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Can college students quit their part-time jobs at any time

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.26 · 2013 people have seen
Guide: With the rapid development of the times and social economy, we may encounter a lot of legal problems, so we should learn more about legal knowledge. If you are currently facing the problem of whether college students can resign at any time for part-time jobs, you can find the answer through some legal knowledge collated in this article.
 Can college students quit their part-time jobs at any time

1、 College students can work part-time at any time resignation

College students can resign from part-time jobs at any time. Whether working part-time or full-time, workers have the right to resign at any time.

A part-time job is part-time work For part-time contracts, you can resign at any time. For part-time workers, the average daily working time is generally not more than four hours, and the cumulative working time per week is not more than twenty-four hours, which shall not be agreed probation period

Labor Contract Law 》Article 37

The laborer may notify the employing unit in writing 30 days in advance Termination of labor contract The laborer may terminate the labor contract by notifying the employing unit three days in advance during the probation period.

2、 No signature Labor contract Can you resign at any time

You can resign at any time, but under normal circumstances, although the company does not agree with you Sign labor contract

, which is illegal, but you should still notify the employer 3 days in advance before leaving; Of course, at the same time, you can ask the company to pay for the labor contract that has not been signed double time

Article 37 of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China

The laborer may terminate the labor contract by notifying the employing unit in writing 30 days in advance. The laborer may terminate the labor contract by notifying the employing unit three days in advance during the probation period.

Article 38 of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China

Under any of the following circumstances, a worker may terminate his labor contract:

(1) Failing to provide labor protection or working conditions as agreed in the labor contract;

(2) Failing to pay labor remuneration in full and on time;

(3) Failing to pay for workers according to law social insurance Fee;

(4) The rules and regulations of the employer violate laws statute Which damages the rights and interests of workers;

(5) Due to the circumstances specified in the first paragraph of Article 26 of this Law Invalid labor contract Of;

(6) Other circumstances under which the labor contract may be terminated as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

If the employing unit forces the laborer to work by means of violence, threat or illegal restriction of personal freedom, or if the employing unit commands or forces the laborer to work at risk in violation of regulations, which endangers the personal safety of the laborer, the laborer may immediately terminate the labor contract without informing the employing unit in advance.

3、 Can the accountant resign at any time during the probation period

A worker who resigns during the probation period shall notify the employing unit three days in advance.

If the employing unit forces the laborer to work by means of violence, threat or illegal restriction of personal freedom, or the employing unit commands or forces the laborer to work at risk in violation of regulations, which endangers the personal safety of the laborer, the laborer during the probation period may immediately terminate the labor contract without informing the employing unit in advance.

The laborer terminates the labor contract in violation of the Labor Contract Law, or violates the confidentiality obligation agreed in the labor contract, or Non competition restrictions If losses are caused to the employing unit, it shall be liable for compensation.

Under any of the following circumstances, a worker may terminate the labor contract with the employer in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated in the Labor Contract Law:

(1) The laborer and the employer reach consensus through consultation;

(2) The laborer notifies the employer in writing 30 days in advance;

(3) The laborer notifies the employer 3 days in advance during the probation period;

(4) The employer fails to provide labor protection or working conditions as agreed in the labor contract;

(5) The employing unit fails to pay labor remuneration in full and on time;

(6) The employer fails to pay social insurance premiums for workers according to law;

(7) The rules and regulations of the employing unit violate the provisions of laws and regulations and damage the rights and interests of workers;

(8) The Employer causes the laborer to conclude or change the labor contract against his true intention by means of fraud, coercion or taking advantage of his own difficulties;

(9) The employer exempts itself from legal responsibilities and excludes the rights of workers in the labor contract;

(10) The employing unit violates the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations;

(11) The employing unit forces labourers to work by means of violence, threat or illegal restriction of personal freedom;

(12) The employing unit commands or forces risky operations in violation of regulations, which endangers the personal safety of workers;

(13) Other circumstances under which the labor contract may be terminated as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

Article 37 of the Labor Contract Law

The laborer may terminate the labor contract by notifying the employing unit in writing 30 days in advance. The laborer may terminate the labor contract by notifying the employing unit three days in advance during the probation period.

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