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Nine rights and interests of consumers

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Guide: With the implementation of the new consumer law, the protection of consumers' rights and interests has become more perfect and specific. Consumers' rights and interests mainly include the right to security, the right to know, the right to independent choice, the right to fair trade, the right to claim compensation, the right to association, the right to obtain relevant knowledge, the right to personal dignity, the right to respect national customs, and the right to supervise.
 Nine rights and interests of consumers

Nine rights and interests of consumers are as follows:

1. Right to security

Consumers have the right to be free from damage to the safety of person and property when purchasing and using goods and receiving services, referred to as the right to security for short. The right to security is the most important right of consumers, and it is also the embodiment of citizens' personal rights and property rights in the field of consumption. In order to truly realize this right, consumers have the right to require that the goods and services provided by operators meet the requirements of safeguarding personal and property safety. Where there are national or industrial standards, consumers have the right to require that goods and services comply with national or industrial standards, such as food, drugs, household appliances, etc; For goods and services, consumers have the right to require business operators to ensure that there are no factors endangering personal and property safety when they purchase or use the goods or receive services.

2. Right to know

Consumers have the right to know the true situation of the goods they buy or use or the services they receive, which is called the right to know for short. This right indicates that consumers have the right to inquire about and understand the true situation of goods or services when purchasing, using goods or receiving services; Business operators providing commodities or services have the obligation to truthfully explain the relevant information to consumers.

3. Autonomy

Consumers have the right to choose their own goods or services, referred to as the right of independent choice, which mainly includes the following aspects:

(1) Have the right to independently choose the business operators that provide commodities or services;

(2) Have the right to independently choose the variety of commodities or the mode of service;

(3) Have the right to decide independently whether to buy or not to buy any kind of goods, accept or not to accept any kind of service;

(4) Have the right to compare, identify and select when choosing goods or services independently.

4. Fair Trading Rights

Consumers have the right to fair trade, referred to as the right to fair trade. The basic principles of market transactions are: the principle of equality and voluntariness, the principle of compensation for equal value, the principle of fairness and the principle of good faith. Therefore, consumers and operators have the right to fair transactions. According to《 law for the protection of consumers'interests 》This right is mainly reflected in the following two aspects:

(1) Fair trading conditions, such as quality assurance, reasonable price, correct measurement, etc;

(2) Have the right to reject the forced trading behavior of the trader.

5. Right of claim

A consumer who suffers personal or property damage as a result of purchasing or using a commodity or receiving a service shall have the right to compensation according to law, referred to as the right to claim compensation for short.

6. Right of association

Consumers have the right to establish social organizations to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests according to law, which is referred to as the right of association for short. It is very necessary to endow consumers with the right of association so that they can safeguard their legitimate rights and interests through organized activities. It is also a reflection of the state's encouragement to the whole society to jointly protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

7. Access to relevant intellectual rights

Consumers have the right to acquire knowledge about consumption and the protection of consumers' rights and interests, which is referred to as the right to acquire relevant knowledge. This right includes two aspects: one is to acquire knowledge about consumption, such as knowledge about consumption concepts, basic knowledge about goods and services, and basic knowledge about the market; The second is to acquire knowledge about consumer protection, such as laws statute And policies, as well as protection institutions and dispute resolution approaches.

8. The right to respect human dignity and national customs

Human dignity is an important part of consumers' personal rights, including the right to name, reputation, honor, portrait, etc. In practice, the infringement of consumers' right to dignity insults and slanders consumers, that is, the infringement of consumers' right to reputation Tortious conduct It refers to that the operators themselves or use others to belittle or undermine the personal dignity of consumers by defending and spreading false facts or uncivilized and impolite language; In addition, the operator decides to search the consumer's body and carry goods, or even restrict the consumer's personal freedom, on the pretext of loss of wear and other reasons.

Respect for national customs is an important part of the Party's and the country's national policies. China is a multi-ethnic country, and all ethnic groups have different customs and habits, which are closely related to consumption. Therefore, respecting the customs and habits of ethnic minorities is of great significance for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic consumers and implementing the Party and national ethnic policies.

9. Supervisory power

Consumers have the right to supervise goods and services as well as the protection of consumers' rights and interests, which is referred to as supervisory power for short. This right can be specifically manifested as: consumers have the right to report and accuse acts that infringe upon consumers' rights and interests and the illegal and derelict acts of state organs and their staff in the protection of consumers' rights and interests, and have the right to criticize and make suggestions on the protection of consumers' rights and interests.

Legal basis:

Consumer Protection Law

Article 7 Consumers shall have the right to protect their personal and property safety when purchasing and using commodities or receiving services. A consumer shall have the right to require that commodities and services provided by a business operator meet with requirements for the safety of person and property.

Article 8 Consumers shall have the right to know the true situation of the commodities they have purchased or used or the services they have received. A consumer shall have the right to require relevant information of a business operator providing commodities on price, place of origin, producer, usage, functions, specifications, grade, main ingredients, date of production, date of expiry, certificate of inspection, operation manual and after-sale service, or of contents, specifications and fees of services in respect of commodities or services as t.

Article 9 Consumers shall have the right to choose their own commodities or services. A consumer shall have the right to freely choose a business operator providing commodities or services, types of commodity and modes of service and whether to purchase a commodity or receive a service. A consumer shall have the right to compare, appraise and select when freely choosing a commodity or service.

Article 10 Consumers shall have the right to fair dealing.

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