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Gansu Lawyer Lawyer Zhang Ye Zhangye Tax Dispute Lawyer
  • The enterprise can retroactively adjust the pre income tax expenses. For the legal expenses that comply with the tax law but have not been deducted in the past, a detailed declaration and explanation shall be provided. After being approved by the tax authority, the retroactive period can be traced back to the relevant year, but the retroactive period is limited to five years. This is intended to amend historical accounting treatment to ensure tax compliance. #Tax disputes 1063 readings
  • For tax evasion, the law severely punishes fraud and concealment. If the amount of tax evasion reaches more than 10% of the tax payable, he shall be sentenced to not more than three years of imprisonment or detention and a fine; Tax evasion accounts for more than 30% and is sentenced to 3-7 years' imprisonment. The withholding agent shall also be punished for evading tax payment. For those who have repeatedly violated the law but have not been dealt with, the illegal gains shall be included in the trial basis. Those who have violated the law can be exempted from criminal liability if they pay the overdue fine for tax payment, except those who have been subject to criminal investigations or administrative penalties for more than two times within five years. #Tax disputes 1274 readings
  • Those who make up the tax after tax evasion and are punished will not be investigated for criminal responsibility, but there are exceptions: those who have been punished for tax evasion within five years or have been punished for more than two times may still face prosecution. If the amount of tax evasion reaches a certain standard (such as more than 10% of the tax payable), it will face punishment. The larger the amount and the higher the proportion, the longer the sentence. The same applies to withholding agents. If it is timely paid after receiving the notice of recovery, it can be exempted from criminal liability, but the past records will affect. Those who have serious tax evasion records in the past may still be held accountable even if they meet the remedy conditions. The crime of tax evasion includes false declaration or non declaration for tax evasion. #Tax disputes 1389 readings
  • Paying overdue fine and administrative penalty after tax evasion will not usually lead to criminal charges, unless there is a serious historical record. Tax evasion can be classified according to the circumstances: those who cheat and conceal and result in a large amount of tax arrears (more than 10%) may face imprisonment or detention of less than 3 years and fines; Those who owe more than 30% of taxes will be punished more severely. If the withholding agent evades payment, refer to the above punishment, but it is generally exempt from prosecution after making up the amount, unless it has a criminal history. If there are criminal penalties or more than two tax administrative penalties in the past five years, even if the payment is made in arrears, criminal charges may also be faced. #Tax disputes 1052 readings
  • China's laws require that the act of evading tax payment be put on file for accountability. The conditions include: 1) The taxpayer evades tax by fraud or concealment, with the amount exceeding 50000 and accounting for more than 10% of the total tax payment; 2) Failing to make up the payment or refusing to punish after receiving the notice of recovery; 3) The former tax evader evades taxes again, reaching the above amount and proportion standards. Even if it is paid after being prosecuted, it will not affect the criminal legal responsibility. #Tax disputes 1477 readings
  • Under the regional difference, when an individual terminates the labor relationship with an employer, the part of the compensation income that is less than three times the average salary of the previous year in the region is exempt from individual income tax. The excess part shall be taxed separately. The scope of individual income tax includes six categories of income, such as wages and salaries, labor remuneration, etc. Before the annual tax calculation of residents' comprehensive income, there is a basic deduction of 60000 yuan, and the taxable income will be calculated after special deductions and other items. #Tax disputes 1043 readings
  • Accounting professional ethics prohibits teaching taxpayers the means of illegal tax evasion and avoidance. Accountants involved in crimes may be regarded as accomplices or accomplices and face legal sanctions. Although an accessory may receive a discretionary commutation of sentence, the actual punishment depends on his role and influence in the illegal activities. #Tax disputes 1374 readings
  • The punishment of the crime of tax evasion is divided into five levels according to the means and amount of tax evasion: 1. False declaration or failure to declare, evading tax amount of more than 10% of the total amount of tax payable, imprisonment or detention of less than three years and a fine; 2、 Tax evasion accounts for more than 30%, with imprisonment of three to seven years; The withholding agent shall also be punished for similar acts. Those who have repeatedly violated the law but have not been dealt with shall be calculated according to the accumulated amount owed. Those who have paid taxes and overdue fines and are subject to administrative punishment will not be investigated for criminal responsibility unless they have a criminal record. However, special attention should be paid to those with criminal or more than two administrative punishment records. #Tax disputes 1369 readings
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