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Chongqing Lawyer Xiushan County Lawyer Xiushan County Land Acquisition and Demolition Lawyer
  • For less land and more land, the natural resources department will first warn and demand the return of illegal land; Those who change agricultural land to be built without authorization need to remove it and restore its original appearance. Those who violate the regulations will be confiscated of facilities and fined. The responsible person may be subject to disciplinary punishment or even criminal responsibility. The occupied land without authorization or obtained by fraud shall be stopped from encroaching and demolished within a time limit. The violators also face confiscation, fine and disciplinary punishment. If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated. If the occupation exceeds the permission, the excess part shall be deemed as illegal occupation. #Land acquisition and demolition 1022 readings
  • The land requisition compensation fee shall be paid in full to the land contracting and management right holder, including the loss of young crops and ground attachments, personnel resettlement and land ownership compensation. The cooperatives can accept part of the compensation, and the rest belongs to the village collective. The victims can choose their own way of resettlement, but they have the right to obtain compensation. Land compensation benefits all members of rural collective economic organizations. For environmental protection projects, the state strongly supports the development of wasteland and mountain areas, and developers have the right to use the land. The deployment of wind power generation facilities shall be approved by the land management department, and generally not located in densely populated areas. #Land acquisition and demolition 1280 readings
  • In China, if the government has not received administrative reconsideration or litigation within the statutory time limit, it can apply to the court to enforce the demolition decision according to law. The procedures include the application for administrative adjudication by the demolishing party, mediation by the administrative organ, payment of compensation and resettlement, public hearing, notification of the demolished in advance and encouragement of voluntary relocation, as well as on-site notarization and evidence preservation. According to the Regulations on the Acquisition and Compensation of Houses on State owned Land, both parties need to reach an agreement on compensation details, such as compensation method, amount, payment terms, etc. #Land acquisition and demolition 1377 readings
  • The crime of illegal land trading is motivated by seeking huge profits, violates the land management regulations, involves the illegal transfer and reselling of basic farmland (or other corresponding areas) with an area of more than five mu, illegal profits of more than 500000 yuan, or continues to commit crimes with previous punishment records, and especially serious circumstances will be filed for investigation. The latest filing standards emphasize four key elements: land area, illegal profit, previous punishment and bad circumstances. #Land acquisition and demolition 1058 readings
  • The land compensation mainly includes the loss of young crops and ground attachments. The land contractor has the right to receive the full or part of the resettlement fees, as the case may be. Land compensation fees belong to rural collective economic organizations, and members have the right to distribute them. The right to use wasteland can be granted to individuals through development. The land acquisition of wind power projects needs to consider the impact of densely populated areas. #Land acquisition and demolition 898 readings
  • In land acquisition, compensation for young crops and ground attachments, resettlement fees and land compensation are used to compensate for crop losses, life adjustment caused by the loss of land contract rights and economic losses of collective economic organizations. Young crops fees can be managed by the village committee, but resettlement fees and individuals have the right to choose compensation or redistribution of land. The full amount of land compensation belongs to rural collectives for distribution. The state supports environmental protection projects and may expropriate land due to the construction of wind power facilities in densely populated areas, involving the rights and interests of all parties. #Land acquisition and demolition 1183 readings
  • China's law allows the fraudulent party to apply for cancellation of the blank housing expropriation agreement signed due to fraud. Because the legal effect of the blank agreement is yet to be determined, citizens must carefully choose the way to safeguard their rights. In order to complete the collection quickly, the levying party sometimes induces the levee to sign a blank agreement with a high amount of compensation. This kind of agreement lacks specific content, and in case of breach of contract, both parties can sue according to law. The law emphasizes that the compensation agreement should contain complete terms, and blank agreements are not protected by law. However, in reality, such agreements still occur from time to time, and the collector often uses misleading promises. #Land acquisition and demolition 903 readings
  • Land compensation mainly includes young crops fees and the cost of land attachments. It is used to compensate individuals or legal persons who invest resources in the land. The contractor or transfer assignee will receive corresponding funds. Resettlement compensation for those who lose the right to contract generally belongs to the original contractor. If the village committee provides new land or employment, the money belongs to the relevant units. Land compensation fees are for collective losses in rural areas. They are owned by collective organizations and shared by all members. Individual actions that are beneficial to development and environmental improvement will be supported by the state, and wasteland development will be officially recognized. #Land acquisition and demolition 971 readings
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