Lawyer consultation > Find a lawyer > Henan Lawyer > Lawyer Luo He > Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer - Cheng Peng
    Henan Huiheng Law Firm Floor 7, Zhongbao Science Park, Changjiang Road, Yuanhui District, Luohe City, Henan Province
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 103
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, highly educated, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Cheng Peng, Master of Law, Executive Director of Henan Huiheng Law Firm, member of the criminal defense team, Executive member of the Food Safety and Enterprise Compliance Professional Committee of Luohe Lawyers Association, outstanding debater of the first Luohe Criminal Debate Contest, and the best debater of the second Luohe Criminal Debate Contest. Since practicing, he has handled many major, difficult and complicated criminal cases. Acting as the defender of the criminal suspect/defendant in the case of Guan's intentional homicide, the death penalty was immediately changed to a two-year suspension of execution after the case was remanded for retrial in the second instance; After two years of defense, the first instance of the case of falsely issuing special VAT invoices on behalf of Mr. Li changed the four-year sentencing proposal to probation; Acting as the agent of Bai in the case of hindering the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases (the first case of Luohe New Coronary Pneumonia); Acting for Lu in the case of concealing criminal gains (involving more than 1 million yuan), he obtained a guarantor pending trial after intervention. As the agent of the victim, I acted as the agent of Zhou Moumou in the murder case (the case in 2000 will be brought to justice in 2020). After being approved by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the murderer's death sentence was suspended for two years and the commutation of sentence was restricted. I acted as the agent of Guo Moumou in accusing bigamy, and the public security organ filed the case and sentenced the defendant to punishment.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer Li Ruonan
    Henan Mingwu Law Firm Floor 5, Federation of Industry and Commerce Building, Yancheng District, Luohe City, Henan Province
    zero branch
    Number of helpers: 2
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Li Ruonan is good at economic disputes, contract disputes, marriage and family disputes, and has participated in bankruptcy liquidation cases for many times. He knows all aspects of bankruptcy liquidation and can skillfully apply relevant laws and regulations to provide comprehensive and efficient legal services for enterprises and creditors. He has outstanding talent and profound professional quality in professional fields. In the field of economic disputes, he has successfully defended the rights and interests of many customers and recovered economic losses for many times with his keen insight and superb legal skills. In the face of complex contract disputes, they can accurately interpret contract terms, find key breakthrough points, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. In marriage and family disputes, we should properly handle various family legal issues with exquisite emotional care and professional legal knowledge, and provide intimate legal services for the parties. Always adhere to a rigorous, responsible and fair professional attitude, take the law as the criterion and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties as its own responsibility.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer Wen Chunxiao
    Henan Huiheng Law Firm 7th Floor, Zhongbao Science Park (Citizen's Home West), Changjiang Road, Yuanhui District, Luohe City, Henan Province
    zero branch
    Number of helpers: 361
    #Lawyer label: team player, highly educated, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Wen Chunxiao, a bachelor's degree in law, is a full-time lawyer of Henan Huiheng Law Firm. He is good at accurately grasping the core of the case and providing the most accurate and appropriate legal scheme for the parties to maximize their interests. Professional direction: marriage and family affairs, creditor's rights and debts, contract disputes, legal counsel, personal legal housekeeper. In January 2021, Mr. Chu consulted about the dispute over the house purchase and sale reservation contract. Through communication, he learned that only the pre-sale contract was signed, but the house purchase and sale agreement was not signed, and the house online signing and filing procedures were not carried out. He hoped to return the house. After the lawyer was entrusted to handle the case, lawyer Wen Chunxiao sent a lawyer's letter to the housing sales company in time to file a lawsuit. During this period, he went to the housing sales company three times to communicate with the company. The mediation was successful in February, and the housing sales company finally returned the house price as agreed. In October 2020, Mr. Yan and Ms. Liu consulted about the demolition of their hometown houses in 2018. Through communication, they learned that the demolition was led by the village and town leaders, and there was no notice of demolition documents. Mr. Yan and Ms. Liu sued the court for requiring the town leaders to bear civil tort liability, which was rejected by the court on the grounds of administrative litigation. After the lawyer was appointed, Lawyer Wen Chunxiao and Lawyer Li Dan quickly formulated a plan, and argued with the other party closely based on the situation of the case during the trial, and the court finally ruled that the procedure of forced demolition was illegal.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer Zhang Xiaolong
    Henan Lanbiao Law Firm 17/F, Building A, Jianye Smart Port, East Gate of Luohe Convention and Exhibition Center.
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 204
    #Lawyer label: team, chief lawyer, consultant experience, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Zhang Xiaolong, a lawyer from Luohe, graduated from China University of Political Science and Law with a law major, and served as the chief lawyer (senior partner) of Jinbo University (Luohe) Law Firm. He was once elected and employed as a member of the Criminal Law Commission of Henan Province, a case evaluator of the Political and Legal Committee of Luohe City, a member of the permanent legal advisory group of the Luohe Municipal Government, a specially invited hearing member of the Procuratorate, a director of the Luohe Lawyers Association, a deputy director of the Education and Training Committee of the Luohe Lawyers Association, and a permanent legal adviser of the Luohe Economic Television Station; He is the leader of the 'criminal defense team' of the law firm. With respect and dream for the 'lawyer profession', I gave up the opportunity to be a civil servant many times. Through years of unremitting efforts, adhering to excellent legal expertise and strict professional ethics, he was invited to be the chief lawyer of many legal networks' Luohe Station '. He has been employed by many enterprises and institutions as a perennial legal adviser. The business direction mainly focuses on: criminal defense, marriage and family, real estate disputes, engineering construction disputes, contract disputes, and traffic accidents. My practice philosophy: advocating the law, based on reason, and trying to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties; Civil cases: have the courage to defend, strive for reconciliation, and stop litigation; Criminal cases: adhere to the judicial principles of legality, no suspected crime, proper punishment, education first and punishment second. Everything comes prepared!. The parties involved are from other places and local places without discrimination; Once you know each other, you will be friends forever! My suggestion: find lawyers, compare more, pay more attention to reputation than title, and balance services and charges. Office address: Floor 17, Block A, 'Jianye Smart Port', east gate of Luohe International Convention and Exhibition Center (upstairs of the new administrative service hall, take 105 and 107 Convention and Exhibition Center stations).
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer Yang Hongju
    Henan Qiangzheng Law Firm 19/F, Building B, Jianye Smart Port, Yancheng District, Luohe City, Henan Province
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 49
    #Lawyer label: team player, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Yang Hongju, full-time lawyer of Henan Qiangzheng Law Firm. Proficient in the writing of various legal documents, familiar with the action procedures of the entire legal proceedings, and have a strong court defense ability; With profound legal theoretical foundation, comprehensive business and rich practical experience, he is proficient in civil and commercial law, contract law (guarantee law), economic law, labor law, procedural law, insurance law, criminal law and other laws and regulations. It is the original intention and mission of practicing with the law to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer Cao Ang
    Henan Huiheng Law Firm Henan Huiheng Law Firm, Floor 7, Zhongbao Science Park, Yuanhui District, Luohe City, Henan Province
    five branch

    Comments from 40 people

    Number of helpers: 1134
    #Lawyer label: there is a team and has handled major cases
    More> #Lawyer profile: good at dealing with: traffic accidents, private lending, commercial litigation, criminal defense, contract disputes, marriage cases, bankruptcy proceedings and other legal affairs
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer - Wang Yangyang
    Henan Huiheng Law Firm Floor 7, Building 6, Wanda Plaza, Changjiang Road, Yuanhui District, Luohe City, Henan Province
    zero branch
    Number of helpers: 1
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Wang Yangyang, a lawyer, joined the Communist Party of China in 2012, graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2014, and worked in Henan Huiheng Law Firm, serving large state-owned enterprises and listed companies in Guangzhou and Shenzhen successively. It has six years of service experience in large listed companies, state-owned enterprises and other enterprises, from the whole process of enterprise human resources, labor disputes to the top employee stock ownership layout, serving more than 1000 people, and has rich practical experience. In recent years, we have focused on industrial injury, labor dispute and criminal cases, combined professional knowledge with judicial practice, and provided clients with satisfactory services in a professional, responsible and efficient manner, which has been highly recognized by clients.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer Yan Hongcai
    Henan Yinhai Law Firm About 90 meters northeast of the Third Experimental Primary School, Nanjing Road, Wuyang County, Luohe City
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 1232
    #Lawyer label: rich professional experience with consulting unit experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Yan Hongcai, a lawyer, has handled many cases since his practice, involving criminal, civil, administrative, labor disputes, non litigation and other types of cases. With his solid legal theoretical foundation and conscientious and responsible practice style, he has accumulated rich experience in handling cases in civil and commercial cases, marriage and family, inheritance, traffic accidents, personal injury compensation and many other cases. He has a different understanding and unique perspective from ordinary people, and devotes himself to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, Win the high praise of the parties.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer - Wang Shiqi Lawyer
    Henan Huiheng Law Firm Luohe
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 472
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Wang Shiqi, graduated from Law School, a lawyer of Huiheng Law Firm. Practice philosophy: provide satisfactory services to the clients with professional knowledge, fair attitude and accurate wording!
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer - Henan Zejin Law Firm
    Henan Zejin Law Firm Zhengzhou, Henan
    five branch

    From 54 people

    Number of helpers: 7313
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases and rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: The lawyer team of Henan Zejin Law Firm has profound legal skills, is familiar with the rules of case handling and adjudication, adheres to professional division of labor and team cooperation, strictly guarantees the case handling process and risk supervision mechanism, and provides customers with the most high-quality and efficient legal services. The Institute focuses on the defense of economic crimes, duty crimes and other criminal crimes; Infringement litigation such as personal injury and traffic accident; Disputes in marriage, family affairs, inheritance, real estate, contracts and other fields; Corporate legal counsel; Intellectual property legal services; He also served as a legal commentator on social hot events in many well-known media legal columns across the country. The team of the law firm has undertaken such nationwide influential cases as Henan Xinxiang "Henan university student was sentenced to 10 and a half years for digging out a bird's nest", "Heilongjiang Tang Lanlan case", "Henan Xinfei Group Vice President Li is suspected of corruption", "Tesla icon brake failure" car advocate woman case, and "Shandong Lanxiang divorce and criminal case".
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Henan Lawyer Lawyer Luo He Luohe Environmental Administrative Punishment Lawyer
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