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Can a company's business license be found online

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.06.29 · 1999 people have seen
Guide: To query the business license information, you can visit the national enterprise credit publicity information system. The business license certifies the legal registration of the company, shows the time of establishment, and is used for seal engraving, account opening, tax registration, etc. The purpose of consulting the business license is to confirm the existence of the company and understand its business scope.
 Can a company's business license be found online

1、 A company's Business license Can you find it online

For the inquiry of business license, you can visit the relevant content on the national enterprise credit publicity information system.

The business license can, to a large extent, prove that a company is legally registered and established, and can also specify the time of establishment of the company. With this certificate, the company can engrave the official seal, open a bank account, apply for tax registration and many other matters.

Usually, people consult the business license of a company to confirm the actual existence of the company and further understand its business scope.

The People's Republic of China company law 》Article 7

A company established according to law shall be issued a business license by the company registration authority. The date of issuance of the business license of the Company shall be the date of establishment of the Company.

The business license of a company shall state the name, domicile, registered capital Business scope , name of legal representative, etc.

If the items recorded in the company's business license change, the company shall go through the change registration according to law, and the company registration authority shall issue a new business license.

2、 Whether the double labor contract of a company is illegal

We must emphasize that double contracts are generally called“ Yin Yang Contract "It is illegal.

It means that the parties to a contract agree on two or more contracts with different contents on the same matters in order to achieve a special purpose.

Although such an approach may bring seemingly "favorable" results to relevant parties, there are huge risks and hidden dangers behind it.

Generally, the contract that appears in the "Yin Yang contract" does not reflect the true will of the parties, so it often does not have legal effect;

However, on the other hand, the undisclosed contract is usually regarded as a legally binding contract because it conforms to the real intention of the parties.

Although this hidden "yin contract" is also protected by law as long as its content is legal.

However, if someone tries to engage in illegal activities by signing "yin and yang contracts", or uses legal forms to cover up their illegal purposes, such false "yang contracts" are not only invalid, but also those hidden "yin contracts" will be judged invalid because of their illegal contents.

According to the current "People's Republic of China Civil Code 》If a contract is determined to be invalid or revoked, any rights or property acquired from the contract before shall be returned to the other party;

If the full amount cannot be returned, reasonable compensation shall also be made.

If the party intentionally violates this provision, it shall also compensate the other party for any economic losses caused by its illegal behavior;

If both parties are at fault, they should bear the corresponding proportion of responsibility.

In addition, it is worth noting that, according to the strict provisions of China's Civil Code, in certain specific circumstances, if it is found that there is malicious collusion in the signing process of a contract, which damages the interests of the state, the collective or the third party, then any property obtained on this basis will be transferred to the state or returned to the collective and the third party.

Therefore, we must solemnly tell you that such a double contract strategy is not only illegal, but also may lead to serious consequences.

Article 143 of the Civil Code

Civil juristic acts that meet the following conditions are valid:

(1) The actor has corresponding civil capacity;

(2) True declaration of intention;

(3) No violation of laws and administration statute The mandatory provisions of the law do not violate the public order and good customs.

Law is a universal constraint, which not only protects our rights and interests, but also regulates our behavior. Each of us should fully understand and understand the law in order to better protect our rights and better live in this society ruled by law. As the title of this article puts forward, "Can a company's business license be found on the Internet?" The study and understanding of law is a long-term task, which needs our constant efforts and exploration. We should cherish this process and regard it as an opportunity for self-improvement so as to better adapt to social development and change.

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