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Procedures of second-hand house purchase and sale

Time: 2024.05.02 label: Property disputes Second hand housing disputes Reading: 1261 people
Lawyer's analysis:
1、 Look for houses and check houses.
2、 House and property right review before purchase and sale.
3、 File search. Both parties hold property ownership certificate The original should be checked by the Housing Authority to determine the ownership of the property and whether it has been mortgage I suggest you House purchase People should never underestimate this step. Finding out the property rights is a major event related to the ownership of the house.
4、 Determination of house property right and redelivery Deposit
5、 Sign a formal contract.
6、 Handling by the Buyer Mortgage loan If it is not a one-time payment, the buyer also needs to go to the bank to make a mortgage loan. Go to the bank Loan application Both the buyer and the seller should be present ID Original marriage certificate , account book, income certificate, bank statement business contract Etc.
7、 Transfer.
8、 House delivery.
The handover of houses generally involves the handover of property, water, electricity, cable TV, gas, etc. If there are furniture and appliances inside the house, it is also necessary to verify whether the seller is to be replaced or moved. The handover of water, electricity, etc. shall be handled by the management office, water affairs bureau, cable television station, power supply bureau and other departments respectively. Both parties shall prepare copies of property ownership cards, identity cards, etc.
Legal basis:
Article 33 of Housing Registration Measures
apply housing ownership For transfer registration, the following materials shall be submitted:
(1) Registration application;
(2) The identity certificate of the applicant;
(3) House ownership certificate or real estate ownership certificate;
(4) Materials proving the transfer of house ownership;
(5) Other necessary materials.
The materials in Item (4) of the preceding paragraph may be sales contracts, exchange contracts Gift contract . Legacy certificate inherit Proof, division agreement, merger agreement, legal documents in force by the people's court or arbitration commission, or other materials to prove the transfer of house ownership.
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Materials to be prepared for the transfer of second-hand housing: 1. The buyer: I will be present and provide valid identity documents and housing sales contract. 2. The Seller: hold valid ID card and house ownership certificate to handle on site. 3. If the property is leased, the Seller shall provide the above certificate

Materials to be prepared for the transfer of second-hand housing: 1. The buyer: I will be present and provide valid identity documents and housing sales contract. 2. The Seller: hold valid ID card and house ownership certificate to handle on site. If the property is shared by husband and wife, both husband and wife should be present at the same time

For real estate such as second-hand housing, if you want to obtain ownership, it is not enough just to hand over the housing, you must go to the housing management department to handle the transfer formalities of second-hand housing, and then get the property certificate. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer the ownership first, and then apply for the property ownership certificate. In some places, it takes 7-10 working days

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    Legal Advisor

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 Lawyer Liu Manping

Beijing Fengzhan Law Firm

Lawyer Liu Manping, graduated from Peking University Law School, a member of the Chinese Bar Association, once worked in Beijing Electronic Technology Vocational College (law lecturer), with solid theoretical foundation and rich case handling experience. Since practicing, he has served as the perennial legal adviser of many companies; Handled hundreds of civil, commercial and economic cases as well as criminal cases; It can provide a very professional and pertinent litigation strategy in cases such as medical damage compensation and labor disputes, company legal affairs and personal damage compensation. Maximize the protection and realization of the interests of the parties, and obtain a good reputation and praise from many parties. At the same time, Lawyer Liu enthusiastically participated in the Chinese entrepreneurs' rights protection service hotline, served as a member of the fourth Dongcheng District Lawyers Association's Rights Protection Committee and a member of the "Beijing Youth Sunshine Growth Plan Lawyer", and volunteered to provide advice and rights protection guidance for entrepreneurs. Success stories: Chen Moumou sued the Second Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin Medical University for medical damage compensation (the first case of death due to superbug infection in China) 103 employees including Wang sued Hefei Railway Branch Zhang and other 16 employees sued Minsheng Bank Three employees including Liu sued Beijing Abalone Catering Co., Ltd. and other labor disputes Shi Moumou, former chairman of Northwest Company of China Railway 15th Bureau, was finally acquitted after defense in the second trial of bribery case Yang Mou sued Shenzhen Dayongsheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. on the proposal of different execution rights Yang and four others sued Motorola Beijing for labor dispute Chen and the xxxx Military General Hospital of the People's Republic of China medical damage compensation dispute; Yang Moumou et al. and the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University Case of illegal detention of XXX Wan Meng's fraud case

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