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Compensation standard for Guilin spiritual loss

Compensation for mental damages is a new civil legal system established in China with the promulgation and implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law, and it is an expansion of the rights and interests of Chinese citizens. Spiritual damage compensation is a kind of civil liability that the right subject requires the infringer to pay compensation because his personal rights and interests are wrongly infringed and he suffers mental pain or mental damage. It is an important part of the modern civil law damage compensation system. The amount of compensation for mental damages is determined according to the extent of the infringer's fault, the means of infringement, the occasion, the act, and the result. The amount of compensation for Guilin's spiritual loss shall also be determined according to the relevant statistical data of the previous year published by the government statistics department. Therefore, the parties concerned should check relevant data when calculating the amount of compensation for Guilin's mental damages, so as to determine the calculation standard of compensation items.

Compensation standard for Guilin spiritual loss

1. Causing death:

Death compensation should be paid;

2. Causing disability:

Shall compensate for disability compensation;

3. Violating the person without causing death or disability:

It shall compensate for the spiritual consolation.

4. The right to life, health, body, name, portrait, reputation, honor, personal dignity, personal freedom and other personal rights of a natural person are illegally violated:

(1) Serious mental damage:

The amount of compensation for consolation is divided into five levels: 50000 yuan, 40000 yuan, 30000 yuan, 20000 yuan and 10000 yuan;

(2) General mental damage:

The amount of compensation for consolation is divided into four levels: 8000 yuan, 6000 yuan, 4000 yuan and 2000 yuan.

The calculation standard of mental injury solatium is between 2000 yuan and 50000 yuan according to the degree of disability or the consequences of death.

Guilin spirit loss compensation project

Mental loss expense (mental damage solace)

Calculation Method of Guilin Mental Loss Fee

1、 Publicized data of Guilin Bureau of Statistics:

1. The per capita disposable income of the whole district in the previous year was 27981 yuan;

2. The per capita disposable income of urban households in the previous year was 39703 yuan;

3. The per capita disposable income of rural households in the previous year was 17433 yuan;

4. The per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents in the previous year was 22438 yuan;

5. The per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents in the previous year was 14658 yuan;

6. Average wages of on-the-job employees and industrial employees in the previous year (year/person):

(1) Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery: 75181 yuan

(2) Mining industry 76004 yuan

(3) 77684 yuan for manufacturing industry

(4) 116929 yuan for power, heat, gas and water production and supply

(5) Construction industry 73554 yuan

(6) Wholesale and retail trade 77863 yuan

(7) Transportation, warehousing and postal services 103193 yuan

(8) 43314 yuan for accommodation and catering

(9) Information transmission, software and information technology service industry 115708 yuan

(10) Financial industry 151295 yuan

(11) Real estate industry: 86961 yuan

(12) Leasing and business service industry 72129 yuan

(13) Scientific research and technical service industry 113790 yuan

(14) Water conservancy, environment and public facilities management industry 63285 yuan

(15) 55626 yuan for resident service, repair and other service industries

(16) Education 88085 yuan

(17) Health and social work 115536 yuan

(18) Culture, sports and entertainment industry 89556 yuan

(19) Public management, social security and social organizations 97756 yuan

2、 Calculation method of Guilin spirit loss fee:

1. Causing death:

Death compensation should be paid;

2. Causing disability:

Shall compensate for disability compensation;

3. Violating the person without causing death or disability:

It shall compensate for the spiritual consolation.

4. The right to life, health, body, name, portrait, reputation, honor, personal dignity, personal freedom and other personal rights of a natural person are illegally violated:

(1) Serious mental damage:

The amount of compensation for consolation is divided into five levels: 50000 yuan, 40000 yuan, 30000 yuan, 20000 yuan and 10000 yuan;

(2) General mental damage:

The amount of compensation for consolation is divided into four levels: 8000 yuan, 6000 yuan, 4000 yuan and 2000 yuan.

The calculation standard of mental injury solatium is between 2000 yuan and 50000 yuan according to the degree of disability or the consequences of death.

The latest sorting and updating time of the compensation standard for Guilin's spiritual loss is 2024. It is sorted out from government websites, media and other public publications. If the content is wrong, please call the national customer service hotline 400-64365-60.

The above compensation standards are for reference only. Recommended for you: Guilin Lawyer

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Lawyer Liu Yigang Recent reply:

Hello, if there is a need for litigation, you can apply to the court according to law to go through the relevant procedures to ask the lawyer for population information.

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Lawyer Liu Yigang Recent reply:

Hello, it is suggested to collect the transfer vouchers (bank flow and other electronic transfer vouchers), collection records (electronic chat, mobile phone SMS, call recording), and vouchers for the other party's repayment. Litigation can be considered, and civil loan litigation can be filed at the defendant's domicile or the plaintiff's domicile.

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Lawyer of Guangxi Xianheng Law Firm Recent reply:

How is your injury? Have you recovered yet?

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