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How to handle the identification of work-related injuries How to identify work-related injuries

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.03.02 · 11068 people have seen it
Guide: Chapter III of the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance stipulates the scope of industrial injury. Those who meet one of the following conditions shall be deemed as industrial injury or deemed as industrial injury. 1. Injuries caused by accidents during working hours and in the workplace. 2. Injuries caused by accidents while engaged in preparatory or finishing work related to work in the workplace before and after working hours. 3. Accidental injuries such as violence during working hours and in the workplace due to the performance of work duties.

 How to handle the identification of work-related injuries How to identify work-related injuries

Apply for Identification of work-related injuries It can be said that it is the first step to deal with such accidents, and it is also a very important step. If it is determined that it does not constitute Injury on-the-Job Then the injured workers will not enjoy it later Industrial injury treatment However, there are certain requirements for applying for industrial injury identification, so how to deal with industrial injury identification? next, Nomogram A small editor will give you a detailed answer.

1、 How to handle work-related injury identification

(1) Declaration

1. Unit declaration

In case of an injury (death) accident, the employer shall immediately send the injured to the nearest medical institution for rescue and treatment in the agreed hospital. At the same time Occupational Diseases Written within 30 days from the date of diagnosis employment injury insurance The department reports the injury (death) accident, fills in and submits《 Application Form for Occupational Injury Identification 》And the first medical record, circumstantial evidence ID , work card and other relevant materials.

2. Declaration of employees or relatives

If the employer fails to apply for identification within the specified time limit, the employee or relative can directly report the injury (death) accident to the industrial injury insurance department within one year from the date of the casualty accident or occupational disease diagnosis, fill in and submit the Application Form for Identification of Industrial Injury and the first medical record, ID card Labor contract (or temporary residence permit, work permit, work card), circumstantial evidence and other relevant materials.

(2) Acceptance

If the application of an employee or relative exceeds the period of one year, the industrial injury insurance department will not accept it and issue the Decision on Rejection;

If the application materials are incomplete, the industrial injury insurance department will issue the Receipt and Notice of Supplying Materials to inform the applicant to supplement the relevant materials.

If the application of the unit, employee or relative complies with the law statute The industrial injury insurance department formally accepted the application and issued the Acceptance Receipt to the applicant.

(3) Survey

If an employee or his/her relatives apply for recognition of work-related injury, the work-related injury insurance department shall issue the Notice on Handling Casualty Accidents to his/her employer and require the unit to provide relevant materials. The unit shall truthfully provide the information and relevant information within the specified period evidence If the employer fails to provide evidence to the contrary within the specified time, it shall be deemed that it has no objection to the evidence provided by the employee or his relatives.

If necessary, the industrial injury insurance department can investigate the employee casualty accidents, and the unit, employees or family members should truthfully provide information and relevant evidence. If the unit intentionally conceals the truth of the casualty accident, provides false evidence or data and other materials, and refuses to cooperate with the accident investigation, the industrial injury insurance department may refuse to pay the various costs of the industrial injury insurance benefits and transfer them to the employer.

2、 How to identify work-related injuries

The industrial injury insurance department shall make a confirmation conclusion and issue《 Work injury certificate 》And issue the Notice on Medical Treatment Period of Injured Employees to the injured employees who still need to continue treatment, and notify the employer, employees or their relatives.

For insured employees who are identified as work-related injuries and need to continue hospitalization, Work Injury Insurance will be issued at the same time medical expense Notice of Accounting and Work Injury Insurance Inpatient Billing Form, notify the agreed hospital for work injury to allow it to account for medical treatment (outpatient service Medical expenses It shall be paid by the employer first, and shall be written off by the industrial injury insurance department after the medical treatment is completed).

For uninsured employees who are identified as work-related injuries and need treatment, relevant expenses shall be paid and reimbursed by the employer.

However, due to the different subjects of the actual application for identification, the prescription and required materials are also different. The time limit is 30 days if the unit declares industrial injury. However, if it is declared by a worker, the time limit is one year.

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