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How much is the appropriate compensation standard for level 10 personal injury

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.06.24 · 1155 people have seen it
Guide: As for the provisions on 7 months' salary compensation, my salary refers to the average monthly payment salary of 12 months before the occurrence of work-related injury or occupational disease. If the individual salary exceeds 300% of the average salary in the overall planning area, it shall be calculated as 300%; If it is less than 60%, it shall be calculated as 60%.
 How much is the appropriate compensation standard for level 10 personal injury

I Injury on-the-Job Level 10 Private Compensation standard How much is suitable

As for the provisions on compensation for their 7 months' salary, "I wages ”It refers to the average monthly wage paid by the injured workers during the 12 months before the accident or occupational disease.

If the individual wage level of the employee exceeds 300% of the average wage of all employees in the overall planning area, 300% of the average wage of all employees in the overall planning area shall be taken as the calculation basis;

On the contrary, if the individual salary level of the employee is lower than 60% of the average salary of all employees in the overall planning area, 60% of the average salary of all employees in the overall planning area should be taken as the calculation basis.

Regulations on Work Injury Insurance 》Article 37 stipulates that employees who are disabled due to work are identified as Grade 7 to Grade 10 disability And enjoy the following benefits:

(1) From employment injury insurance Fund by Disability level payment One off disability benefit , standard: Grade VII permanent disability 13 months' salary, Grade VIII disability It is my salary for 11 months, for Grade 9 disability, it is my salary for 9 months, and for Grade 10 disability, it is my salary for 7 months;

(2) Labor Employment contract In case of termination upon expiration of the time limit, or the employee himself proposes to terminate the labor or employment contract, the one-time medical subsidy for work-related injury shall be paid from the work-related injury insurance fund, and the one-time employment subsidy for disability shall be paid by the employer.

The specific standards for one-time medical subsidies for work-related injuries and one-time employment subsidies for disabled persons shall be formulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

2、 Grade 10 industrial injury retire Post treatment

Working Industrial accident The wounded rated as Grade 10 in Delayed retirement After that, the welfare treatment will reach the statutory level with other normal benefits Retirement age And the employees who have accumulated 15 years of payment are the same, and they will receive basic fees every month according to the fixed period old-age pension

However, for employees with disabilities caused by industrial accidents of level I to level IV, if their basic endowment insurance Treatment lower than Disability Benefits Only then can we apply to the industrial injury insurance fund to supplement its deficiencies.

The People's Republic of China Social Insurance Law 》Article 16

Individuals who have participated in basic pension insurance and have paid contributions for 15 years in total when they reach the statutory retirement age will receive basic pension on a monthly basis.

Individuals who have participated in basic pension insurance and have paid less than 15 years of contributions accumulatively when they reach the statutory retirement age can pay up to 15 years of contributions and receive basic pension on a monthly basis; It can also be transferred to the new rural social endowment insurance or urban residents' social endowment insurance, and enjoy the corresponding pension insurance benefits according to the regulations of the State Council.

Law is a universal constraint, which not only protects our rights and interests, but also regulates our behavior. Each of us should fully understand and understand the law in order to better protect our rights and better live in this society ruled by law. As the title of this article puts forward, "How much is the appropriate compensation standard for Level 10 work-related injury", the study and understanding of law is a long-term task, which requires our continuous efforts and exploration. We should cherish this process and regard it as an opportunity for self-improvement so as to better adapt to social development and change.

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