How to Write the Dissertation of National Open University (Basic Format and Structure)

Guide: The growth of people with high academic qualifications in society has led many adults who have already worked but do not have an advantage in academic qualifications to have the idea of improving their academic qualifications. Compared with several adult education methods, many people choose the National Open University to improve their academic qualifications. How to write a dissertation of the National Open University? On this issue, the online editor of China Education will simply tell you.

 How to Write the Dissertation of National Open University

How to write the dissertation of National Open University?

The basic format structure of a dissertation consists of title, abstract, table of contents, body, references, notes, appendices, etc. The specific requirements are as follows:

1. Title: Try to be concise and appropriate, generally no more than 25 Chinese characters;

2. Abstract: The purpose, method and content of this research should be explained in concise and accurate language to show the important information of this paper. The number of words shall not be less than 300, and the keywords shall reflect the main content information of the full text (not less than 3);

3. Contents: composed of title and page number, including the serial number, title, reference, appendix, etc. of the chapters in the main body;

4. Body: the main body of the dissertation. The content must be logical, hierarchical, concise and readable, and should include the introduction, the main body of the dissertation, the conclusion, etc. The introduction requires to explain the topic selection, literature review, writing background, purpose and innovation of the paper. The main body of the paper is the research process and main content of the paper, and the conclusion is the overall summary of the paper, which requires a clear and concise summary of the views of the paper;

5. References: refer to the literature that students have actually read and quoted in the text. It is required to indicate the author, book title (article title), publishing unit (journal name), publishing time (number of issues), edition, page number, etc. in turn;

6. Notes: the words that further explain the words and phrases in the paper shall be placed at the bottom of the page in the form of footnotes, and the quoted page number shall be indicated at the end of the note;

7. Appendix: For the content that is not suitable for the text but has reference value, it can be included in the appendix, such as survey questionnaire, computer program, etc.

be careful:

According to the requirements of the Notice of the National Open University Bachelor's Degree Thesis Management Measures (Trial) (GKJ [2016] No. 11), the review experts focus on the following aspects: whether the paper's ideas are clear, whether the content and structure are complete, whether the paper's logic is clear, whether the argument is substantial and reliable, whether it has academic stylistic characteristics, and whether the text is no less than 6000 words Whether it conforms to the Requirements for the Writing Form of Dissertations of the National Open University (no less than 10 references), the instructor himself cannot serve as a member of the thesis defense team, the undergraduate graduation thesis has a good score (80 points) or above, and the duplication rate does not exceed 30%.


The thesis writing methods of the National Open University can be summarized as follows:

Clear theme: select topics with research value and practical significance.

In depth research: extensive collection of relevant information, including literature, data, etc.

Build a framework: formulate a clear paper structure and reasonably organize the content.

Expounding opinions: express their own views and opinions clearly and systematically.

Pay attention to logic: ensure the logical rigor and coherence of the paper.

Case support: use specific cases and data to enhance the credibility of the argument.

Normative quotation: Correctly quote the research achievements of others and avoid plagiarism.

Strict format: follow the requirements of the university for the paper format.

Repeated revision: carefully check grammar, spelling and other errors, and constantly improve.

Serious defense: prepare for the defense and answer the questions of the judges clearly.


Case Study of Reference Format of Model Thesis of National Open University

Title: Research on Accounting Talent Training and Professional Innovation of National Open University

Abstract: The cultivation of accounting talents required by the information age should attach importance to the integration of information technology to broaden the field of accounting knowledge and cultivate students' digital skills. The teaching of accounting management decision-making will be strengthened and students' strategic thinking and decision-making ability will be improved through the reorganization of the curriculum system. At the same time, practical accounting courses should be added to enhance students' practical operation ability and problem solving skills, so as to improve their comprehensive quality. This can improve college students' accounting professional quality and enhance their competitiveness in the workplace.

Key words: Open University; Accounting talents; Cultivation mode; Professional innovation; Practical teaching

With the advent of the information age, the accounting industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. In the context of economic globalization, accounting is no longer limited to traditional bookkeeping, reimbursement and auditing, but is developing towards a more intelligent and data oriented direction. The demand for accounting professionals has also changed from a single accounting skill to a new type of accounting talents with comprehensive literacy and innovative thinking. In this case, as the leader of distance education, the National Open University is responsible for cultivating accounting professionals to meet the needs of the times.

1、 Attaching Importance to the Curriculum of Information Technology and Expanding the Field of Accounting Knowledge

In the information age, accounting work is no longer limited to the traditional manual bookkeeping and statement preparation, but is closely integrated with information technology, forming a new working mode. Accounting professionals should have the ability to use information technology to process financial information, so as to make wise decisions in the rapidly changing business environment.

The accounting curriculum of the National Open University should take information technology knowledge as the core content. In the undergraduate stage, the course of accounting information system can be set up to enable students to deeply understand the principles and operation of accounting software, and master the theory and practice of financial sharing services through the simulation environment. At the junior college level, computerized accounting courses can be set up to improve students' computer operating skills, and through case study, they can skillfully use accounting software for daily accounting business processing. At the same time, the curriculum design should focus on the combination of theory and practice, guide students to operate accounting software through the practice platform, and improve their application ability in practical work.

In order to adapt to the development trend of big data and artificial intelligence, relevant curriculum modules should be added in the curriculum. For example, data analysis and decision support courses are added to enable students to understand how to use data analysis tools to process financial information and conduct business forecasting and risk assessment. At the same time, financial robot (RPA) and intelligent audit courses are offered to enable students to master the use of automated tools, improve work efficiency, and understand their challenges and opportunities for traditional accounting.

The understanding of cloud computing, blockchain and other cutting-edge technologies should also be included in the curriculum system. The application course of cloud computing in accounting can be offered to let students understand how to use cloud computing for remote collaboration and data storage, as well as its application in financial sharing services. At the same time, blockchain technology is emerging in the accounting field because of its characteristics in data security and transparency. Therefore, setting up blockchain technology and accounting practice courses will help students understand how this technology reshapes the way the accounting industry operates.

The reform of curriculum should also pay attention to the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge, so as to cultivate interdisciplinary talents with digital and intellectual accounting requirements. For example, the integration of data analysis methods into economics and statistics courses enables accounting students to analyze financial data from a broader perspective and improve their decision-making ability in complex economic environments. At the same time, students are encouraged to take business intelligence, artificial intelligence and other related courses to broaden their knowledge and increase their ability to solve problems in different fields.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the curriculum reform, the National Open University also needs to strengthen cooperation with enterprises. Through school enterprise alliance, industry practice cases are integrated into teaching, so that students can learn and apply information technology in a real business environment, and enhance their adaptability to future careers. In addition, cooperating with enterprises to develop practice platforms and software can not only provide the latest teaching resources, but also provide students with internship opportunities to improve their employment competitiveness.

The construction of the teaching staff is the key to realize the curriculum reform. Teachers should have sufficient information technology literacy and be able to guide students to master the latest accounting information technology with innovative teaching methods. Therefore, schools should regularly organize teacher training to update their knowledge structure and improve their ability in intelligent accounting teaching. In addition, through cooperation with enterprises, teachers can have the opportunity to experience the industry dynamics in person, bring the latest industry practice into the classroom, and further enhance the practicality of the curriculum.

2、 Reorganize the original curriculum system and strengthen the teaching content of accounting management decision-making

In the information age, the core of accounting education is to cultivate students' analysis and decision-making ability and practical operation skills. In order to adapt to this change, the National Open University should focus on strengthening the teaching of accounting management decision-making in the course system reform, so as to cultivate students' strategic thinking and enable them to make accurate judgments and decisions in the rapidly changing business environment. At the same time, the proportion of practical accounting courses should also be improved to ensure that students have the ability to solve practical problems in addition to theoretical study.

In the recombination of the curriculum system, the accounting management decision-making curriculum should occupy the core position. For example, courses such as management accounting, cost accounting and financial management can be set up to enable students to deeply understand the importance of accounting in enterprise decision-making. Through case analysis, simulation exercises and discussions, students will have the opportunity to use the theoretical knowledge they have learned to solve practical accounting problems, such as capital budgeting, cost control and performance evaluation, and improve their ability to analyze and make decisions in a complex business environment.

Accounting decision model and decision support system courses should be included in the teaching plan to guide students to master the methods of using information technology to assist decision-making. These courses will teach how to use financial models for forecasting and analysis, and how to use data mining and business intelligence tools to assist decision-making. Through these courses, students can not only improve their ability to make accounting decisions in the context of big data, but also enhance their awareness of integration with technology to prepare for future work in a digital environment.

In the process of curriculum system reform, the National Open University should also focus on introducing interdisciplinary knowledge, such as economics, strategic management, marketing, etc., to cultivate students' comprehensive literacy. For example, combining financial strategy and enterprise strategy courses with accounting courses enables students to understand the role of accounting in enterprise strategic planning from a higher dimension, thus cultivating accounting talents with a global perspective. At the same time, by organizing students to participate in enterprise visits, expert lectures and practical activities, students have the opportunity to get close contact with enterprise operations and enhance their understanding of actual management decisions.

3、 Increase the proportion of practical accounting courses and improve students' comprehensive quality

In terms of curriculum, the National Open University should ensure that the proportion of practical accounting courses is sufficient and balanced with theoretical courses. For example, the accounting practice training course at the junior college level can use the workbook style teaching materials to enable students to complete the whole process from voucher filling to statement preparation in a simulated scenario, and cultivate their familiarity with the accounting process and operating skills. At the same time, through the practical training of accounting manual accounts, students can experience the traditional accounting treatment methods and understand the basic principles of accounting. In the undergraduate stage, comprehensive accounting simulation experiments can be set up to enable students to play different roles in the team, simulate business operations, deal with complex accounting businesses, and improve their ability to make accounting management decisions.

In order to enhance students' practical awareness, the National Open University should strengthen cooperation with enterprises and provide internship opportunities so that students can study and work in a real accounting environment. For example, cooperate with accounting firms and corporate finance departments to set up internship bases, so that students can participate in practical work such as auditing and financial analysis under the guidance of professional instructors and accumulate practical experience. In addition, students can also be organized to participate in the accounting skills contest, case analysis contest, etc., to improve their practical operation ability and team cooperation ability through the contest.

In terms of course teaching methods, the National Open University should adopt situational teaching, case studies, simulation practice and other means to enable students to learn accounting knowledge in solving practical problems. For example, by analyzing the financial statements of real enterprises, students can use the knowledge they have learned to conduct financial analysis, understand the operating conditions of enterprises, and develop their ability to think and judge independently. At the same time, online accounting software is introduced to enable students to conduct accounting processing on the simulation platform, so as to improve their ability to handle accounting business in a digital environment.

In the course evaluation system, the National Open University should pay attention to the assessment of students' practical ability, not just the mastery of theoretical knowledge. Practical accounting items can be set as part of the final assessment, so that students can complete a complete accounting business processing within the specified time, and teachers can score according to the correctness, efficiency and innovation of their operations. In addition, students' practice performance, competition results and participation in class discussions should be taken as important references to evaluate their practical ability.

4、 Provide optional optional courses to improve college accounting professional quality

The design of optional courses should fully consider the development trend of the industry, the diversity of students' interests and career planning. First, a series of cutting-edge courses can be offered, such as accounting big data analysis, financial technology and accounting, and the application of blockchain technology in accounting, to help students master the latest technologies and theories to cope with the rapidly changing accounting environment. These courses can not only improve students' theoretical knowledge, but also, more importantly, enable students to develop their sensitivity and adaptability to new technologies in the learning process.

The curriculum should focus on various fields of accounting, such as tax accounting, auditing, internal control system, management accounting, etc., so that students can choose suitable courses according to their interests and future career orientation. For example, for students who are interested in tax work, they can provide in-depth tax planning and tax management courses; For students who are interested in the development of audit field, they can provide courses such as audit theory and practice, fraud audit, etc.

In order to help students improve their communication and team cooperation ability, some courses related to interpersonal communication and team cooperation can be set up, such as business communication, leadership training, etc. This will help them to better cooperate with the team and improve work efficiency in their future work. At the same time, in order to cultivate students' innovative thinking, courses such as innovative management and entrepreneurial practice can also be set up to encourage them to think actively and dare to innovate.

In a word, the National Open University cultivates new accounting talents with comprehensive literacy and innovative thinking. We need to integrate information technology into the curriculum, broaden the field of accounting knowledge, strengthen the teaching of accounting management decision-making, improve students' strategic thinking and decision-making ability, and enhance their accounting professional quality and workplace competitiveness through the reorganization of the curriculum system.


[1] Wu Xufen, Wei Zhubao, Li Daofang. Research on the innovative model of competency based accounting talent training [J]. China University Teaching, 2010 (2): 3

[2] Zhou Yong. Research on Collaborative Cultivation of Accounting Talents in Open Education Based on "Three District Linkage" [J]. Economic Research Guide, 2023 (22): 122-125


The above is about how to write the dissertation of the National Open University. Candidates can use this as a reference, and the details are subject to the official announcement! If you want to get more information about the National Open University, such as registration time, examination time, application conditions, test preparation knowledge, and relevant news, please follow the National Open University Channel on China Education Online.

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