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 How to divide marital property after divorce Headlines
marriage and family 2024-08-28
The joint property of husband and wife should be divided equally in general. In other words, the common property of husband and wife is divided equally in principle; According to the reality of production and life View Full Text
  • 1. The two companies are different in terms of conditions for establishment and fund raising; 2. The difficulty and ease of share transfer are different between the two. Limited liability companies are subject to many strict restrictions; 3. The forms of equity certificates of the two companies are different; 4. The degree of separation of the two rights of the two companies is different; 5. The financial and economic conditions of the two companies are not the same. View Full Text
  • 2024-07-29 300371 people have seen it
    essence How to calculate the tax deduction standard of interns' wages?
    First of all, it is necessary to judge whether there is a labor relationship between interns and employers. If a labor relationship is established, the individual income tax shall be paid if the monthly salary exceeds 5000 according to the provisions of the Individual Tax Law. If no labor relationship is established, it shall be treated as a labor relationship, and the individual income tax shall be paid. According to the provisions of the Individual Income Tax Law, the income from labor remuneration shall be the balance of the income minus 20% of the expenses. The labor remuneration is part of the comprehensive income specified in the Individual Income Tax Law, and the comprehensive income shall be consolidated to calculate the individual income tax according to the tax year, A progressive tax rate of 3% to 45% for excess shall apply. View Full Text

Lawyer recommendation

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marriage and family traffic accident Property disputes criminal defense Worker's Compensation
Marriage and Family Zone
Comprehensively Understanding the Legal Problems in Marriage and Family Life
thirteen Subdivisions
two hundred and forty thousand +Selected articles
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 Can a man claim compensation for marital infidelity
When one spouse is unfaithful during the marriage, the faultless party undoubtedly has the right to seek economic compensation. In any marriage relationship, if one party's betrayal of the other half seriously violates the loyalty obligation in the marriage, and brings irreparable damage and losses to the injured party in the spiritual level, the faultless party has the right to file a civil lawsuit and apply for corresponding economic compensation according to law.
1036 heat #Marriage and family 2024-09-21

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  • In divorce proceedings, the court critically considers whether the relationship between husband and wife is broken. In principle, property distribution is equal, but the court will adjust it according to the case, such as taking care of the children, the wife and the innocent party. Concealment, transfer of property and other acts will face the risk of little or no distribution of property.
    1434 Heat #Marriage and family 2024-09-21
  • When the borrower died without inheritance, the general debt disappeared. After all, debt repayment depends on the debtor's own money. If there is no inheritance, the creditor has no way, and the law cannot let others pay the debtor's money.
    1315 heat #Marriage and family 2024-09-21
Traffic accident zone
Walk on the road, safety first, never forget to claim for compensation in case of accidents
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 How to deal with the injury caused by drunk driving without compensation
If drunk driving causes injury to others and refuses to pay compensation, then the victim can protect his rights and interests according to law. First, you can try to negotiate with the party who caused the accident and ask him to compensate for his losses. If the negotiation fails, the victim can file a civil lawsuit to the court to claim compensation through legal channels. In this process, the victim needs to prepare relevant evidence, such as the letter of responsibility determination, details of medical expenses, certificate of loss of work, etc., which can prove his loss. Only when there is sufficient evidence can the victim obtain reasonable compensation.
1607 Heat #Traffic accident 2024-09-21

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  • When an electric bicycle collides with a motor vehicle, the handling process is as follows: 1. Protect the scene: in case of casualties, first aid should be given immediately. 2. Alarm: call 110 in time and wait for the traffic police to deal with it. 3. Traffic police treatment: the traffic police will conduct on-site inspection, collect evidence, and test the alcohol concentration of both parties. 4. Legal sanctions: drunk drivers will face legal sanctions. 5. Division of responsibilities: the traffic police will divide responsibilities according to the on-site situation and the degree of fault of both parties. In a word, when dealing with the accident of electric bicycle collision with motor vehicles, we should protect the scene, call the police in time, wait for the traffic police to deal with it, and pay attention to our own safety.
    1442 heat #Traffic accident 2024-09-21
  • When drunk driving causes death, the amount of compensation will change due to various factors, including funeral expenses, living expenses of dependants, death compensation, and emotional damage compensation. The death compensation shall be calculated by 20 years according to the per capita income of urban residents or rural residents in the previous year where the court is located; If you are over 60 years old, you will lose one year for every additional year; if you are over 75 years old, you will be counted as five years.
    1468 Heat #Traffic accident 2024-09-21
Real estate dispute zone
Land and real estate are the foundation of standing, and legal issues cannot be ignored
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 What is illegal rental house
Article recommendation What is illegal rental house
In reality, some people will rent houses illegally, that is, they will rent houses in violation of relevant laws and regulations. This is mainly reflected in the following aspects: -Leasing without property right certificate: someone rents the house without property right certificate. -Unauthorized change of house use sublease: After someone rents the house, they change the use of the house without authorization, and then sublet it out. -The house does not meet the safety requirements: the house rented by someone does not meet the safety requirements, and there are potential safety hazards. -Rent illegal buildings: someone rents illegal buildings, that is, houses built without government approval. -Violation of lease policy: someone violates the lease policy, such as renting to unqualified people, or charging excessive rent. These situations of illegally leasing real estate may bring many problems to tenants, such as security problems, legal problems, economic problems, and so on. Therefore, when renting a house, we must pay attention to these problems to ensure that our rights and interests are protected.
1714 Heat #Property disputes 2024-09-21

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  • If the leased property is used for gambling, the owner of the house shall bear legal liability. If the owner knows or should know that the tenant is still renting for illegal activities, it may constitute an accomplice. If it can be proved that the owner did not know, although the criminal liability can be reduced or exempted, it still needs to bear civil liability for compensation, such as the loss caused by the illegal use of the property.
    1698 heat #Property disputes 2024-09-21
  • After the developer goes bankrupt, what should the consumers who have bought the pending houses do? Here are some suggestions. If the developer of the house you bought goes bankrupt, you should declare your creditor's rights to the bankruptcy administration as soon as possible to protect your rights and interests. The bankruptcy administration agency will liquidate and dispose of the assets and liabilities of the developer. If your property is nearing completion, you may find new developers to continue to complete the project. However, if the property is still under construction and the bankruptcy property of the developer is not enough to repay the debt, you may face high financial risk. Therefore, we must carefully select developers and understand the relevant laws and regulations and risk tips before purchasing the houses.
    1150 heat #Property disputes 2024-09-21
Criminal Defense Division
Crime needs punishment, innocence can be defended, and light crime and heavy punishment also need to be defended
twenty-five Subdivisions
three hundred and twenty thousand +Selected articles
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 How many years is the limitation of prosecution for criminal cases
In criminal cases, the limitation of prosecution is determined according to the statutory maximum sentence. If the criminal's sentence is less than five years, the limitation of prosecution is five years; If the term of imprisonment is between five and ten years, the limitation of prosecution is ten years; If the term of imprisonment is more than 10 years but less than 15 years, the limitation of prosecution is 15 years; In case of life imprisonment or death penalty, the limitation of prosecution is 20 years. However, if there is a need to prosecute after 20 years, it must apply to the Supreme People's Procuratorate and obtain approval.
1351 heat #Criminal defence 2024-09-21

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  • The sentence for the crime of causing trouble depends on the circumstances of the crime. If you hit others, stop others, abuse others, rob others' things in public places, or make trouble in public places, the prison term is relatively short, generally not more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention or public surveillance. If a lot of people talk about doing these things together, and it is especially serious, the sentence will be longer, perhaps five to ten years in prison, and you will have to pay a fine.
    1935 heat #Criminal defence 2024-09-21
  • How long the detainee will be able to come out after the successful bail pending trial needs to be judged according to the actual situation. Generally speaking, if the application is approved, the relevant institutions will handle the release procedures as soon as possible, which may be completed in a few days. However, if the situation is complex, more time may be required for review.
    1318 heat #Criminal defence 2024-09-21
Industrial injury compensation zone
Compensation is required in case of work-related injury, which cannot be less
six Subdivisions
forty-three thousand +Selected articles
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 Can we compensate 1 million yuan for work death in 2024
After an employee dies, the total amount of civil compensation will be affected by various factors, which may not reach one million yuan. This compensation includes funeral allowance, pension for supporting relatives and one-time death allowance. Funeral allowance is usually the average monthly salary of local employees for six months. The one-time work death subsidy is calculated as 20 times of the per capita disposable income of urban residents in the previous year. As for the pension for supporting relatives, it is paid to those relatives who have lost their ability to work according to the wage ratio of employees.
1664 Heat #Industrial injury compensation 2024-09-20

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  • No, There is a time limit of one year for the identification of work-related injury, and there is no time limit for the identification of labor capacity (disability level identification). Generally, after the injury is stable, you can apply for the identification of labor capacity. If the unit does not provide relevant information for the identification of work-related injury, you can go to the labor and social security department to complain to the unit.
    1653 heat #Industrial injury compensation 2024-09-19
  • When an industrial accident occurs, we should rescue the injured immediately, protect the scene of the accident, and report to the relevant departments quickly. Article 14 of the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance stipulates that an employee who has one of the following circumstances shall be deemed as an industrial injury: (1) being injured by an accident due to work during working hours and in the workplace; (2) Injuries caused by accidents while engaged in preparatory or finishing work related to work in the workplace before and after working hours.
    1420 heat #Industrial injury compensation 2024-09-19

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