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Divorce property division

Time: 2024.03.03 label: marriage and family Division of property Reading: 1426 people
Lawyer's answer:
The negotiation is divided, and if the negotiation fails, the lawsuit shall be filed to the court.
Lawyer's analysis:
If consultation fails, a lawsuit may be filed in a people's court and the court shall make a judgment.
1. If one of the husband and wife bears more obligations due to raising children, caring for the elderly, assisting the other in work, etc, divorce Shall have the right to request compensation from the other party, and the other party shall make compensation.
2. At the time of divorce, Conjugal debt It shall be repaid jointly. common property If the payment is insufficient or the property belongs to each other, the two parties shall reach an agreement on the payment; If the agreement fails, the people's court shall make a judgment.
3. At the time of divorce, if one party has difficulties in life, the other party who can afford it should give appropriate help. The specific measures shall be agreed by both parties; If the agreement fails, the people's court shall make a judgment.
4. Bigamy cohabitation , Implementation Family Violence In case of maltreating or abandoning family members or having one of the other serious faults, resulting in divorce, the innocent party has the right to claim damages.
5. The husband and wife hide, transfer, sell off, destroy and squander Conjugal property , or forges the joint debts of the husband and wife in an attempt to occupy the property of the other party, when the joint property of the husband and wife is divided after divorce, the party may receive less or no distribution. After divorce, if the other party finds that he or she has committed any of the above acts, he or she may file a lawsuit with the people's court litigation , requesting to divide the joint property of husband and wife again.
Legal basis:
Article 1087 of the Civil Code
At the time of divorce, the joint property of the husband and wife shall be disposed of by both parties through agreement; If the agreement fails, the people's court shall make a judgment according to the specific circumstances of the property and the principle of taking care of the rights and interests of children, women and the innocent party.
The rights and interests enjoyed by the husband or wife in the household land contractual management shall be protected according to law.
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(1) The common property shall be divided by both parties through consultation. (2) If one spouse bears more obligations, he or she has the right to request compensation from the other party at the time of divorce. (3) The joint debts of the husband and wife should be paid together. (4) If one party has difficulties in life, the other party who can afford it shall give it

Premarital property is generally distributed by agreement between husband and wife. If the husband and wife cannot reach a written negotiation, the premarital property shall be recognized as personal property and shall not be distributed at the time of divorce. According to relevant laws and regulations, both men and women can agree on the property obtained during the marriage relationship and the pre marital property

(1) The common property shall be divided by both parties through consultation. (2) If one spouse bears more obligations, he or she has the right to request compensation from the other party at the time of divorce. (3) The joint debts of the husband and wife should be paid together. (4) If one party has difficulties in life, the other party who can afford it shall give it

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 Lawyer Hu Jing

Sichuan Huyun Law Firm

Hu Jing, a professional lawyer in Chengdu, executive director of Sichuan Huyun Law Firm, founding partner of the law firm; Founder and professional lawyer of Chengdu Divorce Network, Sichuan Criminal Defense Lawyer Network and Sichuan Personal Injury Compensation Network; Top 10 online review lawyers; Top Ten Lawyers; Legal adviser of Chengdu Fourth City Forum and Eat, Drink and Play; Director of Marriage and Family Research Center of Sichuan Huyun Law Firm; Director of Psychological Counseling Center; Head of the Research Center for Major, Difficult and Complex Cases of Sichuan Huyun Law Firm; Person in charge of the major case and important case department of the law firm; Lawyer Hu Jing graduated from the Law School of Sichuan Normal University in 2006, and founded Sichuan Huyun Law Firm in March 2009. He has been working for 15 years. Lawyer Hu Jing is familiar with various laws, regulations and policy documents, has a complex knowledge structure, and specializes in criminal defense, marriage and family, real estate economic disputes, creditor's rights and debt, corporate legal affairs In the field of construction contract disputes, he has solid legal knowledge, not only familiar with legal provisions, but also familiar with judicial operation. The successful large-scale marriage cases that lawyer Hu Jing participated in include: the divorce case of Ms. He in Mianyang, involving over 100 million yuan of marital property, one party maliciously transferred property, and the main property was distributed in remote areas. The marriage lawyer team and investigation team with lawyer Hu Jing as the professional lawyer, through careful planning, multiple rounds of negotiation and negotiation, finally the case was successfully settled by mediation and divorce, Won tens of millions of property for Ms. He; The divorce case of Ms. Li from a construction company in Chengdu involved custody struggle, company equity division, and tens of millions of joint property of husband and wife; The divorce case of Ms. Su in Chengdu involved one party maliciously creating debts and hiding the joint property of the husband and wife. There was a large amount of project funds in the joint property of the husband and wife that had not been recovered, and the amount of the joint property of the husband and wife amounted to hundreds of millions of yuan. After the case was launched, the team of lawyer Hu Jing used all resources to apply for property preservation at the first time, and quickly frozen the stock account and bank account under the name of the man, The frozen funds amounted to more than 20 million yuan, which played a very important role in promoting the later handling of the case, and the case was successfully closed. The divorce case of Ms. Wu in Zigong involved the man's extramarital affair, illegitimate children and other situations, involving the equity of several companies, and the woman did not participate in the company's operation, did not know the company's assets, involving the couple's common property of hundreds of millions of yuan. After accepting the commission, lawyer Hu Jing assigned his team of lawyers to obtain a large number of case clues through sophisticated planning, investigation and evidence collection, The case was successfully concluded after four mediation sessions and three court sessions. The divorce case of Ms. Wang, the vice president of an enterprise in Chengdu, involved tens of millions of husband and wife's common property; After divorce, Ms. Li in Chengdu had a property dispute involving tens of millions of divided property. During the litigation process, she talked while fighting. Finally, the case was successfully settled through mediation, meeting the expectations of the parties; For foreign-related divorce cases, including cases where one party is abroad and cannot return to China to handle divorce procedures, Hu Jing's lawyer team is entrusted to act as an agent for divorce proceedings in China and divorce successfully in a relatively short period of time; There are also a large number of major non litigation cases planned by Hu Jing's lawyer team. Through the unremitting efforts of the lawyer team of Hu Jing, the large marriage and family cases handled during the employment period have achieved relatively ideal results, in line with the expectations of the parties. The lawyer team of Hu Jing has achieved good results in other marriage and family civil cases! Lawyer Hu Jing has handled a large number of criminal defense cases, construction contract disputes, economic disputes, real estate disputes, creditor's rights and debt disputes, etc. The criminal defense cases involved include but are not limited to: F drug transportation crime, W extortion crime, Z non state staff bribery crime, Y bribery crime, X loan fraud crime, L rape crime Mr. P's crime of assisting in organizing prostitution, Mr. C's crime of opening a casino, Mr. Z's crime of intentional injury, Mr. S's crime of illegal detention, Mr. P's crime of illegal absorption of public deposits, Mr. M's crime of organizing pyramid selling activities, Mr. L's crime of contract fraud, etc. Lawyer Hu's unique defense style, clear thinking, quick thinking, competent and decisive, and defense style are deeply appreciated by the parties and their families! Adhering to the service concept of integrity, professionalism, professionalism and efficiency, the lawyer team of Hu Jing has formed a profound self precipitation and unique dialectical thinking, which has won unanimous praise from customers in the fierce competitive environment with rich practical experience, dedicated research, careful thinking, unique case handling style, and stable psychological quality to deal with emergencies, For the legitimate rights and interests of the client, we will spare no effort to meet the personalized legal service needs of more parties as far as possible!

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