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Contract conclusion process

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.03.04 · 1301 people have seen it
Guide: In the current society, in employment, travel, shopping and other situations, it is possible to encounter a series of legal issues such as legal rights and interests being infringed by others. Therefore, we should learn more about legal knowledge, so that when facing these legal issues, we can protect our rights through legal means. In this article, we have explained the process of contract conclusion and hope to answer your questions.
 Contract conclusion process

1. There must be an agreement between two or more parties, which is a legal act of both or more parties. Therefore, the conclusion of a contract must involve at least two parties. Only one party does not have the problem of concluding a contract.

Whether the contracting parties are two or more parties depends on whether the parties involved in the contract are mutually independent parties.

In general, the economic purposes of the contracting parties are opposite, but in some cases, the contracting parties may have the same economic purpose, but they must be able to express their will independently.

2. There must be interaction between the parties' declaration of intention Contract conclusion It refers to the process in which independent subjects contact each other to express their intention until an agreement is reached.

Therefore, the conclusion of a contract requires the parties to express their intention to each other offer Offer again until acceptance.

3. The conclusion of a contract for the purpose of contracting between specific parties can only be made between specific persons or persons within a specific scope, and the parties must contact each other for the purpose of contracting. The expression of intention between the parties is made for the purpose of contracting.

If unspecified persons or specific persons contact and negotiate with each other, but not for the purpose of contracting, it is not a question of contract conclusion.

Basis《 company law 》Provisions of, Liquidation During the period, the Company shall continue to exist, but shall not carry out business activities unrelated to liquidation.

So the company was suspended Business license In case of liquidation, if the signing of a contract is irrelevant to liquidation, the company shall not sign a contract.

Through the content of this article, I hope to answer the question whether you can continue to sign contracts when your company is suspended. Usually we can learn more legal knowledge In this way, when facing legal problems that need to be solved, we can safeguard our rights and interests through the legal knowledge we have learned. To learn more about relevant legal issues, click the "Consultation Now" button below to match your major lawyer Help is available online.

For the answers to the questions about the contract conclusion process, the above article has given detailed answers. In our daily life, we also need to understand the relevant legal knowledge, so that we can safeguard our legitimate rights and interests. If you have other related questions, you can click the "Ask Now" button below to ask Nomogram Online professional lawyer.

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