Lawyer consultation > Find a lawyer > Shandong Lawyer > Yantai Lawyer > Yantai real estate dispute lawyer
  •  Yantai real estate dispute lawyer Li Yan
    Beijing Yingke (Yantai) Law Firm 53/F, T1 Complex Tower, No. 1, Shimao Bay, No. 52, Dama Road, Zhifu District, Yantai City
    five branch

    Comments from 30 people

    Number of helpers: 448
    #Lawyer label: Having handled major cases, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Li Yan: Beijing Yingke (Yantai) Law Firm, Master of Law, graduated from Central China Normal University. Solid basic legal skills, mainly engaged in marriage and family disputes, claims and debts disputes, contract disputes, labor disputes and other litigation business; Deeply participate in state-owned enterprise bankruptcy liquidation, rural property rights system reform and other non litigation businesses, adhere to the professional belief of "pragmatism, diligence, collaboration and innovation", dare to break through themselves, be good at communication and exchange, and commit to professional, in-depth and efficient legal services; Have the courage to shoulder heavy responsibilities, be willing to contribute to themselves, be professional, persistent and honest, and win the trust and praise of the parties.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Yantai real estate dispute lawyer - Yi Chao
    Shandong Qianyuan Law Firm 26/F, Feilong Tianrun Building, 169 Yingchun Street, Laishan District, Yantai
    five branch

    From 48 people

    Number of helpers: 1473
    #Lawyer label: team player, rich professional experience, large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Yi Chao: 18563881011, Master of Law of Guanghua School of Law, Zhejiang University, and a practicing lawyer of Shandong Qianyuan Law Firm. Expertise: specialized in corporate comprehensive legal affairs, contract disputes, criminal defense, financial legal affairs, real estate legal affairs, non-performing asset disposal business, corporate mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcy management legal affairs and other business fields. Accept the cooperation of lawyers from other places, and assist in the filing and execution of cases. Since practicing, he has always been strict with himself with high standards, seriously treated each party, regardless of the size of the case, fees or not, tried to do well in each entrusted affair, tried his best to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and tried to learn new knowledge from each case. Work experience: from 2014 to 2015, worked as a notary assistant in Hangzhou National Notary Office, mainly responsible for handling various notarial cases and being familiar with the process of notarization procedures. Since 2016, he has been a regular guest of the "Virtue and Law" program of Yantai TV Station, part-time special mediator and special commentator of Yantai TV Station, expressing his own opinions and opinions from the legal perspective, and putting forward relevant legal opinions and suggestions, so as to provide professional legal services for the parties concerned. Some classic cases: 1. Provide comprehensive legal services for Ruikang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and participate in drafting and modifying major business contracts, merger and acquisition agreements and other legal documents of the company. 2. Participated in a number of non-performing asset disposal, private lending disputes and other cases, including the non-performing asset package disposal case of a company in Yantai, involving more than 300 million yuan; Acting as an agent for dozens of private lending cases of a small loan company, involving a total amount of more than 50 million yuan, all of which have won huge interests for the parties. 3. Participate in the asset and capital verification project of Shandong Industrial and Commercial College, conduct legal due diligence on seven companies affiliated to Shandong Industrial and Commercial College, and issue a detailed legal due diligence report, which provides a reliable basis for Shandong Industrial and Commercial College to promote the reform and development of school run industries, and strengthen the supervision and management of state-owned operational assets of Shandong Industrial and Commercial College, This will provide decision-making basis for Shandong Industrial and Commercial College to carry out further reform of school run enterprises. 4. Participated in handling several real estate disputes, including the case of late payment liquidated damages dispute between a developer and several buyers, which reduced the liquidated damages payable for developers and safeguarded the interests of developers; Acting as an agent for several house buyers and a developer in the case of a dispute over overdue certificate handling and liquidated damages for overdue certificate handling, handled the property right certificate for the house buyer and won the corresponding liquidated damages; Acting as an agent for a developer and a buyer in a dispute over the commercial housing sales contract, the developer successfully rescinded the commercial housing sales contract and won back the house. 5. Participated in the equity transfer case of a new third board company, involving nearly 2 million yuan, and successfully provided lawyers' advice for the smooth transfer of the shares of the new third board company. Contact: Address: 26/F, Feilong Tianrun Building, 169 Yingchun Street, Laishan District, Yantai City.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Yantai real estate dispute lawyer Song Xiao
    Shandong Laude Law Firm Second Floor, Nanshan Business, No. 6, Tongshi Road, Zhifu District, Yantai City
    five branch

    From 43 people

    Number of helpers: 2539
    #Lawyer label: highly educated, experienced in consulting unit, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Song Xiao, a bachelor of law, has been working for five years and is good at handling civil and commercial contract disputes, family inheritance disputes, equity disputes, criminal defense cases and other cases. Lawyer Song Xiao has a solid foundation of legal theory and rich experience in handling cases, successfully handling civil and commercial cases, criminal defense and non litigation business. Civil and commercial cases involving contracts, traffic accidents, personal injury compensation, creditor's rights and debts, private lending, equity transfer, property inheritance disputes, etc. Criminal defense: handling cases of theft, illegal fishing of aquatic products, drug taking, provocation, dangerous driving, intentional injury, arson, etc. Lawyer Song Xiao's purpose in handling cases is to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the greatest extent, and promote a fair and just trial of cases. During his career as a lawyer, Song Xiao once acted as an agent for group cases, involving 146 people. During his career as a lawyer, Song Xiao served as the legal adviser of the company, providing legal services and legal advice for the operation of the company.
    Consulting lawyer
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Shandong Lawyer Yantai Lawyer Yantai real estate dispute lawyer
  • The owner has encountered the problem of the floating window that is not planned or cannot be implemented in the purchase contract. Even if the physical object is missing, the developer still needs to bear the liability for breach of contract as agreed. If the contract clearly stipulates the penalty for breach of contract, it must be executed; If not specified, it shall be subject to regulations. Generally, the penalty shall not exceed 30% of the contract amount. If it is lower than the actual loss, the court or arbitration institution may increase it; On the contrary, excessive liquidated damages can be reduced as appropriate. #Property disputes 1450 readings
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  • The house donation shall be made through a written donation agreement, and the corresponding taxes shall be paid according to law and notarized. The donor and the donee need to go to the real estate transaction center to handle the transfer registration, and submit the application, identity certificate, property right certificate, gift agreement and notarized documents. The delivery of gift right is subject to the registration of property right transfer. However, if the agreement is valid and the physical delivery is not registered, the gift is still valid, and the Supreme Law is supported by relevant judicial interpretations. #Property disputes 867 readings
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  • The refund of the advance payment for the transfer of shops depends on the specific situation: if the transfer or life is affected by the seller's construction quality problems (defects in the main structure), and the seller sells or mortgages the property without permission, the buyer can terminate the contract and request a refund in accordance with the Civil Code, and will not be liable for breach of contract. On the contrary, if the buyer only reneges on the contract for personal reasons, it is generally difficult to refund the money, which is deemed as breach of contract and shall be liable according to the provisions of the contract. #Property disputes 861 readings
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