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How much is a lawyer's meeting?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.03.03 · 22070 people have seen it
Guide: The amount of a lawyer's meeting is about several thousand yuan. Of course, there may be a few cases, which are mainly determined according to the negotiation between the two parties, and also according to the degree of the case. The level of local economic development will also have a certain impact.

 How much is a lawyer's meeting?

I lawyer How much is the meeting?

1. About several thousand yuan for a lawyer's meeting. The fee for a lawyer's meeting is flexible. It is charged according to the size of the case and the lawyer's experience. At present Shenzhen The charging standard varies from 2000 to 6000;

2. Lawyer interview needs Suspect The entrustment (which has been entrusted before or conveyed through the case handler) and the entrustment of the suspect's family members (parents, children, siblings, spouse) are cousins and cannot be entrusted;

3. At present, people in the detention center can only Entrusted lawyer The family members did not meet.

4. According to the new law, lawyers can meet without approval as long as they are entrusted. In other words, lawyers can meet on the day they are just arrested in the detention center.

2、 Can I meet a lawyer during the investigation phase

1. The criminal suspect has the right to entrust counsel ; During the investigation, only lawyers can be entrusted as defenders. The defendant has the right to entrust defenders at any time.

2. In the case of crimes against national security, crimes of terrorist activities, and especially serious bribery crimes, the defense lawyer shall obtain the permission of the investigation organ to meet with the criminal suspect in custody during the investigation. In the above-mentioned cases, the investigation organ shall notify the detention house in advance.

3. When interrogating a criminal suspect for the first time or taking coercive measures against a criminal suspect, the investigation organ shall inform the criminal suspect that he has the right to entrust defenders. If a criminal suspect requests to entrust a defender while in custody, the public security organ shall promptly convey his request.

If a criminal suspect or defendant is in custody, he or she may also guardian Close relatives act as entrusted defenders.

After accepting the entrustment of the criminal suspect or defendant, the defender shall timely inform the organ handling the case.

The regulations for lawyers to meet criminal suspects shall be in accordance with《 criminal procedure law 》Legal content of

Article 37 of the Criminal Procedure Law stipulates that defence lawyers may meet and correspond with criminal suspects and defendants in custody. Other defenders may also meet and correspond with the criminal suspect or defendant in custody with the permission of the People's Court or the People's Procuratorate.

If a defense lawyer requires to meet with a criminal suspect or defendant in custody on the strength of a lawyer's practice certificate, a law firm certificate and a power of attorney, or a legal aid official letter, the detention house shall arrange the meeting in a timely manner, which shall not exceed 48 hours at the latest.

In the case of crimes against national security, crimes of terrorist activities, and especially serious bribery crimes, the defense lawyer shall obtain the permission of the investigation organ to meet with the criminal suspect in custody during the investigation. In the above-mentioned cases, the investigation organ shall notify the detention house in advance.

When meeting with the criminal suspect or defendant in custody, the defense lawyer can learn about the case and provide legal advice Etc; From the date when the case is transferred for examination and prosecution, relevant information may be verified with the criminal suspect or defendant evidence Defense lawyers shall not be monitored when meeting with criminal suspects and defendants.

The defense counsel was also supervision of residence The provisions of the first, third and fourth paragraphs shall apply to the meeting and correspondence of the criminal suspects and defendants.

Our national lawyers can meet criminal suspects according to the provisions of our national laws, that is, they can meet with these people and provide relevant legal services during the investigation phase. However, we still need to remind everyone that lawyers need to pay a lawyer fee for meeting, which is about several thousand yuan or several hundred yuan.

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