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Introduction to salary content

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.03.01 · 1313 people have seen it
Guide: Our laws have many relevant provisions for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. We can use laws to protect our legitimate rights and interests from infringement. If you encounter legal problems in your life, you can learn some laws and regulations related to the introduction of salary content through the content of this article.
 Introduction to salary content

time wages It refers to the labor remuneration paid to individuals according to the hourly wage standard (including regional living allowance) and working hours.


The wages paid for the work done according to the hourly wage standard;

The basic salary and post (post) salary paid to employees by the unit implementing the structural salary system;

Apprenticeship wages of new employees (living expenses of apprentices);

Sports allowance for athletes.

Piece work wage refers to the labor remuneration paid for the work done according to the piece work unit price.


The salary system of progressive piece count for excess, direct unlimited piece count, quota piece count, and over quota piece count shall be implemented, and the salary shall be paid to individuals according to the quota and piece rate approved by the labor department or competent department;

Wages paid to individuals according to the labor union's lump sum method;

A salary paid to an individual by way of a percentage of turnover or profit.

Bonus refers to the excess labor remuneration paid to employees and the labor remuneration for income increase and expenditure reduction.


Production award;

Conservation award;

Labor Competition Award;

Reward wages of government organs and institutions;

Other bonuses.

Allowances and subsidies refer to the allowances paid to employees to compensate for their special or extra labor consumption and for other special reasons, as well as the price subsidies paid to employees to ensure that their wages are not affected by prices.



Allowances, health care allowance, technical allowance and other allowances to compensate employees for special or extra labor consumption.

Price subsidies include:

To ensure that the wage level of employees is not subject to price rise or change

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