Compensation for traffic accidents

An event where a vehicle causes personal injury or property loss due to fault or accident on the road. Traffic accidents are not only caused by the violation of traffic management laws and regulations by non specific personnel; It can also be caused by irresistible natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, mountain torrents and lightning strikes.
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Traffic accident compensation knowledge

  •  What is the result of the case that the responsible party cannot lose money
    If someone defaults, the consequences will be serious. The other party may be sued by the victim, and the court will judge him to compensate, and can also enforce, such as sealing up, detaining, freezing his property. According to the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the court has the right to do so, but there are also some restrictions. See more
    2024.09.21 1117 readings
  •  How to deal with a car accident without money for compensation
    If the accident claim is really unable to bear, the court will use various means of enforcement. First, the court will check the property of the person subjected to execution, such as bank accounts, real estate, vehicles, and equity. If any property that can be executed is found, it will be directly sealed up, detained, frozen, auctioned, and all that can be realized will be realized. If there is really no property to carry out, high consumption will be limited, and you will not be allowed to take high class or stay in high-end hotels. If you don't pay back the money, you may be included in the dishonest list, and the loan, bidding and tendering will be affected in the future. In a word, the court will try its best to make the person subjected to execution repay the money. See more
    2024.09.21 1555 readings
  •  How much is the general compensation for minor injuries caused by car accidents
    The compensation standard for minor injuries in traffic accidents needs to consider many factors: medical expenses (determined according to the receipt certificate, medical record, diagnosis certificate, etc. issued by the medical institution), lost time expenses (calculated according to the actual working hours and income level delayed), nursing expenses, transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, food expenses, nutrition expenses, etc. See more
    2024.09.21 1407 readings
  •  What is the compensation standard for death caused by drunk driving
    The legal compensation for death caused by drunk driving is not a fixed amount, which is determined by many factors. Compensation mainly includes funeral expenses, living expenses of dependants and death compensation. The calculation of death compensation is based on the per capita disposable income of the place of appeal, which can be calculated for 20 years at most; If you are over 60 years old, it will have to decrease year by year. Those 75 years old and over can only count as five years. Funeral expenses are calculated for 6 months according to the average monthly salary of the staff and workers in the sued area. The living expenses of the dependants shall be calculated according to the degree of loss of labor capacity and the standard of consumption expenditure. See more
    2024.09.21 1102 readings
  •  How to compensate if the other party is found hit and run
    If the party responsible for the hit and run is locked and needs to assume responsibility, then they need to compensate the victim for medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, nutrition expenses, food subsidies and other reasonable expenses to ensure that the victim can recover in time. If the victim is disabled, the responsible party also needs to compensate for the cost of auxiliary equipment and economic losses. If the victim dies, the responsible party needs to pay funeral expenses and compensation for mental damage. See more
    2024.09.21 1107 readings
  •  How to deal with the compulsory execution process of car accident without money for compensation
    When the person responsible for the accident is unable to compensate and needs to be enforced, the court will handle it according to a series of procedures. First, the applicant needs to apply to the court. Then, the court will investigate the property status of the person subjected to execution. If the person subjected to execution has no property available for execution, the court may take some disciplinary measures, such as limiting high consumption and listing in the list of dishonest persons subjected to execution. At the same time, the applicant also needs to actively cooperate with the court and provide the property clues of the person subjected to execution. In this way, the court can better implement the judgment and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant. See more
    2024.09.21 1972 Reading
  •  What kind of compensation can be claimed for the full responsibility of the other party after being hit
    If the other party is fully responsible for the traffic accident, the injured party may claim compensation, including medical expenses, loss of work delay, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, hospital board allowance and nutrition expenses. If irreversible damage is caused, disability compensation and auxiliary equipment costs will also need to be paid. See more
    2024.09.21 1232 readings
  •  Is it okay to go to jail without losing money after driving to kill people
    If the driver violates the traffic regulations and causes death of others due to his fault, he will be judged as a traffic accident crime and bear corresponding legal liabilities. At this time, the relatives of the victims have the right to file civil compensation claims according to law, including death compensation, funeral expenses, etc. According to the provisions of the Civil Code, those who infringe upon the health of others need to compensate for the costs of treatment and rehabilitation, as well as the reduced income due to missed work. In case of disability or death, corresponding compensation shall be paid. See more
    2024.09.21 1893 readings
  •  How to talk about compensation after finding someone after hit and run
    After a traffic accident, if the driver escapes, the first thing to know is personal injury and property losses. Personal injuries include medical treatment, nursing, compensation for lost work and disability, and property losses include vehicle repair and damage to goods. When talking about compensation, it should be carried out according to law, and the actual losses should be considered to determine a reasonable amount of compensation. Hit and run is a bad illegal act, which may increase the responsibility. See more
    2024.09.21 1263 readings
  •  How to compensate for hit and run serious injuries
    Escape after a traffic accident will lead to serious consequences. In addition to the corresponding criminal responsibility, the victims also need to be compensated. If the accident causes serious injury to others, the items to be compensated include medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, nutrition expenses, hospitalization food allowance, income loss, etc. If the victim's labor capacity is lost or disabled due to the accident, the cost of auxiliary equipment and disability compensation shall also be paid. If the victim dies, funeral expenses and death compensation should also be paid. Therefore, we should strictly abide by the traffic rules to avoid traffic accidents. See more
    2024.09.21 1539 readings
  •  What should I do if I have no money to pay for the car accident? I have a loan house
    After the accident, if the party who caused the accident does not have enough financial compensation capacity and has a mortgaged house under its name, the victim can appeal to the court for compensation. If the defendant fails to perform the judgment of the court, the victim may apply for compulsory execution. The court will evaluate the defendant's house to determine whether the house is necessary for his life. If the house is not a necessity or there are other enforceable properties, the court may take enforcement measures, such as auctioning the house and using the proceeds to pay compensation. See more
    2024.09.21 1314 readings
  •  What to do if compensation for traffic accident is not implemented
    In case of a traffic accident, the other party still fails to perform the obligation of compensation after being judged by the court, it may apply to the court for compulsory execution. The court will take various means, such as inquiring, freezing, transferring deposits, withholding and withdrawing income, sealing up, detaining, auctioning or selling off property, to urge the other party to fulfill the obligation of compensation. In this process, the person subjected to execution needs to provide property clues to assist the court in execution. If the person subjected to execution deliberately delays or refuses to execute, if the circumstances are serious, it may violate the law. See more
    2024.09.21 1641 readings
  •  How to talk about compensation before the accident confirmation
    Before the adjudication of the traffic accident, the compensation shall be handled carefully. It is necessary to fully understand the details of the accident first, and make clear the process, fault ratio and loss. Keep calm and fair when negotiating, and don't be emotional. You can negotiate first to clarify the losses, such as medical and maintenance costs. It should be noted that the agreement at this time is not legally binding, and the evidence and communication records should be kept to prepare for the future dispute settlement. See more
    2024.09.21 1073 readings
  •  What if there is no money for compensation and enforcement
    In the case of accident compensation, if the responsible party is unable to compensate and has been enforced, the court will investigate its property status, including deposits, real estate, etc. For the enforceable property, the court will take measures such as sealing up and auction to realize compensation. If the responsible party has no property to enforce, the court will limit its high consumption and may include it in the dishonest list, which will affect its credit, loans, travel and other rights and interests. See more
    2024.09.20 1209 readings
  •  You don't have money to pay for the hit. Do you want to pay back after you go to jail
    Even if the offender goes to prison, he must bear civil liability for compensation. Criminal and civil compensation are two different concepts. Being in prison is because you have committed the criminal law and have to bear criminal responsibility, but this does not mean that you can not compensate the victims for their economic losses. In any case, the victim has the right to claim compensation. See more
    2024.09.20 1820 readings

Popular articles on traffic accident compensation

  • First of all, the traffic accident identification letter issued by the public security traffic management department is the evidence for handling traffic accidents, and also the important evidence submitted by the parties to the court on civil damages. Secondly, it can sue. The infringer and the insurance company of the vehicle are listed as the defendant, and the insurance company will make compensation within the scope of its insurance coverage. The infringer who is insufficient will make compensation.
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  • Premarital debt of one spouse. If one of the husband and wife is responsible for the purchase of a house or other property and the house is not used for living together after marriage, it shall be recognized as personal debt. Both husband and wife agree on the debts to be borne by themselves according to law. If the husband and wife agree that the debts that belong to their common life should be borne by one party, they can be regarded as their personal debts. The debt incurred by one spouse due to personal unreasonable expenses, such as gambling, drug abuse and alcohol abuse.
    12838 readings 2024.07.26
  • It refers to the items included in the compensation given to the victims by the perpetrators in traffic accidents, mainly including medical expenses, lost time expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, food allowance during hospitalization, nutrition expenses, appraisal expenses, disability compensation, disability auxiliary equipment expenses, funeral expenses, living expenses of dependants, death compensation.
    7552 readings 2024.07.26
  • 1. Pay attention to the limitation of action for traffic accidents. 2. When prosecuting, pay attention to the application for property preservation. 3. Application precedes execution. 4. Select the competent court. 5. Pay attention to the preservation of relevant evidence.
    8202 readings 2024.07.25
  • The principle of "who claims who bears the burden", which determines the appraisal fees to be paid by the evidence provider, only means that the evidence provider should pay the fees first in the process of litigation. If it is finally determined which party is responsible, the people's court should determine which party should pay the fees last in the judgment after the case is concluded.
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