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Who will sue for the inheritance dispute of demolished property

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.23 · 1521 people have seen it
Guide: Disputes over the inheritance of demolished houses should be prosecuted by the parties involved. If a dispute arises from the inheritance of the house property after demolition, the party concerned can bring a lawsuit to the people's court of the place where the household registration is located after drawing up a civil petition and carrying the petition and relevant evidence. When drafting a bill of complaint, it is necessary to write down the names, addresses, reasons for prosecution and evidence of both parties.
 Who will sue for the inheritance dispute of demolished property

I Demolition Property inheritance Who will sue the dispute

Disputes over the inheritance of demolished houses should be brought by the parties involved in the dispute.

1. House demolition inherit The lawsuit shall be submitted to the people's court Indictment And submit copies according to the number of defendants. If it is really difficult to write a statement of complaint, it may be filed orally, and the people's court shall record it in writing and inform the other party.

2. To with Jurisdiction And submit relevant evidence Material Science.

3. Attend on time according to the notice of the People's Court litigation Activities.

4. If not first instance The judgment or ruling shall be made after receiving judgment Within 15 days or 10 days after receiving the ruling, appeal to the original people's court or the people's court at the next higher level, and submit the petition of appeal.

The bill of complaint shall state the following:

(1) The name, sex, age, nationality, occupation, work unit, address and contact information of the plaintiff, the name and address of the legal person or other organization, and the name, position and contact information of the legal representative or principal person in charge;

(2) Information such as the name, gender, work unit and address of the defendant, and information such as the name and address of the legal person or other organization;

(3) The claim and the facts and reasons on which it is based;

(4) Evidence and sources of evidence, witness Name and domicile.

2、 How to handle inheritance procedures for houses

1. To be heir The local police station where the household registration is located shall cancel the household registration and handle Death certificate ;

2. Go to the district or city notary office notarization for the right of inheritance , the materials to be submitted include:

(1) The death certificate of the decedent;

(2) The property right certificate or other certificates of the house;

(3) Household register or other evidence that the decedent and Legal heir Documentary evidence of their kinship;

(4) Successor's ID Pieces;

(5) Yes will Additional materials to be submitted for the notarization of the right of inheritance: the will made by the decedent (the will must be a notarized will, and other forms of wills cannot be recognized as authentic, so they will not be adopted temporarily).

3. Handling House transfer For registration, the applicant is the heir or legatee. The applicant shall submit the following documents to the registration authority: Application for Real Estate Registration (original), identity certificate (copy), real estate property right certificate (original), inheritance right notarization document or insinuation of a will (original) Deed tax Tax payment certificate (original).

After the house is demolished, the compensation for house demolition will be paid. If a dispute is caused by the compensation for house demolition, the parties involved in the dispute can negotiate first, and if the negotiation fails, they can file a lawsuit to the people's court to resolve the dispute. For the demolition housing inheritance litigation, it needs to go through a certain process. First, it needs to submit the petition, and then submit the relevant documents.

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