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What are the specific provisions on the official seal of the Company Law

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.06.28 · 1998 people have seen it
Introduction: In the general process of business operation, the official seal of the unit is not a symbol that can be abused at will. In fact, it represents the legal signature of the company and has corresponding legal effect. Therefore, when affixing the official seal on a formal occasion, it is necessary to fully understand and prepare for the legal liability incurred. At the same time, if anyone illegally uses the official seal for activities, he or she will face severe penalties such as a fine and the seal will be taken back according to law.
 What are the specific provisions on the official seal of the Company Law

1、 About company law What are the specific provisions of the official seal

In the general process of business operation, the official seal of the unit is not a symbol that can be abused at will.

It actually represents the legal signature of the company and has corresponding legal effect,

Therefore, when affixing the official seal on a formal occasion, it is necessary to have a full understanding and preparation of the resulting legal liability.

At the same time, if anyone illegally uses the official seal for activities, he or she will face severe penalties such as a fine and the seal will be taken back according to law.

Article 13 of the Company Law

The legal representative of the company is in accordance with Articles of Association The chairman of the board of directors, the executive director or the manager shall hold the post and register according to law.

If the company's legal representative changes, it shall go through the change registration.

2、 What is the issue of compensation for employees dismissed by the company

If the company decides to dissolve and dismiss its in-service employees, it shall pay the corresponding amount according to the service period of the employee in the company Economic compensation

This compensation method is based on the salary standard of one month after the laborer has served in the unit for one year;

If it is within six months to one year, it shall be calculated according to the standard of one full year. Otherwise, if the service period is less than six months, the employee will only be paid half a month wages As economic compensation.

Labor Contract Law 》Article 47

The economic compensation shall be paid to the workers according to the number of years they have worked in the unit and the standard of one month's salary for each full year.

If it is more than six months but less than one year, it shall be counted as one year; If the period is less than six months, the employee shall be paid economic compensation of half a month's salary.

The monthly salary of the laborer is three times higher than the average monthly salary of the employees in the previous year in the region announced by the people's government of the municipality directly under the Central Government or the city divided into districts where the employer is located;

The standard of economic compensation paid to them shall be three times the average monthly salary of the employees, and the maximum period of economic compensation paid to them shall not exceed twelve years.

The monthly salary mentioned in this article refers to the employee's Labor contract Average salary of the twelve months prior to termination or termination.

In our daily life, law is an invisible constraint, which not only protects our rights and interests, but also regulates our behavior. Whether at work or in life, we need to fully understand and understand the law in order to better protect our rights and interests. Although the law may seem complex and profound, as long as we are willing to spend time to study and understand it, we can master its basic principles and applications. As the title of this article raises the question, "What are the specific provisions of the company law seal?" Each article is an opportunity to learn and understand the law. We should seize these opportunities to constantly improve our legal literacy in order to better adapt to social development and change.

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