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What is the drunk driving standard for the drunk driver and the driving agent?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.03.02 · 2020 people have seen it
Guide: Driving a motor vehicle when the alcohol content in the driver's blood is more than (equal to) 20mg/100ml and less than 80mg/100ml is classified as drunk driving, and driving a motor vehicle when the alcohol content is more than (equal to) 80mg/100ml is classified as drunk driving. Both drinking driving and drunken driving are serious traffic violations, and from the perspective of the degree of harm, drunken driving is far more harmful than drinking driving.

 What is the drunk driving standard for the drunk driver and the driving agent?

I Drunk driving , the person who drives for you Drunk driving standard What is it?

Driving a motor vehicle when the alcohol content in the driver's blood is more than (equal to) 20mg/100ml and less than 80mg/100ml is classified as drinking driving, and driving a motor vehicle when the alcohol content is more than (equal to) 80mg/100ml is classified as drinking driving Drunken driving Both drinking driving and drunken driving are serious traffic violations, and from the perspective of the degree of harm, drunken driving is far more harmful than drinking driving.

According to the provisions of Article 91 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, anyone who drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall be punished by temporarily withholding his motor vehicle driving license for not less than one month but not more than three months and imposing a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan; Whoever drives a motor vehicle while drunk shall be restrained by the traffic control department of the public security organ until he wakes up, detained for not more than 15 days, temporarily detained for not less than three months but not more than six months, and fined not less than 500 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan; At the same time, those who drive operating motor vehicles after drinking alcohol shall be temporarily detained for three months and fined 500 yuan; Anyone who drives a commercial motor vehicle after being drunk shall be restrained by the traffic control department of the public security organ until he wakes up, be detained for not more than 15 days, temporarily withhold his motor vehicle driving license for six months, and be fined not more than 2000 yuan; If he is punished twice or more for driving a motor vehicle while drunk within one year, his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked, and he shall not drive a commercial motor vehicle within five years.

2、 Penalty standards for drunk driving and drunk driving

Drinking driving:

If you drink and drive a motor vehicle, you will be fined 1000-2000 yuan, 12 points will be recorded, and your driver's license will be temporarily withheld for 6 months; If you drink and drive a commercial motor vehicle, you will be fined 5000 yuan, 12 points will be recorded, and you will be detained for less than 15 days, and you will not be allowed to obtain a driving license again within 5 years.

Drunken driving

Drunken driving of motor vehicles, the driver's license shall be revoked, and the driver's license shall not be obtained again within 5 years, and the driver's license shall be sentenced criminal detention , and fine ; Drunken driving of operating motor vehicles shall revoke the driver's license, and shall not obtain a new driver's license within 10 years, and shall not drive operating vehicles for life. After a judgment, criminal detention shall be imposed and a fine shall be imposed.

Article 91 Whoever drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall have his motor vehicle driver's license temporarily withheld for six months and be fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan. Whoever is punished for driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, and who drives a motor vehicle after drinking again, shall be detained for not more than 10 days, fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked.

Whoever drives a motor vehicle while intoxicated shall be restrained by the traffic control department of the public security organ until he wakes up, his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; No motor vehicle driver's license may be obtained again within five years.

Whoever drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall be detained for 15 days and fined 5000 yuan, his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked, and he shall not obtain a new motor vehicle driving license within five years.

If a person drives a motor vehicle while drunk, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall restrain him until he wakes up, revoke his motor vehicle driving license, and investigate his criminal responsibility according to law; It is not allowed to obtain a new motor vehicle driving license within ten years. After obtaining a new motor vehicle driving license, it is not allowed to drive a commercial motor vehicle.

Occurrence after drinking or drunk driving Major traffic accidents If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law, and the traffic control department of the public security organ shall revoke the motor vehicle driving license, and may not obtain a new motor vehicle driving license for life.

This situation should be rare, but in any case, drunk driving is responsible. If there is no problem with drunk driving, it is OK, but the danger still exists. However, if there are problems, they are generally serious, and we should bear this responsibility. No matter what you do, it's best not to drink while driving.

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