Hot list of property dispute knowledge

  •  How to calculate taxes and fees for second-hand housing sales
    Buyer: 1. Deed tax: transaction price or appraisal price (the higher one) × 1, 5% (the tax rate for commercial buildings or buildings larger than 144 square meters is 3%. 2. Transaction service fee: building area (square meters) × 3 yuan. 3、… See more
    #Property disputes 18964 heat 206 people like it
  •  How to cancel the contract of second-hand house sale?
    1. After the establishment of the second-hand housing sales contract, the parties may terminate the second-hand housing sales contract through consultation. 2. Both parties may also agree on the conditions for one party to terminate the contract. When the conditions for termination of the contract are met, the right to terminate See more
    #Property disputes 27791 heat 274 people like it
  •  How to write a contract for buying and selling second-hand houses?
    1. The authenticity and legal qualification of the intermediary company should be verified and written clearly. 2. It is necessary to verify and specify the signing subject. 3. The liability for breach of contract and the amount of compensation shall be specified. 4. The handover of property and ancillary facilities shall be specified See more
    #Property disputes 35878 heat 147 people like it
  •  Does the property have the right to cut off water and electricity without paying property fees
    General property has no right to cut off water and electricity. According to the provisions of the Property Management Regulations of the People's Republic of China, if the owner fails to pay the property service fee within the time limit, the owner committee shall urge him to pay within the time limit; Overdue and still not paid See more
    #Property disputes 521318 Heat 217 people like it
  •  How long is the limitation of action for housing delivery disputes
    According to the law, the buyer should claim for the loss of delayed delivery within three years from the agreed date of delivery. If the developer claims the above rights within the limitation period, the new limitation period will See more
    #Property disputes 21089 heat 140 people like it
  •  2024 latest model rental contract
    Article 1 Location, number of rooms, area and quality of the house Article 2 Lease term Article 3 Rent and rent payment term. Article 4 House repair during the lease term. Article 5 Changes between the lessor and the lessee See more
    #House sales 18232 heat 120 people like it
  •  Is the self occupied commercial housing a security housing? Why is the self occupied commercial housing a commodity housing
    Self occupied commercial housing has dual attributes of policy housing and commercial housing, but it does not belong to indemnificatory housing. There are three reasons why self occupied commercial housing is a commercial housing: 1. The process of land transfer is the same as that of ordinary commercial housing See more
    #House sales 61069 heat 235 people like it
  •  Can I check out if there is a problem with the quality of the house
    The buyer shall check and accept the houses one by one and record them one by one. If they meet the government regulations and the contract, they shall pass the check and acceptance; If there are problems, make records and make rectification within a time limit; if it cannot be rectified, economic compensation shall be given; Strict problem See more
    #Property disputes 26370 heat 229 people like it
  •  How to identify unqualified houses
    1. The house is not accepted before delivery. 2. Although it was accepted before delivery, it was unqualified. 3. After the house is delivered for use, the quality of the main structure of the house is verified to be unqualified. When the building is completed, the roof See more
    #Property disputes 9496 heat 219 people like it
  •  What is the procedure for the buyer to receive the house
    1. Check the "three certificates, one certificate and one table" housing quality guarantee housing use manual, construction project quality certificate, "one certificate" refers to the comprehensive acceptance certificate of real estate development and construction project completion See more
    #Property disputes 17442 Heat 129 people like it
  •  What are the situations of canceling the land lease contract in advance
    1. The termination of the agreement means that during the performance of the contract, one or both parties cannot perform the contract due to force majeure or other reasons See more
    #House lease 36077 heat 221 people like it
  •  Jurisdiction over disputes over land lease contracts and applicable laws
    The determination of the place of performance of the lease contract shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of the Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China See more
    #House lease 31920 heat 111 people like it
  •  After the g20 summit in hangzhou, china, house prices soared: what should buyers do if sellers don't sell?
    File a complaint to the court to request continued performance; If a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or fails to perform its contractual obligations in accordance with the agreement, it shall be liable for breach of contract by continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses See more
    #House sales 49324 Heat 203 people like it
  •  What are the common disputes of real estate
    1. Mediation. That is, under the auspices of a third party, the parties to the dispute, through voluntary consultation, eliminate the dispute and reach a settlement. 2. Arbitration. 3. Litigation. That is to bring a lawsuit to the people's court according to law to solve the real estate problem See more
    #House sales 10688 heat 134 people like it
  •  How to write a simple rental agreement
    Article 1 Location, number of rooms, area and quality of the house Article 2 Lease term. Article 3 Rent and time limit for payment of rent. Article 4 House repair during the lease term. Article 5 Lessor and Contractor See more
    #House lease 17996 heat 182 people like it

Latest article on property disputes

  • According to Article 74 of the Land Administration Law, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level have the right to impose the following administrative penalties on those who change agricultural land into construction land without authorization in violation of the general plan for land use
    #House sales 2024.07.25
  • When the developer breaches the contract, it shall safeguard its rights and interests in accordance with the Commercial Housing Sales Contract. Both parties can agree on the calculation method of liquidated damages or loss compensation. If no agreement is reached, the overdue payment shall be calculated according to the unpaid purchase price and the overdue loan interest of the central bank
    #Second hand housing disputes 2024.04.19
  • Investigate the objective facts of the dispute in depth. In the process of dealing with disputes related to legal auction houses, first of all, we need to fully understand all the details of legal auction houses and the disputes caused by them, including exploring the auction process, ownership and ownership
    #Second hand housing disputes 2024.04.14
  • 1. It is necessary to verify whether the ownership of the house is defective, whether the co owner of the house agrees to transfer the house, and whether the house is mortgaged, leased, or used as capital contribution 2. We need to try our best to reduce the housing price
    #Property disputes 2024.07.11
  • 1. Verify and confirm the subject qualification of the other party 2. Contract form: 1. The contract must be signed in writing. 2. If a contract is concluded orally, by letter or by data message, a letter of confirmation and
    #Property disputes 2024.06.14
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