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How to Deal with the Disputes of House Water Leakage

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.07.02 · 1424 people have seen it
Guide: House leakage dispute settlement: claim from the developer for quality problems, and compensate the downstairs for losses caused by improper decoration. If the decoration damages the top of your home and causes leakage, you can ask for compensation upstairs. As a neighboring obligee, we should deal with the relationship fairly and reasonably. We need to properly manage the house upstairs, eliminate obstacles, and build a harmonious neighborhood together.
 How to Deal with the Disputes of House Water Leakage

1、 How to Deal with the Disputes of House Water Leakage

In addition, when the damage event occurs, both parties should actively take effective measures to prevent further expansion of the loss, and at the same time, they should also maintain reasonable negotiation, and if necessary, they can safeguard their own rights and interests according to law. Please be sure to avoid aggravating conflicts due to emotional excitement or shirking responsibilities, which will lead to more unnecessary disputes.

Civil Code 》Article 295

Immovable property The exploitation of land, construction of buildings, laying of pipelines, installation of equipment, etc. by the beneficial persons shall not endanger the safety of adjacent immovables.

Article 296

Where the obligee of a real estate uses an adjacent real estate for water, drainage, passage, laying pipelines, etc., it shall try to avoid causing damage to the obligee of the adjacent real estate.

2、 How to determine the division of responsibilities for housing water leakage disputes

The relevant provisions on the legal liability of the house leakage are as follows:

First, the real estate developer shall be fully responsible for repairing and compensating the leakage caused by non-human factors during the warranty period;

Although the property management company is not the culprit directly causing the leakage, if it is negligent in the management process, or fails to deal with the problem in a timely manner, which leads to further expansion of property losses and even more serious consequences, it must also be responsible for this.

Article 296 of the Civil Code

Where the obligee of a real estate uses an adjacent real estate for water, drainage, passage, laying pipelines, etc., it shall try to avoid causing damage to the obligee of the adjacent real estate.

The power of law lies not only in its binding force, but also in its educational and guiding role. It teaches us how to act correctly, how to respect the rights and interests of others, and how to maintain social justice and fairness. As the title of this article puts forward, "How to deal with housing leakage disputes", we can get many valuable enlightenment and lessons from it. We should cherish these lessons and internalize them into our code of conduct so that we can better abide by the law and live in this society under the rule of law.

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