How much does it cost to publish a paper? (668 Thesis Publishing Network)

Introduction How much does it cost to publish the paper This question has been puzzling generations of new people. Sometimes, including the old staff and teachers who have not published papers, they don't know how to answer this question. I think the price of the papers published is not so important, but the focus of the papers published should be whether the papers are really published, and whether the professional titles can be used? But for the purpose of this article's theme, I will still explain to you how much it costs to publish the paper. Please read the following articles carefully. Don't be afraid of too many words, because the more words you have, the more detailed the question of how much it will cost to publish your paper.

How much does it cost to publish a paper

For an ordinary provincial, ministerial and family level journal, the publishing price generally starts from 300 yuan for 2000 characters. The specific price depends on the factors such as whether the author publishes the paper for professional title or graduation. The price varies according to the level of the journal you publish, as detailed below:

1: The cost of general publications is low, ranging from hundreds to thousands, generally between 300 and 2000. The layout fee of provincial publications is generally about 500 yuan per page. One page can also publish about 2000 characters, not including pictures and tables. The price of general national publications is about the same. Another thing to note in the general journal is the inclusion. The Weipu Longyuan Wanfang will be cheaper than the HowNet. The more pages, the more expensive the price will be. So this problem has something to do with the number of words, grade, and inclusion. If the number of periodicals is less than 300, they are basically fake or stolen;


 How much does it cost to publish the paper

How much does it cost to publish the paper


Generally, it is enough to publish papers on general journals for job evaluation or graduation thesis. What needs special explanation here is that if there is limited quota and fierce competition when evaluating professional titles, it is better to choose core journals or SCI and other advanced journals.

2: Core journals are recognized as difficult to publish, so the cost is more expensive than general journals. There are also differences in the page fees of the core journals of Peking University, the core journals of Nantah University, the core journals of cscd, and the core journals of science and technology. The price of core journals in difficulty is basically 20000~30000 yuan or higher.

3: The cost of publishing articles on SCI and EI catalog journals can be as high as tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, because people not only have influence in the world and the industry, but also spend more energy, financial and material resources than ordinary journals. Most of these core journals are based on the education background, professional title, unit and other information of the person to be published. In addition to typesetting, tables, pictures and other factors, the most important factor affecting the price of such advanced journals is the influencing factor;

Most of the papers published in SCI and EI journals are scientific research workers.

For example:

1: Assume that 3000 words, one edition, the cheapest two or three hundred, a little more than 700 is almost enough, of course, there are still more expensive, the worse the cheaper the publication.

2: The page fee is generally calculated according to the page size of your paper. For a 4000 word or 5000 word paper, the page fee is more than 2000 yuan for a core journal, and more than 500 yuan for a second level journal.

The above is about( How much does it cost to publish the paper )If you have anything unclear or want to know about the answer to this question, you can directly visit Mr. Li's QQ or WeChat on this website. Contact: QQ/WeChat: see the top of this article

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