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Shandong Lawyer Yantai Lawyer Yantai Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer
  • If the employer violates the labor contract, it needs to compensate the injured workers in many ways: first, pay the original salary plus 25% of the compensation; 2、 Compensation for labor protection benefits, including allowances and necessary supplies; 3、 In addition to legal compensation, 25% of medical expenses shall be compensated for work-related injury or medical treatment loss; 4、 In case of physical damage to female employees and underage workers, 25% of medical expenses will be compensated on the basis of medical treatment; 5、 Perform other compensation liabilities agreed in the contract. #Industrial injury compensation 927 readings
  • During the period of work-related injury, no matter what the level of disability is, employees are entitled to wage income, which is a basic right. The industrial injury compensation is not directly related to the level of disability. Even if the standard of disability is not met, the employee still enjoys the wage subsidy during the period of suspension and retention, and the wage and welfare benefits remain unchanged, which will be paid by the unit on schedule. #Industrial injury compensation 826 readings
  • The enterprise shall not lay off specific workers: employees exposed to occupational disease hazards are uninspected or suspected of occupational disease; The employee has been diagnosed with occupational disease or disabled due to work; Sick leave or non work injury convalescent employees; Pregnant and lactating women; Employees who have served in the unit for 15 years and retired for 5 years. In addition, if there are laws and regulations that clearly stipulate that the enterprise shall not lay off employees without authorization. #Industrial injury compensation 1090 readings
  • Without lengthy application report, go directly to the Human Resources and Social Security Department to obtain the work-related injury identification form, and then start the process. Key steps need to be prepared: fill in a complete application form for industrial injury identification, documents certifying labor relations, and medical or occupational disease diagnosis certificates issued by professional doctors or occupational disease appraisal institutions to ensure that the materials are complete. #Industrial injury compensation 860 readings
  • The right to claim compensation for industrial injury accidents is subject to the one-year limitation prescribed by law. Within 30 days from the date of the accident, the employer shall submit an application for industrial injury appraisal. If it is overdue, the injured or their relatives can apply for identification of work-related injury within one year, and claim or labor dispute arbitration can be conducted based on the appraisal results. #Industrial injury compensation 1006 readings
  • In case of work-related accidents on the construction site, you have the right to claim for medical expenses, disability compensation, lost time expenses, nursing expenses, hospital board allowance, nutrition expenses, living expenses of the dependants, disability auxiliary equipment expenses, etc., and may also include emotional damage relief. The amount of compensation shall be determined according to the condition of the injury. The one-time disability subsidy and the wages of the shutdown leave with pay period shall be calculated according to the wages of the employees themselves. The one-time medical treatment and employment subsidy for work-related injuries shall refer to the local average social wages of the previous year. Those who cannot take care of themselves can apply for living care fees. #Industrial injury compensation 807 readings
  • If the colleague is injured by infringement during site operation, the responsible person shall bear civil compensation for intentional or gross negligence. If the injury is caused by unpredictability or force majeure, the work-related injury insurance is applicable. If the unit has insurance obligations, it shall be borne by the fund, otherwise the employer shall be responsible for the work-related injury insurance benefits. #Industrial injury compensation 1074 readings
  • In the event of injury caused by playing among colleagues, the intentional or gross negligence shall bear legal liability. The accidental injury may belong to work-related injury, and the employer shall pay work-related injury insurance according to law, and the insurance fund shall pay benefits. If the employer fails to fulfill the guarantee, the employee has the right to claim all work-related injury insurance benefits. #Industrial injury compensation 1067 readings
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