improve the artistry of their questions and answers

In classroom teaching, teachers have undisputed subjective characteristics. Only by following the teacher's ideas can students find solutions to problems. It is not difficult to find that teachers' guidance to students is mainly through classroom interaction and in the form of question and answer. Therefore, teachers should improve their own art of question and answer in classroom teaching, Take classroom interaction as a key platform to close the distance between oneself and students, fully respect and understand children's nature, learn to listen to and ask diverse questions in class, stimulate children's learning interest and create a good dialogue situation, so that children can fully think about problems and develop their practical knowledge and thinking ability.

4. Innovate the teaching plan and change the solidification mode

For children's learning, our goal is to attract their attention and enhance their interest in learning. Therefore, whether from game design, reading planning or classroom presentation, teachers should innovate teaching measures, instead of relying on repetitive teaching methods without novelty, fully consider children's preferences and make adjustments according to the actual situation.

In a word, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the language teaching activities of the large class in kindergarten, makes a reasonable analysis of its current situation, and proposes solutions based on this, hoping that these measures can help the actual language teaching of the large class in kindergarten. In a word, language teaching is a key task of preschool education. Educators must be realistic and make innovative improvements to successfully complete this task of preschool education.


[1] Ma Haihong. An Analysis of the Use of Games in Language Teaching in Kindergarten Large Classes [J]. Curriculum Education Research, 20 × 17 (49): 51-52

[2] Guo Hong. Problems in Kindergarten Language Education and Countermeasures [J]. Early Childhood Education, 20 × 16 (5): 10

[3] Liu Ying. Research on Open and Generative Strategies of Language Teaching in Large Classes in Kindergarten [J]. Science, Education and Literature, 201 × 5 (6): 99-100


Model Essay for Kindergarten Senior Class Chapter 10

Topic: Analysis of effective teaching strategies for large classes in kindergartens

Abstract: Kindergarten large class teaching is an important part of kindergarten teaching and a critical stage for children's primary school. Therefore, the task of kindergarten large class teaching is arduous. Large class teaching is the basis of primary school teaching and an important transition period for the connection of children's knowledge and primary school knowledge. With the continuous progress of society, the traditional teaching model can no longer meet the current kindergarten teaching, Therefore, the author of this article will simply analyze and discuss the effective teaching strategies of large classes in kindergarten based on his own practical teaching experience.

Key words: kindergarten large class; importance; strategy

Children are the future of the motherland. Although early childhood education is not compulsory education, its results have a profound impact on future compulsory education. The education of the large class in kindergarten is a concentrated reflection of the teaching achievements in the kindergarten stage and a summary of kindergarten knowledge. Therefore, the learning tasks of children at this stage are more difficult than those of the small class and the middle class, Teaching tasks have also increased. The kindergarten large class education should cultivate children's habits of learning and thinking, and provide a strong guarantee for them to better adapt to primary school teaching. Therefore, the road to kindergarten large class teaching is a long way to go. The author of this article will discuss the teaching strategies of kindergarten large class in the following aspects based on teaching practice in combination with textbooks.

1、 Game activities

The main teaching form of kindergarten teaching is game teaching, which is a teaching direction based on the learning psychology of children in kindergarten. Therefore, as an important part of kindergarten teaching, game activities play a decisive role in kindergarten education. Therefore, effective game activities are particularly important. The author believes that teachers can choose some meaningful Play activities that can exercise students' various abilities are used for teaching. Take the author's practical teaching as an example: the author often leads children to do handwork together in the teaching process. For example, the author collects waste paper used by children, and then distributes it to children when a certain amount is collected, leading children to do handwork. This not only cultivates children's good habit of saving, but also turns waste into treasure, Exercise children's creativity and practical ability; In addition to handwork, the author will also lead children to carry out infant style triathlon games, set up soft equipment, and carry out game training such as running, jumping, singing children's songs. For example, once, the 25 meter run, obstacle jumping, and the last one is singing a learned children's song, each time when the last one is reached, children can't help singing with the contestants, The school is full of laughter, learning knowledge in games, exercising physical functions and developing children's thinking ability. It can be seen from the above that teachers should choose games that are conducive to children's physical and mental development, and cultivate children's all-round ability.

2、 Mathematical activities

Mathematics is an integral part of kindergarten teaching, and kindergarten mathematics teaching is the enlightenment of children's mathematical thinking. Therefore, its importance is self-evident. Mathematics learning is more abstract, and children are not easy to understand. Therefore, teachers should find teaching methods that can easily stimulate children's interest in learning and help them understand, The author believes that teachers can combine mathematics with children's actual life, and exercise children's mathematical thinking unconsciously. Taking the author's teaching as an example, the author often uses the things around children to exercise children's mathematical thinking. For example, if the potted plants in the school bloom, the author will ask children to "count, how many flowers have bloomed", and children will count with the author, When teaching children to paint, if the author draws several small fish with different colors, the author will ask "how many yellow fish are there? How many red fish are there". While painting, the author will not forget to help children get familiar with numbers. When playing games, such as cat and mouse games, the author will tell you in advance how many cats and mice there are. The children will make their own choices, Finally, it is inevitable that there will be more and less, and the author will then ask "how many cats and mice are there?", so that the initial awareness of addition and subtraction in mathematics will be generated in the minds of children. The author will continue to exercise and cultivate children's mathematical thinking and mathematical awareness by combining mathematics learning with children's actual life.

3、 Daily health activities

Children are the future of the motherland and the hope of parents. All activities of children are based on physical health. The body is the capital of learning and life. The health teaching of children is the top priority of kindergarten teaching. Daily health activities play a crucial role in children's teaching, The author suggests that teachers can actively lead students to learn health and safety knowledge by using games and science and technology. In the teaching process, the author often leads students to do some small games about safety knowledge. Take performance as an example: the author will lead everyone to perform a specific situation, such as how to escape indoors in case of fire, The author played the relevant animation content on the multimedia equipment to help children understand the basic knowledge, and then made several demonstrations to help children get familiar with the escape process. Together with other teachers, he led the students to carry out escape exercises. At the beginning, children often made mistakes, and after several repetitions, children basically mastered the escape skills, In addition to the safety education that should be paid attention to when encountering danger, there are also safety education about children's daily life. For example, in the period of frequent respiratory epidemics, children should be taught to wash their hands frequently and wear masks when going out. For example, when crossing the road, they should watch the traffic lights, and when there is no traffic light, they should wait until there is no one on the street before walking; At the same time, the author also encourages parents to lead children to learn some beneficial skills, such as swimming. In children's outdoor activities, there are also special teachers to lead children to do stretching exercises and develop reasonable exercise plans suitable for children's physical development. It can be seen from the above that children's daily health activities are extremely important, which play an important role in ensuring children's health and risk aversion.

4、 Summary

In a word, the purpose of large class education is to enable children to achieve basic and comprehensive development. The above is the author's simple opinion on large class teaching in kindergartens from the perspective of "game activities", "mathematical activities" and "daily health activities" in combination with his own practical experience. The teaching strategies of large classes in kindergartens will continue to improve with the progress of society, Teachers should also create effective strategies suitable for kindergarten teaching according to the actual situation, so as to promote the rapid progress of kindergarten teaching while cultivating children's comprehensive literacy.


[1] Ni Jinjin. Research on Effective Teaching Strategies of Mathematics in Kindergarten Large Class [J]. New Curriculum (Primary School), 20 × 15 (011): 110-110

[2] Kang Awei. Analysis of the Countermeasures for the Implementation of Safety Education Teaching in Kindergarten Large Class [J]. Education (Abstract Edition), 20 × 16 (8): 00073-00073


What are the topics of the kindergarten large class paper?

1. The Practical Research on Science Education Activities of Large Class in Kindergarten

2. Large class language teaching in kindergarten and the cultivation of children's expressive ability

3. Research on the Strategy of Cultivating Mathematic Thinking of Large Class Children

4. Kindergarten large class art education and children's creativity development

5. Discussion on the Effectiveness of Social Field Teaching in Large Class of Kindergarten

6. The Relationship between Play Activities and Physical and Mental Development of Large Class Children

7. Kindergarten Large Class Music Education and Children's Emotional Expression

8. Organization and implementation of large class sports activities in kindergartens

9. Practical Exploration of Cultivating Reading Habits of Large Class Children

10. Development and guidance of regional activities of kindergarten large class

11. Research on the Status Quo and Countermeasures of Safety Education in Large Class of Kindergarten

12. Methods and Approaches of Mental Health Education for Large Class Children

13. Kindergarten Large Class Painting Activities and the Cultivation of Children's Imagination

14. The Relationship between the Role of Kindergarten Senior Class Teachers and Children's Development

15. Practical Research on Moral Education of Big Class Children

16. The Educational Value and Implementation Strategy of Outdoor Activities in Kindergarten Large Classes

17. The organization and guidance strategy of the big class construction game in kindergarten

18. Teaching Strategies for Improving the Language Expression Ability of Large Class Children

19. Design and implementation of theme activities for large classes in kindergartens

20. The Method of Cultivating the Self care Ability of the Big Class in Kindergarten

21. Educational strategies for cultivating social competence of large class children

22. Planning and implementation of parent-child activities in large classes of kindergartens

23. Innovation and practice of teaching methods of kindergarten teachers in large classes

24. Educational strategies for developing good behavior habits of large class children

25. The impact of the creation of kindergarten large class environment on children's development

26. Research on Strategies for Stimulating Learning Interests of Large Class Children

27. Practice and exploration of kindergarten large class and kindergarten connection education

28. Research on the effectiveness of picture book reading teaching in kindergarten

29. Ways and Methods of Cultivating Autonomous Learning Ability of Large Class Children

30. Strategies and Methods of Cooperative Education in Kindergarten Large Classes and Homes

The latest recommendations are relatively new.



The above is all the contents of the thesis on kindergarten large class (selected 10). The research results of this thesis will have a certain guiding significance for the practice of kindergarten large class education. It helps to improve the quality of large class education in kindergartens and promote the all-round development of children.

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