Compensation standard for work-related injury

Industrial injury compensation and the amount of compensation that should be paid to employees according to the industrial injury compensation standard refer to the compensation items and standards that should be enjoyed by the injured employees and the relatives of the deceased employees according to law. If an employee of the Employer suffers from work-related injury during the period when he/she does not participate in work-related injury insurance, the Employer shall carry out work-related injury insurance in accordance with the Regulations on Work related Injury Insurance
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Knowledge of industrial injury compensation standards

  •  Can we compensate 1 million yuan for work death in 2024
    After an employee dies, the total amount of civil compensation will be affected by various factors, which may not reach one million yuan. This compensation includes funeral allowance, pension for supporting relatives and one-time death allowance. Funeral allowance is usually the average monthly salary of local employees for six months. The one-time work death subsidy is calculated as 20 times of the per capita disposable income of urban residents in the previous year. As for the pension for supporting relatives, it is paid to those relatives who have lost their ability to work according to the wage ratio of employees. See more
    2024.09.20 1668 readings
  •  How to claim for compensation in case of industrial accident
    In case of industrial accidents, claims shall be made according to the following methods: negotiate with the unit first, if the negotiation fails, the application for industrial injury determination can be made, and after the determination is made, the labor capacity assessment shall be carried out, and finally the industrial injury treatment shall be claimed through labor arbitration. If it is difficult to confirm the labor relationship, you can also directly file a lawsuit to the court. See more
    2024.09.19 1473 readings
  •  Can work-related injury treatment and compensation be claimed at the same time
    Industrial injury compensation and contract termination economic compensation are the dual rights and interests of workers. In industrial accidents, the employer and the industrial injury insurance fund are jointly responsible for providing material compensation to the injured employees; When the contract is terminated, the employer shall pay economic compensation according to law. Although they come from different sources, according to the law, employees have the right to enjoy these two rights at the same time, and they do not conflict. See more
    2024.09.19 1191 readings
  •  Standard of compensation for work-related injury
    1、 Medical expenses. Medical expenses shall be reimbursed according to actual expenses, including medical expenses incurred during hospitalization, rehabilitation training and recurrence of work-related injuries. 2、 Hospitalized food allowance, transportation, board and lodging expenses. 1. The food allowance for hospitalization is the local standard × the number of days of hospitalization; 2. If the medical institution issues a certificate and the agency agrees to seek medical treatment outside the overall planning area, it can ask for payment of transportation fees, board and lodging fees, etc. See more
    2024.09.19 1863 readings
  •  Who should be responsible for the cost of industrial injury rehabilitation treatment
    Responsibility for the cost of rehabilitation treatment for work-related injuries varies from case to case. If the employee's injury has not been resolved after the industrial injury and the labor contract has not been rescinded, the employer has paid the industrial injury insurance, and the expenses shall be paid by the insurance fund; Otherwise, the Employer shall bear the responsibility. If the work-related injury recurs and the labor contract is not terminated, the treatment cost can be borne by the insurance fund; If the employer does not purchase the social insurance in full, it shall bear the responsibility. After the laborer terminates the labor relationship and receives compensation, the expenses shall be borne by the laborer. If the employer fails to apply for identification of work-related injury in time, the expenses incurred during the period shall be borne by the employer. See more
    2024.09.19 1600 readings
  •  How much is the compensation for ordinary work-related fracture that cannot be rated
    The level of disability is not assessed for work-related fracture, and the employee cannot get a one-time disability allowance, but can claim compensation for medical expenses, transportation fees, etc. The specific amount depends on the treatment cost, drug catalog, hospitalization service standards, etc., and is paid by the industrial injury insurance fund if it meets the regulations. Hospitalized food allowance and transportation and accommodation expenses are also expected to be compensated, and the standards are subject to the policies of the local government. See more
    2024.09.19 1045 readings
  •  How much is the compensation for ordinary work-related fracture that cannot be rated
    The level of disability is not assessed for work-related fracture, and the employee cannot get a one-time disability allowance, but can claim compensation for medical expenses, transportation fees, etc. The specific amount depends on the treatment cost, drug catalog, hospitalization service standards, etc., and is paid by the industrial injury insurance fund if it meets the regulations. Hospitalized food allowance and transportation and accommodation expenses are also expected to be compensated, and the standards are subject to the policies of the local government. See more
    2024.09.19 1233 readings
  •  How long will the social insurance compensation for work-related injuries arrive
    In general, the labor department will determine whether or not to declare industrial injury within 60 days, and the disability identification will be carried out after the injury is stable (the medical treatment period ends), which depends on the specific situation, some of which have lasted for a year and a half, or even longer. The disability appraisal conclusion shall be made within 60 days after the submission of the disability appraisal data. If necessary, it can be extended for 30 days. All the above work has been completed. The data shall be submitted to the Social Security Bureau, which will transfer the compensation money into the personal account within 60 days. See more
    2024.09.19 1376 readings
  •  Social insurance compensation for work-related injury
    Industrial injury compensation includes the treatment fee, rehabilitation fee, living expenses during hospitalization paid by the industrial injury insurance fund, as well as the one-time disability subsidy and the corresponding level of allowance. The unit shall pay the employees' wages during the period of work-related injury, as well as the one-time employment subsidies for the disabled, and the one-time medical subsidies shall be paid according to local laws and regulations. The social insurance industrial injury compensation fund shall be paid to the account within 30 days after the application materials are submitted. See more
    2024.09.19 1212 readings
  •  How to calculate compensation for industrial accidents
    Calculation of compensation for industrial accidents: 1. The amount of compensation for medical expenses is equal to the amount of diagnosis and treatment plus the amount of drugs plus the amount of hospitalization service fees. (According to the catalogue of diagnosis and treatment items of industrial injury insurance, pharmaceutical catalogue of industrial injury insurance, and hospitalization service standards of industrial injury insurance). 2. The amount of compensation for hospitalization food allowance is equal to the standard of food allowance for business trip (yuan, person, day) multiplied by 70% of the number of passengers multiplied by the number of days. 3. The amount of compensation for transportation and accommodation expenses is equal to transportation expenses plus accommodation expenses plus board expenses. 4. The amount of compensation for the cost of auxiliary equipment is equal to the reasonable cost of ordinary and applicable equipment multiplied by the number of equipment. See more
    2024.09.19 1051 readings
  •  How to claim for compensation after industrial accidents
    In case of industrial accident, the unit (legally insured) shall first report to the labor administrative department within 15 working days; Secondly, the social security institution will investigate and confirm the nature of work-related injury (default procedure, except that the unit has approved in writing and has not participated in insurance). Then, the worker and his relatives apply for labor capacity appraisal, and attach the determination of work-related injury and medical data. After appraisal, the amount of compensation shall be calculated according to the standard: if there is industrial injury insurance, it shall be issued by the state agency; If there is no insurance, negotiate with the unit. See more
    2024.09.19 1421 readings
  •  How to claim for compensation in case of industrial accident
    In case of industrial accidents, claims shall be made according to the following methods: negotiate with the unit first, if the negotiation fails, the application for industrial injury determination can be made, and after the determination is made, the labor capacity assessment shall be carried out, and finally the industrial injury treatment shall be claimed through labor arbitration. If it is difficult to confirm the labor relationship, you can also directly file a lawsuit to the court. See more
    2024.09.19 1934 Readings
  •  Can work-related injury treatment and compensation be claimed at the same time
    Industrial injury compensation and contract termination economic compensation are the dual rights and interests of workers. In industrial accidents, the employer and the industrial injury insurance fund are jointly responsible for providing material compensation to the injured employees; When the contract is terminated, the employer shall pay economic compensation according to law. Although they come from different sources, according to the law, employees have the right to enjoy these two rights at the same time, and they do not conflict. See more
    2024.09.19 1420 readings
  •  Standard of compensation for work-related injury
    1、 Medical expenses. Medical expenses shall be reimbursed according to actual expenses, including medical expenses incurred during hospitalization, rehabilitation training and recurrence of work-related injuries. 2、 Hospitalized food allowance, transportation, board and lodging expenses. 1. The food allowance for hospitalization is the local standard × the number of days of hospitalization; 2. If the medical institution issues a certificate and the agency agrees to seek medical treatment outside the overall planning area, it can ask for payment of transportation fees, board and lodging fees, etc. See more
    2024.09.19 1926 readings
  •  How much is the level 9 compensation for work-related injury
    Class IX industrial injury generally includes the following compensation items: First, medical expenses, including medical expenses during hospitalization, rehabilitation training, and recurrence of industrial injury. 2、 Hospitalized food allowance, transportation, board and lodging expenses 1. Hospitalized food allowance shall be multiplied by the number of days in hospital according to the local standard. 2. If a medical institution issues a certificate and the agency agrees to seek medical treatment outside the overall planning area, it may request payment of transportation fees, board and lodging fees. See more
    2024.09.19 1879 readings

Popular articles on industrial injury compensation standards

  • The employee injury in the employment relationship cannot be recognized as work-related injury, that is, the injured worker cannot apply for work-related injury and then obtain work-related injury compensation. The injury level of employees can be determined as long as there are qualified organizations. If the parties are not satisfied with the appraisal conclusion, they can go to the appraisal institution for re appraisal after consultation, or apply to the court for re appraisal through civil proceedings.
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  • If the employer has participated in the industrial injury insurance, when the employee is injured at work, it can be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund after the labor security administrative department identifies the industrial injury or makes the labor capacity appraisal. If the employer should have taken part in but failed to take part in the work-related injury insurance, and if the employee suffered work-related injury during this period, the employer shall pay the expenses according to the items and standards of work-related injury insurance benefits stipulated by the state.
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  • The relevant regulations on work-related injuries are caused by accidents in the working environment or surrounding roads and working equipment and machines. If there is an industrial injury but the injury is minor, you can request the unit to make simple compensation. If the injury is serious, you need to make an industrial injury determination and then confirm the amount of compensation.
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  • The amount of ten degree disability is one time of the compensation base. The compensation base refers to the average annual salary of employees in the last year in the area where the unit is located where the industrial injury insurance is planned. In case of death caused by accident injury or occupational disease, a lump sum compensation shall be paid at 20 times of the per capita disposable income of urban residents nationwide in the previous year, and a lump sum funeral allowance and other compensation shall be paid at 10 times of the per capita disposable income of urban residents nationwide in the previous year.
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  • The employment of retirees by enterprises does not constitute a labor relationship in the sense of labor law, but only a labor relationship in the sense of civil law. According to Article 2 of the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of the Labor Law issued by the Ministry of Labor, if a worker has actually become a member of an enterprise or an individual economic organization and provided paid labor, he or she is considered to have established a labor relationship and the Labor Law applies.
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