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Taiwan lawyer Lawyer of Yilan County Administrative lawyer of Yilan County
  • Administrative mediation follows four principles: fairness ensures that all parties are treated fairly, regardless of enterprise size or personnel status; Rationality focuses on fact investigation, persuading education to promote consensus; Voluntarily respect the choice of the parties and guide those who are unwilling to mediate to solve the problem through other ways; Legitimacy emphasizes legal mediation, not just reconciliation. After reaching an agreement through mediation, the content of the mediation statement issued must comply with laws and policies. #Administrative 1025 readings
  • As an important means of administrative punishment, administrative detention is imposed by the public security department according to laws and regulations on offenders who have not committed crimes but need to be severely punished, and their personal freedom is restricted for 10 to 15 days. The law has strict provisions on this, and the power of adjudication belongs to the public security department at or above the county level. The party concerned has the right to make a statement of defense, and the administrative organ shall carefully consider and adopt reasonable facts, reasons and evidence, and may not increase the punishment for this reason. During the execution period, those who meet the conditions can apply for suspension. Administrative detention is obviously different from criminal detention and judicial detention. #Administrative 1042 readings
  • According to the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of China, decisions will be made and implemented separately for the same person involved in multiple public security violations. In the combined execution involving administrative detention, the total duration shall not exceed 20 natural days to protect individual rights. #Administrative 825 readings
  • Minor injury usually does not constitute a criminal offence and only bears administrative and civil liabilities. The public security organ can intervene in mediation, and if an agreement is reached, it will be exempted from punishment. Those who fail in mediation may face a fine or administrative detention of no more than 15 days. #Administrative 1223 readings
  • Under certain circumstances, the applicant has the right to submit an application for administrative license in person or through a legally authorized agent to the office of the administrative organ. At the same time, in order to comply with the development of the times, applicants can also apply by letter, telegram, telex, fax, electronic data exchange, e-mail and other diversified ways, which are convenient and efficient. #Administrative 1154 readings
  • If the administrative detention is not strictly implemented, the subsequent implementation depends on the specific situation. Even if the suspension is suspended, it is still possible to trace back after death, but the suspension period generally does not exceed three months. In special circumstances, it can be appropriately extended, but the maximum length does not exceed this limit. #Administrative 859 readings
  • Once the administrative litigation has been accepted, the plaintiff's application for withdrawal has been approved by the court. If the plaintiff sues again with the same facts and reasons, unless the facts have changed, the law prohibits it. If repeated actions are persisted, the court will refuse to file the case and limit the plaintiff's right to a second action. #Administrative 1494 readings
  • The fines of the unit violate the labor laws and regulations, and it is prohibited to use fines as a management tool. All employees have the right to report to the labor supervision department and safeguard their own rights and interests according to laws and regulations. It is important that only the administrative organs authorized by law or explicit provisions have the right to impose fines. #Administrative 1341 readings
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