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Is the homestead use certificate the homestead use certificate?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.26 · 8613 people have seen it
Guide: The homestead use certificate is the right certificate for rural villagers to legally own houses and land. It can be transferred among members of the collective, but not to members of non collective organizations. We generally call it the homestead use certificate. The rural homestead is allowed to build houses, but an application needs to be submitted before that. After approval, the house property certificate can be applied for with the homestead certificate and the construction permit certificate.

 Is the homestead use certificate the homestead use certificate?

Homestead Use Certificate namely Homestead certificate Is it? The homestead use certificate is the right certificate for rural villagers to legally own houses and use land. It can be transferred among members of the collective, but not to members of non collective organizations. We generally call it the homestead use certificate. Rural Homestead It is allowed to build houses, but before that, you still need to apply. After approval, you can apply with the homestead permit and construction permit Handle property ownership certificate

Although《 Civil Code 》It has been clearly stipulated that buildings on homestead can apply for property ownership certificate, but due to its own use restrictions and the fact that buildings cannot be separated from the land, its property ownership certificate In fact, it has no practical use. It cannot be used like the real estate on state-owned land mortgage , sold to obtain actual income. Relatively speaking, the right of homestead use permit will be more limited.

The handling process of homestead use certificate is generally summarized as follows: review of certificate → investigation of situation → measurement of size → filling in report → submission for approval → issuance of certificate.

These conditions need to be met when applying. The applicant's household registration must be in the village, and the applicant's household registration must be Rural Household Registration The applicant and his family members have no homestead use permit.

After these conditions are met, the following materials shall be submitted:

1. Original and copy of household register ID One copy (A4 paper)

2. Certificate of local police station

3. One application and one power of attorney

4、 right to the use of curtilage a registration form

5. Two original land registration cards and the original use certificate of the original residence base

6. Three land registration cards filled in after correction were successfully handled.

Therefore, there is a difference between the homestead certificate and the homestead use certificate, not a single certificate.

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