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Dehong disability level compensation project

The level of disability is determined according to the severity of disability. Generally, the level of disability is divided into one to ten levels. The level 10 disability compensation standard is divided into two types: a one-time disability subsidy before the contract expires, and the standard is months' salary; When the labor contract expires, or the employee himself proposes to terminate the labor contract, he/she will enjoy a one-time medical subsidy for work-related injuries of 6 months of his/her salary and a one-time employment subsidy for disability of 6 months of his/her salary. The amount of Dehong's level 10 disability compensation is determined according to the relevant statistical data of the previous year published by the government statistics department. Therefore, the parties concerned should check the relevant data when calculating the amount of Dehong's level 10 disability compensation, so as to determine the calculation standard of compensation items.

Dehong disability level compensation project

1. Disability compensation

2. Cost of disability aids

The latest sorting and updating time of the Dehong disability level compensation project is 2024. It is sorted out from government websites, media and other public publications. If the content is wrong, please call the national customer service hotline 400-64365-60.

The above compensation standards are for reference only. Recommended for you: Lawyer Dehong

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