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Compensation standard of Taipei compulsory traffic insurance

Compulsory traffic insurance is compulsory liability insurance for motor vehicle traffic accidents. China's Regulations on Compulsory Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents clearly stipulates the compensation scope of compulsory traffic insurance. Compulsory liability insurance in which the insurance company pays compensation within the limit of liability for personal injury, death and property loss of the insured vehicle's personnel and victims other than the insured caused by road traffic accidents of the insured vehicle. The amount of compensation for Taipei compulsory traffic insurance is determined according to the relevant statistical data released by the government statistics department last year. Therefore, the parties concerned should check relevant data when calculating the compensation amount of Taipei compulsory traffic insurance, so as to determine the calculation standard of compensation items.

The compensation standard of Taipei compulsory traffic insurance will be updated in 2024. It will be sorted out from government websites, media and other public publications. If the content is wrong, please call the national customer service hotline 400-64365-60.

The above compensation standards are for reference only. Recommended for you: Taipei Lawyer

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