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Compensation standard for disability level in Nan'an District

The level of disability is determined according to the severity of disability. Generally, the level of disability is divided into one to ten levels. The level 10 disability compensation standard is divided into two types: a one-time disability subsidy before the contract expires, and the standard is months' salary; When the labor contract expires, or the employee himself proposes to terminate the labor contract, he/she will enjoy a one-time medical subsidy for work-related injuries of 6 months of his/her salary and a one-time employment subsidy for disability of 6 months of his/her salary. The amount of Level 10 disability compensation in Nan'an District is determined according to the relevant statistical data of the previous year published by the government statistics department. Therefore, the parties concerned should check relevant data when calculating the amount of Level 10 disability compensation in Nan'an District, so as to determine the calculation standard of compensation items.

Compensation standard for disability level in Nan'an District

1、 Disability compensation

1. Under 60:

(1) Grade I disability

Calculated according to the per capita disposable income of the previous year, compensation shall be made for 20 years from the month when the disability is determined;

(2) Grade 2-10 disability

It is calculated in descending order of 10%.

2. Over 60:

The calculation of disability compensation for different levels of disability is the same as that for people under 60 years of age, which is calculated according to the per capita disposable income of the previous year, and is calculated by one year for each year of age increase since the month of disability determination;

3. Over 75:

The calculation of disability compensation for different levels of disability is the same as that for people under 60 years of age, which is calculated on the basis of per capita disposable income of the previous year. The compensation is five years from the date of determination of disability.

If the victim is disabled due to injury but his actual income has not decreased, or if his disability level is relatively low but his employment is seriously affected due to occupational hindrance, the disability compensation may be adjusted accordingly.


2、 Cost of disability aids

Cost of disability aids=reasonable cost of common and applicable appliances × number of appliances × replacement times of appliances (compensation period ÷ service life of appliances).

The cost of disability assistive devices refers to the cost of self help devices, such as artificial limbs, wheelchairs, etc., purchased and equipped to compensate for the lost organ functions and assist the victims to take care of themselves or engage in production labor when the victims are disabled due to personal injury.

Compensation period of disability aids:

20 years of compensation;

One year will be reduced for each additional year of age over 50, and the minimum shall not be less than 10 years;

Over 70 years old is counted as five years.

Nan'an District Disability Level Compensation Project

1. Disability compensation

2. Cost of disability aids

Calculation method of disability level in Nan'an District

1、 Publicized data of Nan'an District Statistics Bureau:

1. The per capita disposable income of the city's residents in the previous year was 35666 yuan;

2. The per capita disposable income of urban households in the previous year was 45509 yuan;

3. The per capita disposable income of rural households in the previous year was 19313 yuan;

4. The per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents in the previous year was 30574 yuan;

5. The per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents in the previous year was 16727 yuan;

6. Average wages of employees in all industries and industries in the previous year (year/person):

(1) Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery: 73140 yuan

(2) Mining industry 96743 yuan

(3) Manufacturing industry 89966 yuan

(4) 110863 yuan for power, heat, gas and water production and supply

(5) Construction industry 67918 yuan

(6) Wholesale and retail business 87988 yuan

(7) 97665 yuan for transportation, warehousing and postal services

(8) 48566 yuan for accommodation and catering

(9) Information transmission, software and information technology service industry 155067 yuan

(10) Financial industry 129860 yuan

(11) Real estate industry 87315 yuan

(12) 66893 yuan for leasing and business services

(13) Scientific research and technical service industry 149205 yuan

(14) 86319 yuan for water conservancy, environment and public facilities management

(15) 65841 yuan for resident service, repair and other service industries

(16) Education 127699 yuan

(17) Health and social work 143140 yuan

(18) 93912 yuan for culture, sports and entertainment

(19) Public management, social security and social organizations 121249 yuan

2、 Calculation method of disability level in Nan'an District:

1. Disability compensation

(1) The victim is under 60 years old

Disability compensation for urban and rural residents=per capita disposable income of urban households × 20 years × disability compensation coefficient

(Grade I disability: calculated according to the per capita disposable income of the previous year, compensation shall be made for 20 years from the date of determination of disability;

Level 2 to 10 disability: calculated in descending order of 10%.)

(2) The victim is between 60 and 74 years old

Disability compensation for urban and rural residents=per capita disposable income of urban residents × [20 years - (actual age of victims - 60 years)] × disability compensation coefficient

(3) The victim is over 75 years old

Disability compensation for urban and rural residents=per capita disposable income of urban households × 5 years × disability compensation coefficient

2. Cost of disability aids

Cost of disability aids=reasonable cost of common and applicable appliances × number of appliances × replacement times of appliances (compensation period ÷ service life of appliances).

Compensation period for disability aids:

1) 20 years of compensation;

2) One year will be reduced for each additional year of age over 50, and the minimum shall not be less than 10 years;

3) Over 70 years old is counted as five years.

The latest sorting and updating time of the compensation standard for the disability level in Nan'an District is 2024. It is sorted out from government websites, media and other public publications. If the content is wrong, please call the national customer service hotline 400-64365-60.

The above compensation standards are for reference only. Recommended for you: Nan'an District Lawyer

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