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How long is the subscription period of the company's registered capital?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.24 · 529886 people have seen it
Guide: At present, the registered capital system is the subscription system. That is to say, when handling the business license, the Administration for Industry and Commerce does not need a capital verification report, and the size of the registered capital and the number of years for subscription of the registered capital are agreed by the shareholders themselves, as long as they are stated in the articles of association. Therefore, the provisions on the subscription period of the registered capital are agreed by the shareholders themselves.
 How long is the subscription period of the company's registered capital?

I Registered capital of the company How long is the subscription period

At present, the registered capital system is the subscription system, that is to say, it is in the process of handling Business license At that time, the Administration for Industry and Commerce does not need a capital verification report, and the size of the registered capital and the number of years for subscription of the registered capital are agreed by the shareholders themselves Articles of Association It can be specified in.

Therefore, the provisions on the subscription period of the registered capital are agreed by the shareholders themselves.

2、 Matters needing attention in the subscription of company's registered capital

1. The longer the subscription period, the better. Information such as the amount and period of subscription will be announced to the public. In the process of enterprise operation, too long subscription period will cause partners to doubt the integrity and strength of the company; Enterprises should determine the subscription period according to their own strength, business scale and entrepreneurial planning, and establish a sense of integrity.

2. The registered capital can be "subscribed" instead of "paid in", which does not mean that the registered capital can be "subscribed". The enterprise should pay up within the commitment period of subscription, and at the same time, it should be liable to the extent of the subscribed capital. In the process of trading, "only accept but not pay" will affect the integrity of the company; The supervision department will conduct spot checks on the enterprise. If the enterprise fails to fulfill the commitment of subscription, the competent department will《 company law 》They will be punished and put into the "abnormal operation list" to be publicized to the public, or even put into the "blacklist" of the national network, resulting in "one violation of the law, one restriction".

3. There is also a limit for the "subscription system" that can be run without spending money. "Zero yuan" cannot be registered. Moreover, registered capital is only one of the conditions for the establishment of the company. To maintain basic operations, the company also needs sites, equipment, employees, etc. It is impossible to run the company without spending money.

3、 Benefits of subscribed registered capital

1. Reduce the examination and approval of investment projects, minimize the scope of examination, approval and filing, and effectively implement the decision-making power of enterprises and individuals in investment. For the projects that really need to be examined, approved and filed, the procedures should be simplified and completed within a time limit. At the same time, in order to avoid repeated investment and disorderly competition, it is emphasized to strengthen the management of land use, energy consumption, pollution emissions, etc., and give full play to the law statute , development planning and industrial policies.

2. Reduce the number of approval items for production and business activities. In accordance with the reform principle of the administrative approval system, minimize the licensing of production and business activities and products, and minimize the identification of various institutions and their activities and other non licensing approvals.

3. Reduce the qualification license, and check the unqualified Administrative License Law All provisions shall be canceled; If it is required to evaluate the level of enterprises, institutions and individuals according to regulations, it shall be specifically identified by relevant industry associations and societies.

4. Reduce administrative charges, cancel illegal and unreasonable administrative charges and government fund projects, lower the charging standard, and establish and improve the management system of government non tax revenue

The implementation of the company's registered capital subscription system is a huge blessing for entrepreneurs, and the number of years for the company's registered capital subscription is agreed by shareholders, which is not limited by law, but the longer the number of years for the company's registered capital subscription is, the better.

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