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  •  Zhangjiakou Litigation and Arbitration Lawyer Li Zeyu
    Hebei Yunkuo Law Firm Address 1: No. 52, Yuhua West Road, Lianchi District, Baoding, Hebei Address 2: Northeast of the intersection of Xinhua Street and Xibagang Road, Qiaoxi District, Zhangjiakou, Hebei
    five branch

    Comments from 108 people

    Number of helpers: 2741
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Li graduated from the People's Public Security University of China, and is good at handling criminal defense, creditor's rights and debt disputes, marriage and family disputes, company law, and traffic accident cases. The idea of handling cases is flexible, and the speed of case promotion is fast.
    Consulting lawyer
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Hebei Lawyer Zhangjiakou Lawyer Zhangjiakou litigation and arbitration lawyer
  • When encountering economic disputes, it is necessary to prepare all evidences, such as loan vouchers, and bring ID card, petition and evidence to the corresponding court for filing. The court shall serve the petition on the defendant within five days after receiving it, and the defendant shall respond within fifteen days. The court will notify both parties of their litigation rights and judge information, and review materials to collect evidence. New participants may be invited to announce details three days before the hearing. A clear process will help you to successfully complain about economic disputes. #Litigation and arbitration 1090 readings
  • The victim who has the legal status of prosecution, clearly defines the defendant and claims for compensation can apply for criminal incidental civil action in criminal proceedings. Even if there is no application at the initial stage, there is still an opportunity to recover after the criminal judgment takes effect. The constitution of the crime of helping and trusting needs to meet: any individual (including adults and minors) who has reached the age of compulsory education, as the main body, knowingly assists in network crimes, disturbs the order of the network environment, provides Internet services and other substantive help, regardless of whether he or she knows the other party's specific criminal behavior. #Litigation and arbitration 1106 readings
  • It takes 7-6 months for the court to process the WeChat freeze request, which is affected by the operation process. The court may adjust the measures of preservation when there are other equivalent secured properties or circumstances conducive to enforcement. The court has a rigorous review of property and tends to ensure the safety of property. When necessary, it will entrust a third party to keep the property to ensure the safety of assets. #Litigation and arbitration 858 readings
  • During the prosecution, it can be carried out even without the defendant's ID card number. The key is to clear the defendant's information (name and address), which will be accepted by the court. The ID card number is not necessary, but it is conducive to the subsequent legal process. The indictment only needs to specify the basic information of the defendant. It is recommended to collect detailed information in advance, including possible ID numbers. If it is not available, you can apply to the court or lawyer for assistance after filing the case. #Litigation and arbitration 819 readings
  • According to the law, personal credit stains can be eliminated through the following ways: first, legal obligations have been fulfilled or the court has completed implementation; Second, implement reconciliation; Third, the court approved the deletion after a written application; Fourth, the inquiry of the property of the person subjected to execution is fruitless and has no effective clues, which meets specific conditions; Fifth, there is trial supervision or bankruptcy procedure, and the court suspends execution; Sixth, the court's judgment or decision cannot or terminates the record of dishonesty. Active performance of obligations helps to repair credit. #Litigation and arbitration 1409 readings
  • Even if the ID card is replaced, the person subjected to dishonesty still needs to pay attention to his credit status. The cases that the court finds to be dishonest include: deliberately refusing to perform the obligations in the effective legal documents; Obstructing the implementation of work, such as fabricating evidence and violent confrontation; False litigation, transfer of assets to avoid liability; Failing to declare property truthfully or violating the consumption restriction order; Failing to perform the settlement agreement without reason. This does not affect the basic rights and interests of changing certificates, but the dishonesty record may affect subsequent credit behavior. #Litigation and arbitration 866 readings
  • In litigation or appeal, the plaintiff shall bear the acceptance fee for the withdrawal of civil cases, and the defendant shall bear the cost when the plaintiff applies for withdrawal of administrative cases. The acceptance fee for property cases shall be calculated and collected according to the increasing amount of claims. There are specific charging standards for non property cases such as divorce and infringement. There are also fixed fees for intellectual property and labor dispute cases. The administrative case trademark patent maritime case is 100 yuan, and the rest is 50 yuan. If the objection to jurisdiction is not established, additional fees will be charged. Specific standards can be adjusted in each place. #Litigation and arbitration 1185 readings
  • If you want to check whether you are a dishonest person to be executed, you can check on the website of China's enforcement information disclosure or the website of the Supreme Court. Conditions for dishonesty include: being able to but not fulfilling the obligations stipulated in the effective legal documents; Obstructing the execution of work; Evading responsibility for execution; Violation of property declaration and consumption restrictions. After being included in the dishonest list, individuals will be limited to high-speed rail travel, and children will not be able to attend high consumption private schools. #Litigation and arbitration 944 readings
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