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What is the general outcome of obtaining a guarantor pending trial?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.23 · 4848 people have seen it
Guide: We believe that we will encounter many legal problems in our work, study and daily life. This article provides specific legal knowledge answers to the legal problems we may encounter. I hope this article can help you understand more about the legal knowledge related to the general outcome of bail pending trial.
 What is the general outcome of obtaining a guarantor pending trial?

I Obtaining a guarantor pending trial What is the general outcome?

What is the outcome of obtaining a guarantor pending trial generally requires different judgments according to different cases, and may be sentenced fixed-term imprisonment , may also be Acquittal The consequence of obtaining a guarantor pending trial is that you can continue to live as usual. To obtain a guarantor pending trial, as the name implies, to obtain a guarantee and wait for trial. After obtaining a guarantor pending trial, it is basically waiting. The starting point of obtaining a guarantor pending trial is not to affect the life of the defendant. However, in fact, first of all, it will be interfered by public opinion. People like neighbors, colleagues, relatives and friends will cause physical and psychological damage to themselves. Of course, people with strong psychological quality can ignore it. Secondly, it is mandatory to obtain a guarantor pending trial after all. If you are talking about a very important cooperation, but you arrive at the court at this time, you can only go to the court, not to resist the court for work.

Therefore, when obtaining a guarantor pending trial, the important work carried out is either stagnant or regressive. Because it is not convenient to do important work at this time, it is even more impossible to go abroad. In addition, the driver's license is also handed in. It is more inconvenient to travel without a driver's license than without a car. Finally, although it is business as usual, it is not very free to live under the supervision of others or exposed to the public.

2、 When will the bail deposit be refunded

(1) Article 21 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Security on Certain Issues Concerning the Obtaining of a Bail and Waiting for Trial stipulates that: if the person who has been granted a bail and waiting for trial has not violated the provisions of Article 56 of the local law during the period of obtaining a bail, and has not intentionally committed a new crime, he or she shall terminate the bail, change or punishment At the same time, the executive organ at or above the county level shall prepare the Return bond Letter of Decision, informing the bank to return the deposit in full.

(2) Article 26 stipulates that the collection, management, confiscation or return of the deposit shall be carried out in accordance with these Provisions and the national financial management system. No unit or individual may withhold, spend, privately divide, misappropriate or misappropriate the deposit by other means. Should be given in accordance with the relevant provisions administrative sanction Constituting a crime. Give criminal punishment according to law.

(3) Article 27 stipulates that if the judicial organ and its staff violate this provision and collect, confiscate or return the security deposit without authorization, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be held accountable in accordance with relevant laws or regulations.

Criminal cases are handled by the courts when they are tried, and should be transferred according to the procuratorial organs evidence It is not directly related to some measures taken in the earlier stage. For example, the measures taken to obtain a guarantor pending trial will not affect the conviction and sentencing in the later stage.

According to the content of the above article, I believe that we have solved the general outcome of obtaining a guarantor pending trial? Problems. In our daily life, we should learn more legal knowledge In this way, when encountering legal problems, we can make correct judgments and better use the weapons of law to protect our legitimate rights and interests. If there are any related legal issues, you need to consult lawyer , you can click the "Consultation Now" button below, Nomogram The website will match professional lawyers to serve you.

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