Essays on quality education in primary schools (15 selected)

Guide: Nowadays, many primary schools often have bullying problems, and the quality education of primary school students is an urgent problem. Today, Miss Li from the 668 Thesis website selected 15 model essays on quality education of primary school for your reference. The characters are about 2000 words to 3000 words, and there are topics and references for your reference!

 Primary School Quality Education Thesis

Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Part 1

Topic: Talk about quality education in primary schools

Quality education in primary schools should face all students, recognize individual differences, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and make each student develop in many ways on the original basis; It is necessary to lay a good foundation for students to acquire the ability of survival and development of lifelong learning. The goal of quality education contains a profound humanistic trend, which conforms to the trend of contemporary international human culture education. China attaches great importance to education, puts forward the strategy of "rejuvenating the country through science and education", and implements the nine-year compulsory education system. However, there is still some confusion about what is the connotation of quality education, how to carry out quality education, and what is the goal to achieve. How to carry out quality education in primary schools, I think we should start with the society, schools, teachers and other aspects, and take effective measures.

The understanding of the concept of quality education should be considered from two aspects. First, its original meaning: in pedagogy and psychology, the term "quality" usually refers to the physiological and anatomical characteristics inherited from the previous generation, such as sensory, nervous system, body structure, etc. These inherited characteristics are also genetic factors. The second is the specific meaning in quality education: the word "quality", which we use today in quality education, is actually a comprehensive concept integrating pedagogy, psychology, sociology and other disciplines. Its scientific meaning should be that quality is an individual's innate foundation, The basic quality or basic conditions for smoothly engaging in certain activities formed through the acquired environmental impact and education and training. Whether it is quality education or exam oriented education, it is one of the educational activities that human beings have carried out so far. Then, quality education refers to the educational thoughts and activities in school education with the fundamental purpose of developing students' various qualities. Exam oriented education has become one-sided education because it regards the simple improvement of students' exam ability as the only pursuit of the school, while quality education has become an all-round education because it advocates the school to realize students' vivid and lively development in as many aspects as possible.

1、 The Essence of Quality Education

We have talked about quality education for many years, but now it is still a fashionable word. So what kind of education is quality education? What kind of people should we cultivate through quality education? Before we discuss the quality education in primary schools, it is necessary to clarify these two issues. First, let's look at the opposite of quality education - exam oriented education, and understand quality education through the mirror of exam oriented education. Examination oriented education is to determine whether a person can have the opportunity to enter a higher school education mode based on simple examination results. This kind of education aims to improve students' performance, but does not care about students' morality, intelligence, beauty, etc. As a result, the students trained are very good at examinations, but poor in other aspects. High scores and low abilities are the best description of the students trained under this mode. It is precisely because exam oriented education obliterates students' activities and creativity, inhibits students' development in other aspects, and has a disadvantage that cannot be ignored, so we advocate quality education.

Quality education is to face all students, cultivate students' all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty, and train students to "love the motherland, the people, science, and labor."

2、 Teacher Quality under Quality Education

(1) Pay Attention to the Training of Educational Skills and Improve the Quality of Teachers

The overall quality of teachers determines the implementation of quality education. In order to improve the quality of teachers, we must pay attention to the basic skills of teachers. Teachers' basic skills are the most basic professional skills that teachers must have when they are engaged in education and teaching work, which is of great significance to comprehensively implement the educational policy and do a good job in quality education. First, strengthen the training of teachers' basic skills and continuing education;; The second is to strengthen teaching research. Teaching and research work is another important channel to improve teachers' professional level. Only by constantly learning new educational concepts and advanced teaching methods can we learn from others' strengths and make up for our weaknesses.

(2) Teachers of quality education should have good psychological quality

In the face of competition and pressure, it is impossible to adapt to social development without healthy body and good psychological factors. Therefore, teachers should have keen observation, rich imagination, and be confident, optimistic, generous and fraternal. It is also necessary to actively change roles, not only to look at students from the perspective of development, but also to constantly enrich and improve themselves to achieve their own sustainable development. Cultivation is the carrier of teachers, realm is the starting point of teachers, and personality is the sail of education. Therefore, teachers constantly surpass themselves at a higher starting point.

3、 Quality education focuses on cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability

Quality education bears the special mission of cultivating national innovative spirit and innovative talents. Therefore, on the one hand, quality education should face all students, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and cultivate everyone's creativity; On the other hand, it is necessary to lay a firm foundation for cultivating innovative talents who can climb the world's scientific peak. Every teacher should love and cultivate students' curiosity and thirst for knowledge, help students learn independently and think independently, protect students' exploration spirit, innovative thinking, and the pursuit of truth atmosphere, and create a relaxed environment for the full development of students' endowment and potential.

4、 The Importance of Quality Education in Primary Schools

Quality education is inseparable from exam oriented education. The new curriculum reform does not represent quality education. As the education of cultivating talents for rejuvenating the country, the core purpose of quality education is to cultivate construction talents with high ideological quality, physical and mental health, and adapt to the future needs of society. The cultivation of such talents can not be separated from society and family. In view of the national conditions of our country with a large population, try to avoid letting big machines rob people of their jobs, ensure employment, and balance the gap between rich and poor. Limit the floating population and create a relatively safe and stable social and psychological environment for children. And children are the flowers of the motherland. The hope of the future, to a certain extent, determines the future. If our Chinese children are strong, then our future is full of hope. But if our Chinese children are cowardly, then our future will be gloomy and backward. The rise of China will be difficult to achieve, and it will be difficult to avoid being bullied. Therefore, quality education in primary schools is of vital importance. It shoulders the glorious mission of cultivating qualified children. If you want children to receive comprehensive education, you should start with their lives and integrate education into their lives. We set up different and diverse activities according to the local conditions, carry out distinctive education, and let children really feel the richness of life.

5、 Suggestions on Perfecting and Improving Quality Education in Primary Schools

Quality education is to promote the all-round development of students; It is the core part of the Party's educational policy; Is to improve the quality of the people as the fundamental purpose; Focusing on cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability, we will train successors to the socialist cause with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty. Cultivate students to establish the common ideal and national spirit of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, establish correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and develop good social morality. Therefore, quality education in primary schools is not only a matter for schools, but also for society and families.

All for children, all for children, the implementation of quality education, can neither be ambitious, nor stand idly by. Children's education not only affects everyone's growth, but also affects the future of the motherland and determines the style and ability of the future builders of the motherland. In order to better carry out quality education, we should first start from our educators and strive to improve their own quality. To improve quality education in primary schools to a higher and newer level, governments at all levels, education departments, schools, families and the whole society need to unify their ideas, raise awareness, form joint forces, and effectively promote quality education. We believe that in the near future, quality education will achieve brilliant results.


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Part 2

Title: Comprehensive implementation of quality education in primary schools

Quality education has always been the focus of education reform. Both primary education and university education are advocating quality education. The realization of the goal of quality education mainly depends on the implementation of teaching in various disciplines. In the process of Chinese education in primary schools, it is more necessary to carry out quality education, so as to better achieve the educational goals. Chinese is the foundation of other disciplines and plays an important role in the process of quality education. This paper mainly discusses primary education and quality education, and discusses the implementation of quality education in primary Chinese education.

Primary education plays an important role in the whole education cause, and relevant personnel are required to do a good job in this regard. In primary education, the teaching of Chinese is extremely important. In the whole process of education, Chinese quality education is an important part of quality education and plays an important role in the implementation of quality education, which is difficult to be replaced by other disciplines. Chinese quality is an important factor that determines a person's quality and character. Only by ensuring quality education in primary school Chinese education can we better achieve the goal of quality education and cultivate talents in line with national construction and development.

1、 The Importance of Primary School Chinese Education and Quality Education

Primary education is the basic education, which is the basic stage of the development of students' morality, intelligence, physical and other aspects. Therefore, doing a good job in primary education is an important part of quality education. Primary school Chinese education requires teachers to master the key points of teaching, carry out the teaching process according to the relevant syllabus, pay attention to the implementation of quality education in the teaching process, and pay attention to the improvement of students' quality in the process of improving students' cultural level. Only by doing a good job in primary school Chinese education can we help implement quality education and highlight the significance of primary school Chinese education. Quality education can not only improve people's quality and character, but also cultivate qualified construction successors for the prosperity and strength of the country. Therefore, only by doing a good job in quality education from the primary education stage can we

Better promotion and implementation of quality education can also achieve the purpose of education.

2、 The Importance of Quality Education in Primary Schools

Quality education in primary schools is conducive to the development of all students and personality in primary schools; It is conducive to the needs of primary school students' self-development; At the same time, it is also conducive to the development of future education. Quality education can cultivate a person's ability of independent thinking, creativity and action. Primary education is basic education, with a large number of people and a wide range of people being educated, which is beneficial to all students. Quality education takes the development of "people" as the starting point of education, and human development and social development are closely linked. The development of the country needs qualified talents. Quality education can improve people's various qualities and closely combine the development of people and society. Quality education is an education that focuses on the future, dynamic, and more emphasis on personality. It is also the purpose of quality education to enable all students to get lively and comprehensive development in active learning, and to explore the road to success in education based on a deep understanding of people, so as to promote the improvement of human quality and the prosperity of society. In a word, quality education in primary schools is the focus of education, which is of great significance. Relevant departments need to do a good job in this regard.

3、 The Implementation of Quality Education in Primary School Chinese Education

Quality education plays an important role in the process of cultivating talents. Both basic education and higher education need to implement quality education. Quality education in primary schools needs to face all students, improve students' attitude and ability as the starting point, combine the characteristics of primary school Chinese education, and comprehensively implement quality education in primary schools. In the process of implementing quality education in primary schools, we need to start from the following aspects.

1. Attach importance to the overall development of students

The traditional exam oriented education mainly focuses on the cultural level of students, but does not attach importance to the overall quality of students, which is different from the goal of quality education. The goal of quality education is to attach importance to the overall development of students' quality and the cultivation of their ability. In the process of teaching Chinese in primary schools, we need to carry out teaching work around the overall goal of quality education. Attach importance to the moral education of students and cultivate their good ideological and moral qualities; Attach importance to the aesthetic education of students and cultivate their aesthetic ability; We should attach importance to the cultivation of students' physical and psychological qualities so as to promote their all-round development.

2. Reforming Chinese Classroom Teaching and Giving Full Play to Students' Principal Position

In the process of primary school Chinese teaching, teachers need to give all the initiative of learning to students, fully mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, stimulate students' interest in learning, and change the traditional "passive learning" into "active learning". For the explanation of the text, the teacher only needs to put forward a few targeted questions, and then let the students find answers in the text themselves. For some difficult articles, teachers can divide students into several groups to discuss. Only in this way can we cultivate students' ability to think independently and solve problems. The implementation of quality education in primary school Chinese education requires teachers to adopt a teaching model suitable for students' learning according to the students' learning situation, so as to better implement quality education.

3. Talents teach and attach importance to individualized education

Due to individual differences, the implementation of quality education will be affected to some extent. Students at different levels have different abilities to receive knowledge. Teachers need to teach with talents according to the specific conditions of students. Arrange different learning tasks for students at different levels, so that students at different levels can receive and master more knowledge. For some students with special skills, personalized education should be carried out according to their learning conditions. On the basis of ensuring the implementation of quality education, personalized education should be emphasized.

4. Attach importance to the combination of theory and practice

Primary school Chinese education needs to attach importance to the combination of theory and practice. Only in practical activities can some theoretical knowledge in the Chinese curriculum be better interpreted and students can better master it. In the process of teaching, teachers need to organize relevant activities so that students can learn knowledge and master certain practical skills that cannot be learned from textbooks in practical activities. The moral goal of quality education is not only to improve students' cultural level, but also to enhance students' ability to integrate theory with practice and solve practical problems.


Primary Chinese education plays an important role in primary education. The subject of Chinese is the basis of cultivating students' good quality and character, and also the key object of implementing quality education. For Chinese teaching in primary schools, teachers need to pay attention to the infiltration of quality education while improving students' cultural level. Attention should be paid not only to the cultivation of students' cultural quality, but also to their ability to solve practical problems. Only the comprehensive implementation and implementation of quality education in primary schools can promote the process of quality education and cultivate qualified construction successors.


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Part 3

Title: Research on Quality Education of Primary School Music Education

Absrtact: Due to the limitations of exam oriented education, many courses that cultivate students' interests and hobbies have not received enough attention, and so has primary school music. However, the education mode of ignoring minor courses does not conform to the quality education policy implemented in recent years in China. Therefore, our country must attach importance to quality education in primary schools, so that every pupil can develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and industrially. Based on the background of quality education, this paper mainly explores the problems of music education in primary schools, and draws some good strategies for music quality education in primary schools.

Key words: primary school music; Competence Education; explore

Quality education is an educational concept aimed at improving the comprehensive quality of our nation. It is an educational policy derived from China's "Education Law" to cultivate high-quality talents. Quality education is carried out nationwide with the aim of cultivating every student to be a talent with balanced development in body, ideology, morality, ability and other aspects. Music can cultivate people's sentiments, exert a subtle influence on people, and unconsciously improve people's aesthetic concepts and life taste. Music classes in primary schools are also designed to cultivate pupils' aesthetic concepts and interests. Therefore, music teaching in primary schools is the focus of primary school students' learning career, and also an effective strategy to improve their comprehensive quality.

1、 The Current Situation of Music Quality Education in Primary Schools

As far as the current situation is concerned, parents and teachers have not paid enough attention to music lessons in primary schools in China. Because the school does not include music in the exam, music has become the "victim" of other major subjects. Some pupils have not even had music lessons for a semester. Parents only pay attention to students' academic achievements in their main subjects. As long as the achievements in Chinese, mathematics and English are good, parents no longer care about the achievements in other subjects. In fact, this is wrong. Schools and parents should pay attention to the all-round development of students in education and cultivate their interests for students, so that students can gradually grow into talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor in the future continuous learning process. But now the music class in primary schools is a bit like a vase. Even if we do have a music class, teachers will not teach much music theory in the classroom. Therefore, "nominal" is the current situation of music classes in primary schools in China.

2、 Improve the current situation of music classes in primary schools

As mentioned above, music classes in primary schools in China are "virtual", so now schools must break this situation, let students learn music knowledge, increase their hobbies, and thus improve their aesthetic concepts and comprehensive quality. Therefore, changing the current situation of music lessons in primary schools is an important strategy in China's quality education policy. Only by improving the current situation of music lessons in primary schools can we improve the overall level of quality education in China. The improvement of the current situation of music lessons in primary schools cannot be separated from the joint efforts of schools, teachers and parents. Create a good music learning environment for students, so that every student can wander in the ocean of music.

3、 Improving the Quality Education of Primary School Music

The quality education of primary school music cannot be separated from the joint efforts of schools, teachers and parents. Therefore, the strategies to improve the quality education of primary school music should be divided into the following points.

1. The school strengthens the construction of music facilities

Schools can offer music elective courses based on the original music courses, and provide students with a variety of musical instruments to choose from. Let students choose their favorite musical instruments by themselves, which will keep students' enthusiasm for musical instruments, ensure the effect of students' music learning, effectively cultivate students' interests and reduce the pressure of learning for students. Therefore, the school should strengthen the construction of music facilities, improve the school's music equipment, and it is best to equip each student with music equipment. At the same time, music lessons in primary schools do not need to learn too profound music theory knowledge, as long as the easy to understand music knowledge in music textbooks is enough. If music knowledge is increased, it will increase students' learning pressure, thus making students feel disgusted.

2. Teachers improve their knowledge

After the school improves the music facilities, it also needs the efforts of teachers. Teaching a good course is inseparable from teachers' efforts. Therefore, music teachers should strive to improve their professional knowledge and keep their music knowledge updated and developed. Establish the correct teaching concept, and apply the correct teaching concept to music teaching, so as to achieve quality education for students.

3. Parents pay attention to the comprehensive development of students

In addition to the efforts of schools and teachers, improving the level of music quality education in primary schools also requires the joint efforts of parents. Nowadays, parents are always looking forward to their children and constantly putting pressure on their children, so that students can not rest in their spare time. This kind of education is not conducive to the physical and mental development of students. Constantly letting students learn will only restrict their thoughts, and will make them lose their vitality and creativity.

In a word, the reform of primary school music is an important step in the quality education of primary school students. Learning music can help every primary school student form a good attitude in the process of learning music and liberate their minds.

Primary school music is a course that is of great benefit to students. Let students learn music to cultivate students' optimistic, positive and upward healthy mentality, develop correct moral and ideological concepts, and establish correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Let students grow up under the influence of music, which will make students more excellent and realize the quality education of students in a real sense.


Wang Meng. Research on Music Teaching Reform in Primary Schools [D]. Central China Normal University, 2014


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Chapter 4

Topic: Reflections on English Teaching in Primary Schools under Quality Education

Abstract: Primary school English teaching is an important part of primary school teaching. With the development of primary school English teaching, it also shows some positive changes, reflecting the characteristics of quality education. However, there are still some problems in the overall primary school English teaching, which indeed limit the primary school English teaching. Therefore, we should have a comprehensive understanding of English teaching in primary schools in order to truly achieve the goal of quality education in primary English.

Key words: quality education; Primary school English; Teaching thinking

With the deepening of economic globalization, English has become a compulsory and important subject for Chinese students. English teaching in primary schools has also become popular, and every student needs to take English lessons. Quality education is the contemporary teaching goal, which should be based on improving the overall quality of students, that is, creativity, thinking ability, social morality and other things as "human" quality training. English teaching in primary schools also reflects the characteristics of quality education and has made some useful attempts. However, as a foreign language, there are still some problems in English teaching in primary schools. Therefore, based on the primary school English textbook published by People's Education Press, taking the sixth grade curriculum as an example, this paper makes a simple summary of the primary school English teaching under quality education.

1、 Positive Change in Primary School English Teaching

1. Try various ways to teach

With the further development of education, the traditional book teaching can no longer meet the needs of contemporary teaching. Therefore, in teaching, teachers will use a variety of ways to impart knowledge to achieve the purpose of education. This is especially true in primary school teaching. The traditional book teaching mode often blocks children's thinking and imagination. Therefore, teachers pay more attention to methods and skills in primary school teaching, as well as English teaching. They often use a variety of ways to achieve teaching objectives, such as multimedia teaching, game teaching, situation creation and other concrete and vivid teaching forms.

For example, the first lesson in the English textbook for grade six is "How can I get there. In addition, teachers can also use multimedia for animation demonstration and intuitive orientation display, so that students can better remember vocabulary expressions in public places such as "post office" and "hospital".

2. Pay attention to oral expression and application

Oral expression is a major obstacle in English teaching in China. Therefore, contemporary primary school English teaching has begun to pay attention to the cultivation of oral expression ability, and encourage students to use it to get rid of the "dumb English" learning mode. The English teaching requirements of grade six in primary school have reached the level that students can have simple daily conversations. Teachers also mainly guide and encourage students to speak when teaching.

For example, there will be "Let talk" after each lesson in the English textbook. In the face of this part of content, teachers can let students practice and organize free conversation between their deskmates, not necessarily according to the content of the textbook, encourage them to express and use new words freely, and let them be used to expressing and happy to express in English class.

2、 Problems in English Teaching in Primary Schools

1. Learning for application is limited

No matter what subject, learning to apply is the best learning effect. As a language, English needs to give full play to its communication and expression functions, so that language learning can be truly carried out. The purpose of English teaching in primary school is to let students become familiar with the language as soon as possible, rather than being afraid of English subjects in middle school. However, one of the difficulties faced by primary school English teaching is learning English, but it can't be used well in life, because there are not so many foreigners who can communicate with you, and the parents' English levels are different, many of them can't use English to communicate with their children. English textbooks for primary schools are all about daily conversation and expression, but they lack the use of English in real life, which greatly limits language learning and progress.

2. The teaching time and content do not match

There are a lot of contents in English textbooks for primary school students. There are ten units in the two volumes of English curriculum for Grade 6. In addition to the ten units, there are many expanded contents. For primary school students, each section needs to be learned, and the process from learning to mastering knowledge takes a lot of time Compared with Chinese, the dilemma of English teaching is particularly obvious. There are many contents but the teaching time is far less than that of Chinese and mathematics. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for teachers to achieve English teaching goals.

3. Primary school English is "specialized"

Primary school English is already a subject that primary school students need to learn, and primary school English teaching has also received more attention. However, in most schools, primary school English is subconsciously taught as an enlightenment and a specialty, which is shown in two aspects. First of all, English examinations in primary schools are not unified. Although quality education is often compared with exam oriented education, it must be clear that quality education does not mean the complete abolition of examinations. Examinations, as a test of learning achievements, have an irreplaceable role, but English teaching in primary schools does not have a unified examination standard like Chinese and mathematics. Second, the requirements of primary school English teaching and secondary school English teaching are quite different, and it is difficult to achieve the consistency of teaching, which is also because primary school English is specialized by most people in reality.

English teaching in primary schools under quality education is carried out to adapt to the teaching objectives of the new era, and has also made many useful attempts in English teaching, and also has a very significant effect. But if we want to have a great development in primary school English teaching, we must recognize some problems existing in the current primary school English teaching, so that we can really achieve the goal of primary school English teaching.


[1] Zhang Xianchen. Several Dialectical Relations to be Handled in English Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools under the New Curriculum Concept [J]. Curriculum, Textbooks and Teaching Methods, 2007 (4)

[2] Ling Juanping. Characteristics of English Teaching in Primary Schools and Challenges Faced by English Classes in Primary Schools [J]. Campus English, 2015 (26). endprint


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Chapter 5

Topic: Reflections on English Teaching in Primary Schools under Quality Education

Abstract: With the continuous development of the reform of quality education in China, the concept of quality education in primary and secondary schools has gradually taken root in the hearts of the people, and the quality education will also affect the English teaching in primary schools, promoting the better development of English education and teaching in primary schools in China, so as to cultivate innovative talents to meet the needs of social development. This paper focuses on English teaching in primary schools under quality education, and provides important reference for the development of quality education in the future.

Key words: quality education; Primary school English; Teaching thinking

With the continuous development of the global economy, English has become the most widely used language in the world. English will also become a compulsory course for Chinese students from small to large. Quality education is the trend and goal of the continuous development of modern education. We insist on improving students' comprehensive quality as the basis of education, and take creativity, thinking ability, social morality, etc. as the criteria to measure quality training. In the current process of primary school English education, the characteristics of quality education will also be reflected, but English, as a foreign language, There are still many shortcomings and problems in the actual education and teaching. Therefore, combined with the current development of primary school English, this paper discusses the impact and role of quality education on primary school English education in China.

1、 A Brief Analysis of the Problems in English Teaching in Primary Schools

1. About learning to apply

No matter for any subject, students can achieve the goal of learning to apply, which means that the objectives and tasks of this course have been completed. As a foreign language subject, learning to apply is more important and critical in English learning, The purpose of joining English in the process of primary education and teaching in China is to make students become familiar with English as soon as possible and lay a solid foundation for later English learning. As far as the current situation of English teaching in primary schools in China is concerned, the biggest problem facing the majority of primary school students is that they cannot use English in their real life after learning it. Most of the surrounding people use Chinese as the language of communication, so that the oral English level of primary school students cannot be improved and developed for a long time.

2. About the matching of teaching time and teaching content

The content of English textbooks for primary schools is complex and diverse. There are many parts in the textbooks that need to be explained by English teachers. In addition to more than a dozen units of learning, there are some extracurricular practice and expansion activities that need to be completed by primary school students in time. The time from learning to mastering the relevant content is usually very long. Compared with the teaching of Chinese and mathematics, English education and teaching in primary schools are particularly complex. The content is more than that of Chinese and mathematics, and the time allocated is less. As a result, most primary school English teachers can only select some important and critical content to explain in the actual classroom teaching, making primary school students unable to fully understand and learn primary school English knowledge, Then the majority of primary school english teachers can not achieve the expected educational and teaching goals.

3. About the "specialization" of primary school English

English teaching in primary school education and teaching in China has received great attention from all sides of the social education community. However, in the process of most primary school English education and teaching, primary school English teaching is regarded as a kind of specialty and enlightenment teaching, which is mainly reflected in the following two aspects. First, there is a lack of corresponding examination standards. The primary school English examination has not made a unified examination standard. There are fundamental differences between quality education and exam oriented education, but there are similarities between the two, that is, the examination has not been completely canceled. As a way to test students' learning effect, the examination will play an important role in education and teaching. Due to the lack of certain English examination standards, So that the future of primary school english teaching will gradually develop in the direction of specialization. Second, it lacks coherence. Although primary school English and middle school English belong to the subject of English, there are still great differences between them. Only through the specialized teaching of primary school English can we better ensure the continuity of primary school English teaching.

2、 A Brief Analysis of Teaching Methods for Improving English Quality Education in Primary Schools

1. Adopt task-based teaching mode

Task based classroom teaching mode mainly refers to arranging the expected primary school English teaching objectives in one or more specific teaching activities, so that students can learn English imperceptibly while using English, thus effectively improving the pupils' English application ability. The task-based classroom teaching model attaches more importance to primary school students to complete the expected teaching tasks by using English as a language of communication. It does not allow primary school students to master more English vocabulary and grammar. This model is conducive to helping students establish good information, so as to form a complete and efficient English learning strategy.

2. Create English teaching situation

Situational teaching method is one of the most popular and concerned teaching methods in the current development of quality education. It is the unity of conscious and unconscious psychological activities, so that the majority of primary school students consciously or unconsciously accept the indoctrination of English knowledge. The best way for primary school students to learn English is to combine daily English teaching tasks with teaching situations, so that primary school students can feel the fun of learning English in the real situation. In the later stage of English education and teaching, English teachers can use multimedia technology to create more situations for students to participate in language communication activities actively, so that students can walk into the situation Understand the situation and perform the situation, so as to break through the concept of language.

3. Scientific and rational use of modern educational technology

Modern educational technology has the advantages of large amount of information storage, fast transformation speed and good visual effect, and has also broken through the limitations of space and time in traditional English education and teaching. Modern educational technology has transformed dull English knowledge into vivid and interesting video data, which has greatly promoted the improvement of students' thinking ability, Encourage primary school students to actively participate in various educational and teaching activities to effectively improve their interest in learning English.

In a word, English education and teaching in primary schools under quality education are carried out to adapt to the goal of English education in primary schools in the new era. Some modifications and adjustments have been made in English teaching methods, and good results have been achieved. English education and teaching in primary schools is a long-term and complicated work. We must recognize the problems existing in the current education and teaching process, so that we can truly achieve the goal of English teaching in primary schools.


[1] Zhang Xianchen. Several Dialectical Relations to be Dealt with in English Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools under the New Curriculum Concept [J]. Curriculum · Textbook · Teaching Methodology, 2007 (4)

[2] Ling Juanping. Characteristics of English Teaching in Primary Schools and Challenges Faced by English Classes in Primary Schools [J]. Campus English, 2015 (26)


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary Schools Chapter 6

Topic: Primary School Sports Games and Quality Education

Sports games are comprehensive sports activities composed of certain plots, actions (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, balancing, confrontation and various performance actions), competition rules and results. Sports games are children's favorite activities. They are free, interesting, imaginary and creative. School physical education is an important part of school education and an indispensable part of quality education. The implementation of quality education in school physical education is carried out through various channels. Physical education is the main channel for the implementation of quality education, and sports games are an important way to improve physical education.

1、 The Position and Function of Sports Games in Primary School Sports

As a social phenomenon, sports games appear and evolve with the emergence and development of human society. It is a major product of social civilization. It is a modern game method that takes physical exercise as the basic means and aims at strengthening the physique, entertaining the body and mind, and cultivating the temperament.

In primary school physical education teaching, game teaching not only accounts for a large proportion, but also widely permeates sports games in the teaching of various disciplines. The reason why sports games can be widely used, in addition to the general characteristics of games and sports activities, it also has the characteristics of free choice, imagination, interest, competition and creativity. These attributes of the game are fully consistent with the age characteristics of students' curiosity, fun, activity and carefree. The excitement process of students' advanced nervous system is stronger than the inhibition process, and they are prone to fatigue; The cognitive process is characterized by concreteness, randomness and emotion. They like to participate in games and are willing to accept learning content in games. Therefore, the effect of using sports games to complete sports teaching tasks in primary school sports teaching is obviously better than that of general teaching methods. Students have high enthusiasm for learning, strong interest, strong subjective awareness of participating in games, and can complete sports teaching tasks in a happy teaching atmosphere.

An important aspect of modern sports teaching reform is to pay attention to sports teaching, so that students can learn independently and happily, develop students' personality, and improve the effectiveness of sports teaching. The characteristics and functions of sports games determine that they have great potential in sports teaching, which is conducive to improving teaching quality and completing teaching tasks. Therefore, sports games play an important role in sports teaching.

2、 Sports games can develop and cultivate students' creative thinking ability

Cultivating students' creative thinking is the need to develop human potential and to integrate physical education into educational reform. The core of cultivating students' creative ability and spirit is to cultivate students' creative thinking. According to the characteristics of students' physical and mental development, childhood is the fastest and most significant stage of thinking development, which is obviously manifested in strong memory, rich imagination, active brain thinking activities, and its creative thinking development is in the golden stage. Grasp the law of thinking development in this stage, give full play to students' subjective initiative, and cultivate a new generation with creative spirit and creative ability.

According to the characteristics of sports games - freedom, interest, imagination and creativity, its main significance is to give play to the subjectivity of participants, practice according to their own wishes, improve individuals and realize themselves. Students can create multiple ways to win in the same game, change multiple conditions and rules in the same game, and create multiple games and practice methods with the same equipment. Compare intelligence in physical strength and skills in intelligence, so that each student can give full play to their own strengths. Students with poor physical strength can gain the chance to win by designing games suitable for their own physical strength. As long as they use their own brains and hands, they can win the championship. Through sports games, we can better tap people's potential, develop and cultivate students' creative thinking.

3、 Sports games can develop students' overall quality

Sports games are physical and mental exercises based on physical exercises. Regular participation in sports games is of great benefit to improving people's physical condition, developing physical quality, developing basic activity ability and improving their adaptability to various natural environments. In primary school, students are in the critical period of growing up. It is beneficial for students to develop the ability to walk, run, jump, throw and other basic activities correctly, which is conducive to their growth and development. There are a lot of contents and forms suitable for children in sports games, which play a special role in the development of children's physical and mental health.

Physical quality is the basis for engaging in general sports. The acquisition of sports skills in sports games requires a certain physical quality. Conversely, incorporating the development of physical quality into sports game teaching has promoted the improvement of students' physical quality. If monotonous physical quality training is carried out for children, they will be bored because of boredom. Using sports games to carry out physical quality training will become boring and interesting, teaching and entertainment, so as to achieve better exercise results. At the same time, we should seize the "sensitive period" of this period to comprehensively develop children's physical quality.

The psychological characteristics of primary school students are mainly manifested in: poor self-control ability, poor attention distribution ability, impulsive, ecstasy and excitement due to success, impatience, annoyance and frustration due to frustration, large emotional changes, easy interest in new things, good competition and competition. Through sports games, students' attention can be improved, stable psychology can be developed, good will quality can be cultivated, the spirit of self-conscious discipline, mutual concern, solidarity and cooperation can be consciously observed, and some bad psychological states can be changed. The primary school students have a profound psychological need to cultivate health since childhood. Let them enjoy themselves in sports games, make them happy, overcome negative emotions, fully display themselves, and cultivate students who are cheerful, positive, ambitious, confident, idealistic, competitive, and creative.

To sum up, the development and teaching of sports games in primary school is one of the important ways to improve sports teaching. The implementation of quality education is to organically integrate moral education, intellectual education, physical education, aesthetic education, etc. in all aspects of educational activities. Sports games can integrate all aspects of students' quality and effectively improve physical education, which is an important way to implement physical quality education.


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Article 7

Title: Management and effective measures for problem students in quality education in primary school

From the perspective of quality education, the primary stage of compulsory education requires teachers to implement the people-oriented concept and achieve the important teaching goal of promoting the development of each student's core literacy. Each class has some troublesome students. These students have caused great trouble to teachers' daily management and teaching due to family reasons, school reasons, or physiological reasons. In addition, primary school students lack discrimination, but they have strong imitation ability. Good students may not learn, but bad students can learn, It is very easy for one problem student to induce more problem students, thus producing the butterfly effect. This not only affects the efficiency of class management, but also has an extremely adverse impact on the growth and development of students themselves. Once the problem students can't handle it well, it is also easy to induce a series of other problems, such as intensifying the contradiction between teachers and students, making the problem of problem students more serious and the management more difficult. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the management of problem students.

1、 Causes of Problem Students in Primary School

1. Family causes

Parents are children's first teachers, so the importance of family education is self-evident. At present, the causes of most problem students, especially primary school students, are closely related to the lack of family education. On the one hand, parents are the first teachers of children, which exerts a subtle influence on the formation of children's good behavior habits. However, some parents are poor in their own quality, and children have learned from others. Through their imitative nature, they are also infected with these bad habits. On the other hand, because some primary school students' parents go out to work for a long time and are taken care of by other relatives, or their parents are divorced, they lack their parents' discipline and care when they are young, and their mental health, behavior and other problems cannot be solved in a timely and effective manner. It is these families that create some problem students for the school.

2. Campus causes

Another important environment in the growth stage of primary school students is the campus. Teachers, as administrators of students' daily life and organizers of learning, have an important impact on students. However, on the one hand, teachers do not fully implement the concept of quality education. They only attach importance to learning, but not to moral education and the cultivation of students' good learning habits. This not only aggravates the current situation of problem students, but also creates some hidden problem students who have talent but no morality. On the other hand, some teachers themselves do not have good moral literacy. They do not implement the people-oriented idea under the quality education idea for all students, and adopt a simple and crude management mode, resulting in the phenomenon of "no problems have problems, problems are more serious". The current situation of problem students is getting worse.

3. Physiological and psychological factors

Physiological cause refers to that some primary school students do have congenital or acquired physiological defects, such as hyperactivity, slowness of action, etc. Some students, especially the first grade students, have problems such as difficult to adjust their work and rest habits due to maladjustment when they just enter the campus, which is also one of the causes of problem students. Psychological factors refer to students' problems caused by deep social factors such as extreme thinking, abnormal behavior, unsociable personality, inferiority complex, and poor anti frustration ability due to their parents' doting, parents' long-term absence of care and discipline, or parents' divorce.

2、 Effective Measures of Problem Student Management in the Perspective of Quality Education

1. Rely on the strength of parents to manage problem students through home school education

From the perspective of quality education, in order to achieve effective management of problem students in primary schools, teachers should rely on the strength of parents to achieve effective management of problem students through home school education. First of all, teachers should clarify the importance of managing students for parents in the form of parent meeting, introduce excellent education experience and methods to parents, so as to improve parents' education level, provide strong support for the management of problem students, and finally make parents accept the management method of teachers, and influence problem students through their own good behavior habits, Transforming the education thought of problem students through caring and caring. Secondly, after parents accept the management model of teachers, teachers and parents should strengthen communication, timely find problems in students' daily life in terms of performance, behavior, habits, psychology, etc., and give effective help and guidance in a timely manner, so as to curb the emergence of problem students and achieve effective management of problem students. For example, Xiao Ming in the class kept his academic performance at the top, but at some time the author found that he was not energetic in class, often fell asleep, and his academic performance kept falling. After contacting his parents, his parents were also confused. Later, after contacting their relatives, they learned that the children stayed at his grandpa's house after their parents went out to work. His grandpa was too old to discipline, and the children often stayed up late to play computer games, which is why this is so. So the author suggests that parents send their children to their uncle's home in the same village and let him manage them. There is a child of the same age in the uncle's home, which can just stimulate their sense of competition and get more at one stroke. At ordinary times, the author also helps Xiao Ming make up for the missed courses. After a period of time, Xiao Ming's performance finally rebounds.

2. Upgrading educational ideas and methods

From the perspective of quality education, in order to achieve effective management of problem students in primary schools, teachers should upgrade their educational ideas and programs, guide teaching practice with advanced ideas, and implement effective management of problem students with scientific programs. First of all, teachers should set an example, establish their own good moral quality, use good images to influence students imperceptibly, and promote the transformation of problem students. Therefore, teachers should not be too harsh when facing students, and patiently solve problems with a kind attitude, so as to establish trust between teachers and students, make problem students happy to accept management, and realize the transformation of problem students. Secondly, teachers should implement the people-oriented education concept in the perspective of quality education, and treat every student equally, especially when facing problem students, they should focus on students, gradually explore the causes of their bad behavior with a step-by-step attitude, choose a management method suitable for their own characteristics, and give effective help and guidance. At the same time, teachers should strengthen emotional education, care about students' daily life, such as learning methods, difficulties in learning, etc., and reduce the generation of problem students with meticulous care based on effective solutions. Take Xiaoqiang in the class as an example. Xiaoqiang is a very introverted student who doesn't like talking and lacks communication with his classmates. When asked by the teacher to answer questions, he mostly bowed his head and answered in a very low voice. Students laughed at him for being timid and sulky. Over time, Xiaoqiang became less confident and became a problem student. In order to solve Xiaoqiang's problems, the author often talks with Xiaoqiang and asks Xiaoqiang to help me distribute my homework books. In class, whenever he finds that Xiaoqiang is sitting properly and answering questions in a loud voice, he will be praised in a timely manner. If he answers incorrectly, I will not criticize him or allow my classmates to laugh at him. With continuous encouragement and care, Xiaoqiang's self-confidence has been effectively established, and his sense of timidity in class has disappeared. Over time, Xiaoqiang has become more and more confident, more and more fond of approaching teachers, and more actively participates in teaching activities in class, and actively participates in various activities after class. People are obviously more cheerful, and learning achievements are gradually improving.

3. Hierarchical management to build self-confidence of problem students

In fact, every student, especially primary school students, has a very strong desire for knowledge. However, with the gradual deepening of the contents of various subjects, bad learning habits, family and other factors, students gradually lose their interest in learning and fall into the cycle of "unwilling to learn - unable to learn - unwilling to learn". We find that the main reason is the teacher's spoon feeding teaching mode. Under this mode, teachers carry out teaching in a self-centered manner, and lack effective attention to students' cognitive ability, personality characteristics, etc., which leads to the problem that excellent students are not full, learning difficulties are not good, and students are not well fed. At the same time, this problem also exists from the perspective of homework design. Therefore, teachers should upgrade the people-oriented modern education idea to the layered education idea, divide students into excellent students, poor students and ordinary students, and formulate different progress rewards and assignments for students at each level. For example, students with learning difficulties in mathematics only need to be able to use concepts to do general exercises. As long as poor students make progress, even if they make progress from 60 points to 70 points, they will also be rewarded. At the same time, teachers should emphasize for students that grouping is not fixed and will be adjusted with the progress of students' performance, so as to stimulate students' awareness of progress and crisis and achieve effective transformation of problem students.

To sum up, the causes of problem students in primary schools are very complex, and have a huge impact on teaching and student development. Therefore, teachers should carefully analyze the causes in their work, continue to implement the student-centered education idea from the perspective of quality education, take appropriate solutions, upgrade education ideas and methods, rely on parents' strength, manage problem students from multiple perspectives through the concept of family school education, and expand management means through the concept of hierarchical education, Finally, effective management of problem students is realized.


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Chapter 8

Title: Quality requirements for primary school mathematics teachers under quality education

At present, the comprehensive implementation of quality education has become the focus of education and teaching reform in primary and secondary schools. Quality education is a new educational theory proposed to meet the needs of social development. Its purpose is to develop students' own potential, enable all students to learn actively, and promote students' all-round development. So, as a primary school mathematics teacher, what qualities should he have?

1、 Raise awareness and renew ideas

l. Fully understand the importance and urgency of implementing quality education

Quality education is the need of individual, era and social development, the need of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the need to integrate with world education, and the result of the change of ideas in the field of education. We must implement the spirit of quality education in practice and reflect the direction of quality education, so as to cultivate qualified construction talents for the 21st century.

2. Have the desire to be a good math teacher in primary school

Good wishes are the internal cause of success. Primary school mathematics teachers should first have the desire to strive for primary school mathematics education all their lives and become an excellent primary school mathematics teacher. With a desire, the teacher will be interested in his own career and profession, and will try to explore teaching materials, study teaching methods, think about how to stimulate students' interest, and let students understand the importance of mathematics, so that students can learn mathematics and learn mathematics well.

3. Establish correct concepts and change from exam oriented education to quality education

Teachers in the new era should set up correct views on mathematics, quality, students, talents and teaching. Teachers should realize the transformation from the old view of mathematics to the new one; To realize the change of quality concept from "taking score as the standard" to "taking the full development of every student's moral, intellectual, physical and other qualities and personality as the standard"; It is necessary to realize the change of student's view from "students are the containers of knowledge" to "students are the masters of learning"; It is necessary to realize the transformation of the talent view from "talents who master high and new technology are talents" to "self reliant workers are also talents"; It is necessary to realize the change of teaching concept from "only teaching knowledge" to "comprehensively improving students' quality in all aspects and fully developing their personality". The old mathematics education thought is to support the good and discard the bad, to divide people, to fill the room, to engage in "one size fits all", exercises tactics, and so on, while ignoring the individualized teaching and ability training, resulting in students' overburden and the phenomenon of high scores but low abilities. In the new century, primary school mathematics education focuses on improving students' mathematical quality. Therefore, a remarkable feature of mathematics education in the new century is the transformation from "exam oriented education" to "quality education".

2、 Knowledgeable and competent

"The first thing to do is to forge iron." Primary school mathematics teachers themselves should have profound knowledge and strong mathematical teaching ability.

1. Profound knowledge

(1) Deep professional knowledge. Teachers must be solid and proficient in their professional knowledge to have a high level of teaching. A primary school mathematics teacher should have a clear understanding of mathematics, have mathematical concepts, and have a systematic and solid foundation for the cultural knowledge of his specialty, at least reaching the level of mathematics junior college or above. Teachers should learn like pyramids, which are both broad and sophisticated.

(2) Generous basic cultural knowledge. Proficiency in mathematics is necessary, but it is not enough for teachers to do a good job. Teachers must also have extensive knowledge of other disciplines. Teachers can satisfy students' curiosity and thirst for knowledge only when they know and know a lot. Therefore, teachers must continue to learn, develop and update their knowledge all their lives. Only with rich knowledge reserves can they foresee the future needs.

(3) Must have certain quality education theory accomplishment. Quality education is a very complicated social practice, which has its own special laws. If teachers want to educate people scientifically according to objective laws, they must have certain theories of quality education, and use them to guide their own educational activities, and resist the influence and restraint of old ideas.

2. Strong teaching ability

(1) The ability of instructional design. The cultivation and improvement of mathematical quality can not be separated from the careful design, organization and implementation of teachers in the teaching process. Through careful teaching design, teachers can stimulate students' interest and thirst for knowledge, fully mobilize students' initiative, enthusiasm and creativity, so as to effectively improve students' ability to find, raise and solve problems. Teaching design is a fine art of lesson preparation, creative, and a comprehensive reflection of teachers' ability.

(2) The ability to control the classroom. Classroom teaching is the main channel and position for implementing quality education. According to the requirements of modern society for talent cultivation, we should use the theory of quality education as a guide, carry out the reform and innovation of mathematical teaching methods, adopt some new teaching methods, strengthen the bilateral activities of teachers and students in classroom teaching, truly reflect the leading role of teachers and the main role of students, so that every student can become "bitter" in the classroom: heart, eye, ear, hand Learning is "fun", changing "the teacher wants me to learn mathematics" to "I want to learn mathematics", so as to optimize the classroom effect.

(3) Ability to use modern teaching media. The auxiliary means of mathematics classroom teaching have a significant impact on the teaching effect. It can reduce some phenomena to large ones, concretize and visualize abstract problems, highlight key points, break through difficulties, increase teaching capacity and improve classroom efficiency. Therefore, teachers should make extensive use of models, projections, videos and computer-assisted teaching. They should learn to make models, slides, edit teaching videos and compile teaching software, summarize the experience of applying audio-visual education and other visual aids, strive to improve the ability and level of using modern teaching media, and use modern teaching media to achieve the optimization of classroom teaching.

(4) Teaching and scientific research ability. The implementation of quality education is a process of continuous exploration and innovation. As a direct participant in this process, teachers should be good at understanding the new trend of mathematics education and teaching reform, be committed to in-depth thinking and research on practical problems, actively participate in teaching reform, be brave in practice, change "learning experience" into "creating experience", and form their own teaching style. This can not only improve their ability to solve problems and teaching level, but also sum up experience and expand exchanges.

(5) Language skills. It is the teacher's job to preach, impart knowledge and dispel doubts. Language is indispensable to do these things well. Therefore, language expression is one of the basic qualities of teachers, an important guarantee for the success of teaching, and an indispensable condition for enhancing the effect of education and teaching and improving the quality of teaching. As an excellent primary school mathematics teacher, he should optimize oral language, blackboard writing language and body language.

(6) Cultivate students' ability of self-study. "Illiterates in the future will no longer be illiterate people, but people who have not learned how to learn." Obviously, it puts forward higher requirements for educators. As teachers, they should not only impart knowledge to students, but more importantly, teach students scientific learning methods. "It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish." Only by "giving students the key to open the treasure house of knowledge" can students benefit for life. Therefore, in the process of mathematics teaching, we should not only pay attention to the research of teaching methods, but also pay attention to the research and exploration of learning methods, so that students can master the "key" of self-study and comprehensively improve students' mathematical quality, which requires that mathematics teachers must have the ability to cultivate students' self-study ability.

3、 Having both ability and integrity, taking the lead in setting an example

1. Love education

"Learning from a high school is a teacher, and being upright is a model." Teachers are engineers of the human soul, and it is teachers' bounden duty to teach and educate people. Loving education is the premise of doing well in education and teaching, and also the key for teachers to correctly understand education. The power of teacher's work comes from his strong love and persistent pursuit of education.

2. Harmonious relationship between teachers and students

Teachers work with students, and being popular with students is the main factor for successful teaching. Therefore, we should care about and love students, strictly require students, be good at encouraging students, love, trust and respect students, set an example, be a teacher, compare our hearts with each other, exchange our hearts with each other, and love in teaching. Only in this way can we help cultivate students' interest in learning, make students willing to learn, dare to make progress, comprehensively improve their quality, and thus improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.

3. Unity and cooperation, complementary advantages

Education can not be completed by teachers alone, but by the joint efforts of all teachers, parents and off campus educational institutions. Therefore, teachers should deal with the interpersonal relationships in all aspects, organize all armies, cooperate and work together collectively, and twist the strength of all aspects into one rope, so that education can achieve greater results.

The quality of primary school mathematics teachers is related to the success or failure of primary school mathematics education, as well as the development of students in mathematics. Therefore, as a primary school mathematics teacher under the new curriculum reform, he should always strive to improve his own quality to meet the needs of social and educational development.


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary Schools Chapter 9

Topic: Discussion on Physical Education Teaching in Primary Schools under the Background of Quality Education

Abstract: In the context of quality education, the planning and implementation of teaching content should be carried out for the lower grade pupils according to their age characteristics, hobbies and limb coordination. Carrying out the teaching content of physical education according to students' interests can fully mobilize students' enthusiasm, grasp the characteristics of action skill teaching, skillfully train students' physical flexibility in interest, improve students' physical quality, and fully improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching. This paper analyzes and explores the physical education teaching in primary schools under the background of quality education.

Key words: primary school sports; Quality education background; Teaching discussion

Under the background of quality education, PE teachers should decide the teaching content according to the development and physical quality of the junior students. Using diversified teaching methods can enable students with different personality characteristics to stimulate their enthusiasm for physical exercise, let students grow in interest, improve their physical quality and ability in play, and then improve the teaching efficiency of physical education.

1、 Stimulate sports interest and improve the efficiency of physical education classroom teaching

1. Experience success and stimulate interest

For a class of students, their personality and physical quality are quite different, so teaching strategies and teaching requirements cannot be generalized. Targeted multi-level teaching can formulate different physical education teaching standards according to the physical quality of different students, so that each student can experience the fun of success and stimulate the enthusiasm of learning sports. For example, in the process of running test, students are divided into three groups according to their physical fitness, and the requirements for each group are different. Those with good physical fitness have higher requirements for running distance or time, while those with poor physical fitness have lower requirements. Classifying teaching and testing are carried out according to different levels, so that the rate of reaching the standard is greatly improved, Students enjoy the interest of physical education in success.

2. Meet needs and stimulate interest

The lower grade students are naturally active, so they like and expect physical education very much, but

The reason is that lower grade students have a wide range of interests and are enthusiastic about interesting things. A single physical education curriculum can not raise students' interest, which reduces students' enthusiasm for sports. Therefore, the integration of interesting elements in physical education teaching is very helpful to improve students' enthusiasm for learning. For example, interesting games, such as throwing handkerchiefs, kicking shuttlecock competitions, blindfolded and catching people, can make junior students improve their physical quality imperceptibly with laughter.

3. Advocate competition and stimulate interest

Striving for strength and competitiveness is a way for students to improve their ability. Therefore, competitive exercise can break through students' ability and stimulate their interest. For example, in the physical education class, the students were divided into four teams for the 50 meter dash. At the moment of hearing the whistle, the students were nervous and excited and rushed forward. No one wanted to be the last. Grasp the students' competitive psychology, improve the students' enthusiasm and competitive consciousness, and achieve the purpose of physical exercise.

2、 Using Different Teaching Methods to Improve Teaching Efficiency

1. Situational teaching method to improve teaching efficiency

In the development of the times, different innovative teaching concepts and teaching methods are adopted to meet the interests and cognition of modern students. Through the integration of new media teaching mode, students' learning interest is improved. The situational teaching method can make students realize the significance of sports.

Nowadays, new media technology is becoming more and more high-end. You can use mobile phones, tablet computers, and projectors to carry out indoor teaching in sports halls. Through animation videos, you can show the movement methods in animation and improve students' interest in participating in scenario simulation. For example, in the animation "Bears Appear and Fall", bald headed Qiang and Xiong Da Xiong Er launched a badminton duel, according to which students can be divided into two groups for fun badminton practice. This multimedia situational teaching method can enable each student to actively participate in and improve their exercise desire.

2. Game teaching method to improve students' interest

The game teaching method can also improve the students' interest in sports learning. Take basketball as an example, divide the students into four groups, and then each group starts to play a passing game. The ball can't be landed or kicked, but can only be passed by hand. Stand apart for a distance, and pass the ball in turn. To see which group has the largest number of passes, and which group has not landed, give a commendation to the small red flower. This fun game teaching method not only improves students' interest in sports, but also stimulates their sense of competition and enthusiasm. It enables students to carry out strength exercises, body coordination exercises, balance exercises and accuracy exercises in play and laughter, effectively improving the effectiveness of physical education teaching in primary schools.

3. Competitive awareness teaching method to improve students' enthusiasm

In primary school physical education teaching, we should teach moderately according to students' psychology. Most pupils at this age are competitive, so they can use the teaching mode of competition to achieve the purpose of physical exercise. Stimulating students' competitive psychology by grouping sprint results ranking will stimulate students' sports potential, and can also achieve the cultivation of sports competitive spirit through sports, so that students can improve their ability, enhance their physical quality, improve their immunity, and provide good physical quality for future life and learning.

In short, in the context of quality education, we should choose appropriate teaching content according to the physical quality and interests of students, follow the age characteristics and personality characteristics of lower grade students, give full play to the interaction between students and teachers in physical education, respect students' subjectivity in the classroom, regard students as the center of physical education curriculum, and physical education teachers as assistants, Stimulate students' enthusiasm for exercise and improve the vividness and interest of physical education. Let students grow up in interest, improve the teaching effectiveness of primary school physical education, and promote the physical and mental development of students.


[1] Zhang Wenjuan. On Several Methods of Happy Physical Education Teaching in Primary Schools [J]. Learning Weekly, 2017 (8)

[2] Zhang Yankun. On the Characteristics and Strategies of Physical Education Teaching in Primary Schools [J]. Academic Weekly, 2017 (3)


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Article 10

Topic: Composition Teaching Reform and Quality Education in Primary Schools

Abstract: In today's era of vigorously promoting quality education, the reform of Chinese composition teaching in primary schools is increasingly showing its importance. Composition teaching is a special process of Chinese experience, a kind of spiritual exchange and spiritual dialogue. Every article in composition teaching comes from life, and the extension of composition is equal to that of life. "Language is not only a tool, but also a human life activity and spiritual activity. In order to cultivate students' language ability, we must effectively involve the language we have learned in students' life activities and spiritual activities. Human life activities and spiritual activities rely on human life, and the only way for language to be involved in life activities and spiritual activities is to intervene in his life." Therefore, Teachers should attach importance to the communication between composition teaching and life, make composition teaching close to life, connect with reality, help students better understand the content of life, and be inspired from life to better reveal its new significance. The most fundamental task of composition teaching in primary schools is to guide students to better understand life and have the ability to live.

Key words: composition teaching in primary school; present situation; reason; Writing methods

1、 The Current Situation and Causes of Composition Teaching in Primary Schools

Chinese teachers often lament that Chinese is difficult to teach, and composition is even more difficult to teach. The difficulty of composition is that the writing effect is not ideal. Why? After careful analysis, we can easily find that there are both teachers' own reasons and social reasons that cannot be denied. Therefore, this requires us to speed up the pace of composition teaching reform and thoroughly implement the quality education policy in composition teaching.

2、 On composition teaching in primary schools

1. Writing requires the accumulation of knowledge

The newly revised Chinese Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education proposes that the six-year primary school students should recite no less than 160 excellent poems and texts (including texts), and the amount of extracurricular reading should be no less than 1.45 million words. Why does the new curriculum standard propose these contents? I think: this is mainly from the knowledge accumulation of students. This is also the truth that "reading breaks through thousands of volumes, writing like a god". If there is a blank in students' minds, how can the teacher let students write authentic and moving articles? One of the reasons why students have a headache when they start writing is that they are limited by the accumulation of writing materials. Therefore, I mainly let students do two things well in this respect: (1) Pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge in the classroom, extracurricular reading, and recommend reading bibliographies to students. (2) Keep a diary every day. A diary should write about people and things around you and accumulate writing materials. In addition, students should also be trained to pay attention to the things around them, discover the truth, goodness and beauty in life and the mysteries of nature, think carefully, write their own discoveries, and finally form the good habit of revising compositions.

2. Learn scientific writing methods

The accumulation of knowledge has laid a good foundation for students' writing, but it still needs to teach students scientific writing methods. Giving methods is more important than imparting knowledge. The articles that students in primary school come into contact with are mainly narrative articles (writing people, recording events, describing scenes, and describing objects). These articles generally have the following elements: time, place, characters, events (causes, processes, and results), scenes, and objects. These elements all develop in a certain time and space. In fact, writing events is often inseparable from writing people's narrative articles, and narrative is also inseparable from writing people, It is a matter of human effort, a mixture of feelings and scenes, and seeing things and thinking about people. These are often mixed together, and cannot be completely separated. It is just that students focus on writing narratives with different requirements.

After determining the type of writing for an article, it is necessary to consider the question of examination, conception, selection of materials and structure. Examining a topic is to carefully read, think and analyze the topic of the composition, so as to determine the scope of material selection, main ideas, writing methods, etc., and make full preparations for the formal writing of the article. Only when the questions are examined clearly can the article be written with a clear focus and level. Understanding the meaning of the question is a key step in writing a good composition.

The so-called purpose is to establish the theme, that is, before writing, we should first make clear the intention of writing. "All writing is based on meaning, supplemented by qi, and defended by colorful words and sentences." From this point of view, establishing the theme is the first thing. Without the theme, no matter how many writing materials there are, it is just a mess.

The basis for selecting materials is the theme of the article. Those closely related to the theme should be written in detail; If it is generally related to the subject, it can be omitted; The materials irrelevant to the theme should not be written at all. Even the very vivid materials should be painstakingly spared.

The structure of the article includes the title and the body, the beginning and the end, the level and the paragraph, the transition and the reference. The material of the article must be reasonably arranged and organized to make the theme clear, and the young author's thoughts and feelings can be naturally revealed and perfectly sublimated, so that the readers are deeply infected and love can not be released.

To teach these methods to students is to teach students the skeleton of composition.

3. Strengthen the training of writing.

Writing itself is a complex, hard and creative work. With rich materials, scientific writing methods, and hard training, the final success of writing can be achieved.

The Chinese Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education clearly points out the types of exercises in the upper grades of primary schools: "Be able to write simple factual compositions and imaginative compositions with specific content and true feelings." Among them, factual compositions are to write students' actual lives, because life is the source of students' creativity. For example, for primary school students living in Qinghai, if you ask them to write about the modern and prosperous scene of Shanghai, even if they write articles based on the clips reported on TV, they will not be too moving, because they have no real emotional experience and life experience in this regard. Therefore, when training students to write, we should pay attention to combining students' actual life and seize the opportunity to practice students' writing.

In a word, the reform of composition teaching in primary schools should continue to enrich students' extracurricular life, accumulate writing materials, make students have words to say, things to write, reasonable imagination, free expression, respect students' will, stimulate students' interest in writing, affirm students' progress, focus on practical results, so as to achieve the purpose of composition teaching reform, We will effectively promote the process of quality education in Chinese.


Wang Shangwen. Introduction to Chinese Pedagogy [M]. Hubei Education Press, 1994


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Article 11

Topic: How to carry out quality education in Chinese education and teaching in primary schools

Abstract: Quality education is gradually deepening in the process of educational reform. Teachers should also start from reality in Chinese teaching to improve students' humanistic quality and basic quality. Starting from the basic connotation of Chinese literacy, this paper puts forward measures to carry out quality education in primary school Chinese education and teaching, aiming at promoting students' comprehensive quality.

Key words: primary school Chinese; Competence Education; Implementation measures

With the continuous advancement of the new curriculum reform, quality education has gradually become the main theme of education. It is not only to let students master basic knowledge in textbooks, but also to enhance their comprehensive quality from knowledge and improve their humanistic quality. In primary school Chinese learning, it is of great significance to cultivate students' sentiment and improve their humanistic quality. When students learn basic knowledge in the classroom, teachers should start with students' learning methods, let students develop good learning habits, and gradually cultivate the ability of independent inquiry in learning. Teachers should give full play to the leading role in the classroom and fully mobilize students' interest in learning Chinese.

Quality education mainly marks the comprehensive deepening reform of basic education. The cultivation of students' quality in primary school Chinese teaching mainly includes three parts, namely, scientific and cultural quality, ideological and moral quality, and psychological quality. How to infiltrate quality education in teaching is a problem that teachers need to think about.

1、 Overview of Chinese Literacy

Quality education is mainly put forward for exam oriented education, which is mainly to enable students to get better scores in the exam on the basis of mastering the required exam, but it ignores the cultivation of students' basic ability and basic literacy, which is just to meet the exam, not combined with human development. It is only a kind of education in which teachers and schools one-sided pursue the promotion rate and excellence rate. The quality education in Chinese includes many aspects. According to the goal of the curriculum, the unique humanity of Chinese can be reflected in three aspects: "knowledge and ability", "process and method", "emotional attitude and values". In teaching, teachers must pay attention to the improvement of students' overall quality, rather than emphasizing only one aspect. In education, the basic quality of the whole student should be taken into account, and the emotional attitude and values of the students should be cultivated. Teachers should give full play to the leading role in education and let students develop their own abilities under the guidance of teachers.

2、 Measures to carry out quality education in Chinese teaching in primary schools

1. Give reasonable play to the relationship between teachers and students to improve students' innovation ability

In order to cultivate students' innovative ability in teaching, it is necessary to stimulate students' initiative and interest in teaching. Teachers should change the traditional idea of "teachers as the main body" and take students as the real masters in teaching. The subject of Chinese itself has a strong practicality, which requires students to understand and comprehend themselves. Chinese literacy requires students to improve their understanding of articles. In Chinese learning, because each student's own situation is different, teachers should carry out personalized teaching, starting from students' learning interest, so that every student has a strong interest in learning Chinese, and teachers should let every student participate in the Chinese classroom. For example, when learning The Paradox, teachers should make every student participate in learning and receive education from fables. Before teaching, teachers can stimulate students' interest in reading fables and show students some pictures of classic fables. The teacher can ask students to read the article with annotations and tell the story according to their own understanding. Teachers can ask students: "Chu people have trade shields and spears" What do students learn from this sentence? In the process of teaching, attention should be paid to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, so that students can improve their innovative ability in thinking.

2. Improve students' ideological and moral quality in teaching

In Chinese teaching, teachers' duty is not only to impart knowledge to students, but also to improve students' ideological and moral quality, which is also the sacred duty of teachers in the new era. Teachers should pay attention to purifying the hearts of students, so that students can establish noble moral sentiments and form good moral cultivation. In the primary school language syllabus, it is pointed out that "language is the most important communication tool and an important part of human culture." Teachers need to pay attention to strengthening students' ideological and moral cultivation from articles and enriching students' spiritual world. For example, when learning the lesson "Hans the Hedgehog", the fairy tale describes the image of the hero Hans the Hedgehog and praises his excellent qualities of perseverance, diligence, simplicity and kindness. At the same time, students should be aware of a very important truth in life: to be a man of his word. Let students experience the rich feelings and profound truth expressed in the article in fairy tales.

3. Combine in class knowledge with extracurricular knowledge

In traditional Chinese teaching, students are confined to the classroom and classroom, ignoring the vast world of extra-curricular knowledge. In the process of Chinese learning, we cannot do without the elements of real life. Teachers should carry out classroom reform and let students establish a broad view of Chinese. Teachers can leave some time for students to acquire more knowledge in extra-curricular Chinese learning by effectively teaching in class knowledge. Teachers can regularly carry out some extracurricular Chinese knowledge activities and reading activities, so that students can gain new knowledge in reading, and introduce each acquired truth to students. Students can introduce beautiful books to each other and discuss new experiences together.

To sum up, to carry out quality education in primary school Chinese teaching, teachers should start with the actual situation of students and carry out different personalized education for different students. Teachers should give play to students' innovative ability, improve their ideological and moral quality, and at the same time let students gain new experience in extracurricular knowledge. Only in this learning mode can students gradually improve their quality and cultivate correct world outlook, outlook on life and values.


[1] Hu Lingren. On Chinese Teaching in Primary Schools under the Background of Quality Education [J]. Chinese Foreign Exchange, 2017 (38): 292-293

[2] Li Xiqiang. Analysis on How to Use "Self study Guidance Method" in Quality Education of Primary School Chinese Teaching [J]. Examination Weekly, 2016 (24): 35


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary Schools Chapter 12

Topic: Reflections on Information Technology Teaching Mode in Primary Schools under Quality Education

In the process of the development of quality education, information technology teachers in primary schools should pay attention to the development of students' comprehensive quality in the teaching process, put students in the position of learning subject, and let them learn independently in teaching activities. Through the process of inquiry and thinking, they can deeply understand the information technology knowledge, master the information technology operation, and improve their comprehensive information technology ability. In teaching activities, teachers should guide students to carry out active inquiry, enable them to master the methods of autonomous learning, deepen their learning under the guidance of learning objectives, and promote the efficient implementation of information technology teaching.

1、 Taking students as the main body to stimulate learning interest

In the teaching of information technology in primary schools, teachers should deeply understand students' interests and information technology level, use the rich materials of information technology to design teaching content, let students carefully watch the teaching courseware in the learning process, deeply explore the content of teaching materials, make them feel the charm of information technology discipline, and actively participate in information technology learning. In the student-centered teaching, teachers should give them enough space for independent learning, let them seriously study the content of the textbook, and combine information technology knowledge for operation practice. Through in-depth learning and operation, students' information technology ability has been improved. They have fully played the main role in the learning process. They set learning goals according to the content of the textbook, make in-depth exploration under the guidance of teachers, efficiently master information technology knowledge, and promote the efficient teaching.

2、 Carry out cooperative learning and improve learning efficiency

In the teaching of information technology in primary schools, some students have been exposed to computers very early. They have a deep understanding of information technology knowledge and strong operational ability. Some students have less access to computers, and they have less information technology knowledge and poor operating ability. When teaching, teachers can group students according to their information technology level, and group them according to the combination of strength and weakness, so that they can cooperate in learning in groups. In the process of cooperation, teachers should design cooperative learning goals and use them to guide group members. With a common learning goal, in cooperative learning, team members with strong information technology ability will actively help other team members, so that each student can master the knowledge of information technology, learn how to operate information technology, and achieve efficient cooperative learning.

3、 Carefully design the introduction link to guide students to explore in depth

The introduction link can lead to new lessons and stimulate students' interest in learning in teaching. In information technology teaching in primary schools, teachers should use the intuitive and vivid characteristics of information technology, carefully select materials in combination with teaching content to design the introduction content, stimulate students' curiosity through interesting introduction, and let them actively participate in the exploration of information technology knowledge. After mastering the theoretical knowledge in the textbook, actively carry out operational learning, and improve their comprehensive information technology ability through in-depth learning and exploration. For example, in the teaching of "making theme tabloids", teachers can show students how to make exquisite electronic tabloids in the introduction link, so that students can understand the structure of electronic tabloids in the process of watching carefully. Through the introduction, students became interested in how to design electronic tabloids. They actively analyzed the content of the textbook, thought about the topic of the tabloid given by the teacher, designed the front page of the tabloid, carefully selected the content of the tabloid, and matched beautiful pictures according to the content. Through active learning and creation, students' ability to apply the word editing function has been improved.

4、 Carry out teaching in combination with life to stimulate students' thirst for knowledge

Information technology plays an important role in life. People's life, study and work are inseparable from information technology. In the information technology teaching in primary schools, in order to let students realize the role of information technology in life, we can combine life materials to carry out teaching, link information technology teaching with life, let students study in combination with life problems, stimulate their thirst for knowledge, actively explore information technology knowledge, and deepen these knowledge in the process of operation, Improve their learning efficiency. For example, when teaching "sending and receiving emails", teachers can design the learning task of sending emails to their good friends. Under the guidance of the task, students carefully study the content of the textbook and operate according to the steps in the textbook. They learn to apply for free e-mail, master the operation method of login e-mail, know how to write, send and reply e-mail, and improve their ability to use information technology. Learning information technology in combination with life can enhance students' thirst for knowledge, make them want to learn more information technology knowledge, actively explore and think in learning, and promote the effective improvement of learning ability.

5、 Design competition links and guide students to actively participate

In primary school information technology teaching, many students have mastered the basic operating technology. In the learning process, they think they can do without reading, which affects their enthusiasm for learning and perfunctory. In order to improve students' interest in learning, teachers can carefully design teaching links according to students' mastery of information technology, combine competition with learning, and enable students to actively participate in the competition after mastering information technology knowledge and operating methods. In the fierce competition atmosphere, students practice seriously under the stimulation of competitiveness, improve their operation ability, know information technology software, master operation methods, and achieve the improvement of teaching efficiency. Through the competition, the students realized the fun of information technology learning, actively participated in information technology learning, and promoted the in-depth implementation of information technology teaching.

6、 Integration with other disciplines to increase teaching interest

In information technology teaching in primary schools, teachers should integrate information technology knowledge with other subjects when teaching, increase the interest of teaching, guide students to actively participate in information technology knowledge and operation learning, deepen their understanding of knowledge, and improve their operation ability. For example, when teaching "input words", teachers can combine information technology with Chinese, let students input their favorite texts, ancient poems, poems, etc., increase the fun of input, and improve their enthusiasm. Through the input practice, students have mastered the "intelligent ABC input method", effectively improving the input speed and accuracy. In teaching, combine information technology with art, let students use "drawing" software to create art, make them study various tools in the software carefully, understand their operation methods and functions, and draw different pictures with innovative thinking. The effective integration of information technology with other disciplines has increased the interest of teaching. Students are more willing to actively explore information technology knowledge and constantly improve their operational ability and learning efficiency.

7、 Design practical activities to improve operation ability

After students have mastered information technology knowledge and operation, teachers can design practical activities, let students design information technology works based on the knowledge they have learned, improve their operation ability, and let them gain learning self-confidence in the activities. For example, after learning "Walk into the Internet Forum", teachers can guide students to collect information about the development of information technology and the contributions that information technology has made in all walks of life to learn more information. Students can also use WPS software to design hand copied newspapers, and use network resources to enrich their works. Teachers can allow students to design a layout for an article, so that they can give play to the creativity of thinking in the actual operation process, use information technology to express the beauty of the layout, and improve the operation ability. Through rich information technology practice activities, students have deeply realized the role of information technology, fully explored information technology knowledge in classroom learning, carefully learned the operation methods of various software in the operation process, developed their comprehensive information technology ability, and can use information technology to design and operate.

To sum up, in the information technology class in primary schools, teachers should adhere to the student oriented teaching principle, carefully design the information technology teaching courseware in combination with the characteristics of the information technology discipline, so that students can understand the information technology knowledge in watching and thinking, master the operating methods and skills in actual operation, and improve their comprehensive ability in information technology. In teaching activities, teachers should guide students to question actively, so that they can promote the in-depth development of thinking through questioning, successfully complete the learning content, and promote the efficient implementation of information technology teaching in primary schools under quality education.


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Article 13

Topic: The positive role of physical education in primary schools in students' quality education

Abstract: With the rapid development of education, physical education has gradually attracted people's attention. Physical education has laid a solid foundation for cultivating all-round talents. Physical education, as an important part of quality teaching, cannot be replaced by other disciplines. In primary school physical education teaching, how to better reflect the teaching purpose of quality education, in practice, teachers should start from the following aspects.

Key words: primary school sports; Competence Education; Positive role

1、 The Role of Physical Education in Quality Education in Primary and Secondary Schools

1. Physical education not only improves students' physical quality, but also develops students' mental activities

Quality education is a teaching activity that takes the long-term development of students as the premise and aims to improve the basic quality. Sports activities in physical education classes not only enable students to get physical activities, but also improve their ability to use their brains and gain wisdom in sports. In physical education class, it is not only physical activity, but also improves students' ability to think about problems, how to perform better in sports activities, and how to cooperate more tactfully with the team. The thinking of these problems makes students unconsciously fall in love with thinking, and improves students' ability to think with their brains.

2. Sports teaching cultivates students' sense of competition

In the physical education class, students are encouraged to be brave enough to challenge new sports projects without fear of difficulties, and compete to complete sports homework in various activities, which strengthens the students' sense of competition. In other disciplines, students can also be positive and not afraid of difficulties.

3. Deepen the relationship between students and promote student unity

Many activities in the physical education class are to be completed by students. In order to achieve the goal of the activity, in this process, students cooperate with each other and cooperate in groups to reach a tacit understanding, deepen the communication between students, make students realize the importance of collective cooperation, and make students more united. Physical education enables students to have a strong body and benefit them for life. Only when students are in good health can they learn cultural knowledge better and work and live better in the future. Physical education is the education and cultivation of the body. In history, many famous generals and figures paid much attention to physical exercise and could persevere in order to make a difference in the environment at that time and become historic celebrities.

4. Physical education can change students' character and relax their mood

In physical education teaching, let students go out of the classroom and change from mental learning to physical learning. In physical education class, students can relax themselves well and relieve the fatigue caused by mental learning. Relatively speaking, the physical education class is more lively and interesting, which makes some students who do not like sports gradually like sports under the influence of surrounding students. It also increases the opportunities for some timid students to contact their classmates, and gradually becomes brave in character, changing the students' character.

2、 Quality Education in Physical Education Teaching

1. Physical education takes the improvement of students' quality as the premise, and changes the previous standard of measuring students by scores

In the previous physical education, students' achievements were the first, and other aspects of teaching were easy to be ignored. Quality education focused on the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physique, students' hobbies for physical education and the cultivation of students' specialties, changed the traditional teaching methods, and achieved the goal of quality teaching through the cultivation of students' physical quality.

2. Instill the importance of physical education among students

The previous teaching concept not only has a certain impact on teachers, but also has formed the habit of students not liking physical exercise to a certain extent. The students have poor physical resistance, and they will be very anxious to see a doctor if there is any trouble, which not only delays normal classes and studies, but also makes parents and friends worried. This physical situation has attracted great attention from the society. "A strong youth will make the country strong, and a prosperous youth will make the country prosperous." Therefore, students should pay attention to their health from the primary school stage, and only by making students fundamentally realize the importance of physical education and have a healthy physique can they develop their physical exercise habits.

3. Combination of physical education teaching inside and outside the school

Just physical education teaching in school is far from the goal of quality teaching, so parents at home after leaving school should also pay attention to children's physical exercise. The school encourages parents to encourage students to exercise outside the school by holding a parent meeting and publicizing the leaflets on the benefits of physical exercise. After study, if conditions permit, students can sign up for a remedial class on physical education, which not only allows students to further develop their interest in physical education, but also promotes some students who are unwilling to take physical exercise.

4. Physical exercise is a long-term process

If you want to have a good body, you can't exercise it overnight. It requires students to persevere in real life. Only by persevering can you get results. The behavior of "fishing for three days and drying the net for two days" is not desirable. It is said that one mouthful cannot make a fat man, and physical exercise is the same. In the physical learning of students, teachers and parents need to work together to make students have a good body that everyone admires.

In the current physical education teaching, quality education has been unanimously recognized by teachers and students. In the teaching of physical quality, teachers pay more and more attention to the teaching of students' physical quality, take more comprehensive teaching measures, and students also get substantial benefits from it, recognizing the importance of having a good body. Under the influence of sports quality education, students not only fall in love with physical exercise, but also parents pay more and more attention to physical exercise. Teachers guide exercise in school, and parents encourage and urge outside school, which lays a solid foundation for cultivating students with all-round development.


[1] Chen Shumei. On Quality Education and Physical Education Teaching Reform in Primary Schools [J]. Journal of Ningbo Institute of Education, 2012 (S1): 81-82

[2] Lu Yongxue. Research on the Current Situation of Physical Education in Rural Primary Schools in Aba Prefecture [J]. Journal of Aba Teachers College, 2014 (3): 103-105


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary School Article 14

Topic: How to build a wonderful primary school Chinese classroom under quality education

Abstract: The construction of wonderful Chinese classroom can not only protect students' enthusiasm for learning, but also improve students' learning efficiency. In the context of quality education, we should abandon the simple "indoctrination" teaching mode, earnestly implement the basic concept of curriculum reform, and ensure the realization of the maximum goal of the Chinese curriculum, so as to ensure the overall improvement of students' comprehensive quality. Therefore, in order to build an efficient and wonderful Chinese classroom and improve the efficiency of the classroom, it is necessary to protect students' enthusiasm for learning with the help of appropriate teaching activities, so as to ensure that the curriculum objectives are maximized.

Key words: primary school Chinese; Group learning; Intuitive teaching

As a comprehensive subject integrating humanism and instrumentality, Chinese not only enables students to master basic Chinese knowledge to cope with examinations, but also has a close relationship with the cultivation and sound development of students' Chinese literacy. Therefore, under the quality education, we should build a wonderful classroom to show the charm of the Chinese subject, so as to ensure that students can get good development in an efficient classroom. Therefore, this article will take the following teaching activities as examples to discuss how to build a wonderful primary school Chinese classroom and how to promote students' good development, in order to lay a solid foundation for the improvement of students' comprehensive quality.

1、 Organization of game activities

Game teaching is one of the main ways of teaching in primary school, and also one of the methods that can directly mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning. Therefore, in the context of quality education, we should combine the content of teaching materials and choose appropriate games to protect students' enthusiasm for learning, enable students to master knowledge in an efficient classroom, protect long-term interest in learning, and ensure the sound development of students.

For example, in the sixth grade, we organized students to play the game of "word catching up". Because the sixth grade students already have a certain vocabulary, organizing students to play word catching up can not only help students consolidate the knowledge they have learned, improve their flexible application ability, but also have a close relationship with improving the classroom atmosphere and classroom efficiency.

For another example, in the process of literacy in lower grades, we can help students to read through the game of "card correspondence", specifically, making relevant Chinese characters into cards and corresponding pictures, and then disordering them in order. Then, let students start the card correspondence game, that is, let students match Chinese characters with corresponding pictures, This not only enlivens the classroom atmosphere, but also encourages students to learn by playing and find happiness in learning.

2、 Creation of performance situation

Performing situation refers to letting students perform the situation in the text, which can not only activate the classroom atmosphere and improve students' participation in the classroom, but also has a close relationship with students' understanding of the central idea of the text and improving classroom efficiency. Therefore, in the process of Chinese teaching, we should give full play to the initiative of students, so that students can actively participate in performances to master basic Chinese knowledge, and ensure that the Chinese classroom is more exciting.

For example, when teaching Pots and Tins, in order to give play to students' initiative, and also to mobilize students' learning enthusiasm, so that students can better understand the central idea of the text in a visualized situation, improve classroom efficiency, and also have a close relationship with the smooth realization of efficient classroom. Therefore, during the teaching, I guided students to perform the situation of this class, so as to meet the learning characteristics of students at this stage. While improving the efficiency of the classroom, I also protected students' long-term interest in learning, so that students can actively participate in classroom activities and become the main body of the classroom.

3、 Development of group learning

Group learning mode refers to a learning activity that allows students to take two or more students as a unit. This activity can not only break the tedium of the traditional classroom and activate the classroom atmosphere, but also has a close relationship with the construction of a wonderful primary school Chinese classroom.

For example, when teaching the Spring Festival in Beijing, in order to let students understand the customs of the Spring Festival in old Beijing and feel the bustling and festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival, in this class, I guide students to compare and discuss "our current Spring Festival and the Spring Festival in old Beijing" in groups, so that students can truly understand the rich connotation of national culture, Then, while improving the classroom efficiency, it also ensures that the charm of the Chinese curriculum is well displayed.

4、 Implementation of intuitive teaching

Intuitive teaching method refers to presenting the boring and abstract Chinese classroom to students intuitively and vividly, which can not only meet the learning characteristics of students at this stage, protect their learning interests, but also have a close relationship with the display of the charm of the Chinese discipline and the realization of efficient classroom. The application of multimedia is one of the effective means in the intuitive teaching method. We should give full play to its characteristics of integrating video, text, animation, etc. to mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, and also lay a solid foundation for the construction of a wonderful classroom.

For example, when teaching The Little Match Girl, in order to improve students' learning efficiency, inject vitality into the boring classroom, and protect students' learning enthusiasm, I used multimedia to show students the video story of The Little Match Girl, Let students follow the video to understand the general content of the story and the central idea expressed in the story. This will not only improve students' learning efficiency, but also help to build a wonderful primary school Chinese classroom, thus greatly improving students' learning efficiency and promoting students' good development.

In a word, under the quality education, teachers should realize the importance of "interest" cultivation, and improve students' learning efficiency with the help of diversified teaching activities, so as to ensure that the classroom efficiency is greatly improved, while also doing a good job of basic work for the improvement of students' comprehensive quality level, at the same time, ensure that the Chinese curriculum can be presented to students in a wonderful way.


Ji Jianjing. How to Build an Efficient Primary School Chinese Class [J]. Primary School Chinese Teaching, 2012 (26)


Model Essay on Quality Education in Primary Schools Chapter 15

Title: How to do a good job in the management of primary school head teachers under the background of quality education

Abstract: The head teacher plays the role of manager and guide in the growth of students, and can help pupils adapt to the learning life in primary school as soon as possible. Students in primary school have a strong curiosity, are easily interested in things other than learning, do not concentrate, and even often make mistakes. The primary school head teacher should be good at guiding students to learn, and carry out education and teaching work according to the students' teacher orientation and plasticity.

Key words: quality education; Primary school management; Class teacher work

Under the current concept of quality education, it is required to train socialist builders and successors with ideology, morality, culture and discipline. The words and deeds of the primary school head teacher to students may affect students' learning conditions and working attitudes. Therefore, the head teacher in primary school should maintain a positive attitude towards work, implement appreciation education for students, and enrich students' thoughts.

1、 Quality that a class teacher should possess

The head teacher is not only an educator, but also a guide of students' learning and a manager of students' life. The head teacher of primary school bears an important mission in students' life and learning process. Primary school students have a strong teacher orientation and imitation, so primary school head teachers should pay attention to their own words and deeds, and bring healthy and beneficial effects to students through their own words and deeds. At the same time, the primary school head teacher should have normal moral concepts and standards of conduct, and convey positive and healthy social values to students.

2、 How does the head teacher manage students

1. Students should be less criticized and more praised when making mistakes

Primary school students are innocent, but they inevitably make mistakes. The head teacher is the standard for students to learn and conduct themselves. Therefore, when the head teacher in primary school finds that students make mistakes, he can make necessary and appropriate criticism, but if he criticizes too much, it will have a reaction. The students in primary school all like to be praised and hate criticism. Therefore, the head teacher in primary school should be good at discovering the bright spots and advantages of students. Through the education method of using positive factors to overcome negative factors, students can distinguish right from wrong and be good at discovering their own shortcomings, which can make students more close to and trust the head teacher.

2. Be close to students and let them show themselves bravely

The students in primary school are very clean and pure in heart. Those who love their children with love will get their children's love and respect. Therefore, as long as the primary school head teacher communicates with the children attentively and intimately, he or she can get the respect and love of the students. The head teacher in primary school should hold more class activities, observe students' learning conditions and personality characteristics, understand the class atmosphere and students' learning conditions in their class, and understand the cultural level of students' parents. At the same time, the head teacher should strive to improve their moral quality and cultural level, learn more about modern class management concepts, and be a good teacher and friend of students.

3. Cultivate excellent class cadres

In the current concept of quality education, educators are required to cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability, cultivate students' sense of self-management and the importance of participating in class management. Therefore, the primary school head teacher should pay attention to cultivating a small team of qualified and excellent class cadres, and the selected small class cadres should have strong appeal and communication ability in the class. In daily work, the head teacher should pay attention to often praise the class cadres, publicize the advanced deeds of the advanced small class cadres, establish the prestige of the small class cadres. In addition, he should often summarize the work of the small class cadres, cultivate the ability of the small class cadres to find and solve problems, so as to drive the learning situation and organizational discipline of the whole class.

4. Stimulate students' sense of competition and participation

Having a sense of competition is the internal motivation for students to study and participate in activities. However, the head teacher in primary school should pay attention to that the competition here refers to benign, friendly and mutual help competition, not mutually hostile competition. Cultivating class cadres' sense of collective competition can enhance students' collective sense of honor. In addition, the head teacher should regularly carry out regular evaluation work, guide and evaluate students fairly through the primary school evaluation manual, let students understand their own shortcomings and shortcomings, try to solve their own problems through the help of teachers and parents, actively organize school level or class activities, and enhance students' collective awareness.

5. Give play to students' personality and creativity

At present, all-round development is the core of the concept of quality-oriented education. It is the focus of the current education work to change the bondage brought by the traditional exam oriented education system to students and the constraints on education and teaching, and to cultivate students with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. The primary school head teacher should give full play to his role and understand the personality characteristics of the students in the class. According to the age characteristics and development level of the primary school students, he can regularly hold primary school painting competitions, handicraft competitions, origami competitions, etc., so that students can cultivate creativity in a lively and friendly atmosphere. The primary school head teacher should pay attention to all students when managing, We should adopt different strategies for backward students and advanced students.

6. Do a good job in class teacher's summary

Summary is an effective way for the head teacher to reflect on his work. The head teacher should reflect on himself monthly and quarterly, identify the loopholes and problems in teaching and class management, and recognize his own shortcomings through summary. At the same time, the teacher should actively learn from the work experience and work methods of other excellent head teachers, and master the current advanced education and management concepts, Strengthen theoretical cultivation, constantly summarize experience from work practice, care for students, love students, and cultivate students' learning style and healthy living habits.

In a word, if the head teacher wants to do a good job in class management in primary school, he must have an attitude of loving work and students, communicate with parents and students in a timely manner, criticize students as little as possible, and praise and praise students more. The head teacher should be careful and careful in class management, understand students' psychological activities and ideological level, and be both teachers and students and friends with students.


[1] Yao Jifang. Building a Harmonious Relationship between Primary School Class Teachers and Students [J]. Gansu Education, 2017 (6): 26

[2] Chen Qin. My Opinion on the Class Teacher's Work in the New Era [J]. Talent, 2015 (19): 245

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