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How to apply for environmental protection administrative reconsideration

Time: 2024.03.01 label: Administrative administrative reconsideration Reading: 1398 people
Lawyer's analysis:
If a citizen, legal person or other organization considers that a specific administrative act infringes upon his or her legitimate rights and interests, he or she may apply for administrative reconsideration within 60 days from the date when he or she becomes aware of the specific administrative act;
However, the application period prescribed by law exceeds 60 days.
An applicant may apply for administrative reconsideration in writing or orally;
In case of oral application, the administrative reconsideration organ shall record the basic information of the applicant, the request for administrative reconsideration, the main facts, reasons and time of the application for administrative reconsideration on the spot.
Legal basis:
Article 9 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law
Article 11 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law
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The supervision system of administrative compulsion includes: 1. the connection mechanism between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice. 2. Legal supervision system for administrative coercive measures involving citizens' personal and property rights. 3. The supervision and correction system for illegal administrative acts found in the performance of duties. 4、......

Administrative compensation shall be reviewed in advance. According to the law, administrative review shall be carried out first, and then a lawsuit shall be brought to the people's court if the reconsideration decision is not accepted. According to Article 14 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law, if the people's government of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government refuses to accept the specific administrative act, it shall

After the submission of reconsideration, a notice shall be given to go again, or a written reconsideration may be given, instead of going. Under any of the following circumstances in Article 55 of the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance, the relevant unit or individual may apply for administrative reconsideration according to law, or file an administrative lawsuit with the people's court according to law: apply for recognition of industrial injury

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    Within 60 working days after the land requisition approval document is published, you can choose to start the administrative review in written or oral form. Oral appeal is also effective. The government will record your personal information, specific reconsideration request, factual basis and sufficient reasons in detail, and record the date of appeal to ensure a fair trial. It is possible to withdraw the land requisition approval through appropriate channels.

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  • How to determine the defendant in a reconsidered case

     Legal Advisor

    Legal Advisor

    In administrative litigation, the responsibility of the defendant belongs to the situation of reconsideration: the original administrative agency is the defendant of direct litigation, the reconsideration agency that maintains the original act and the original agency are the defendant together, and the reconsideration agency is solely responsible for the change of act after reconsideration. The original institution shall be responsible for the overdue pending review or review of inaction; When multiple institutions act together, they are co defendants. The authorized organization shall be responsible by the authorized organ, and the organ that continues to exercise its functions and powers after being revoked or changed shall be responsible. Administrative reconsideration shall follow the principle of legality, and citizens can apply for reconsideration or litigation within the statutory time limit. If he is dissatisfied with the reconsideration decision, he may appeal according to law, unless it is clearly stipulated that the reconsideration decision is final.

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  • Regarding administrative reconsideration, what conditions affect the judgment of applicants' qualifications

     Legal Advisor

    Legal Advisor

    Key elements of the qualification of the applicant for administrative reconsideration: clarifying the respondent, putting forward specific reconsideration requests and reasons; The applicant must be a citizen, legal person or other organization whose legal rights and interests are damaged; The content of the application should be within the scope of the law and accepted by the corresponding authorities; The application shall be submitted within 60 days after the act occurs.

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 Lawyer Shao Ruyang

Jiangsu Liansheng (Shanghai) Law Firm

Lawyer Shao Ruyang (18994700001) is a partner lawyer with rich experience in handling cases, especially good at criminal cases Worked at the Highway Management Office of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Communications for many years before practicing, with broad vision, active thinking, strict logic and stable style Since he started his career, he has successfully represented a number of major intellectual property infringement cases, bank economic cases and other litigation cases Hundreds of criminal cases

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    The time limit for administrative reconsideration may be less than 60 days under special circumstances. This usually happens when laws and regulations have special provisions on the time limit for administrative reconsideration, which should be followed. In addition, if the case is complex and cannot be decided within the regular time limit, it can be extended only after being approved by the head of the administrative reconsideration organ. Therefore, although it usually takes 60 days for administrative reconsideration, the time limit may be shortened under specific conditions.

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