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Drunk driving standard

Time: May 14, 2024 label: traffic accident Drunk driving Reading: 1210 people
Lawyer's analysis:
Drunk driving It refers to the behavior of driving a motor vehicle in such a state of complete or partial loss of personal will due to drinking. If the blood alcohol content is more than 20 milligrams per 100 milliliters, you can drive after drinking. The driving behavior of vehicle drivers whose blood alcohol content is greater than or equal to 80mg/100mL becomes drunk driving.
Legal basis:
Threshold and Test of Alcohol Content in Blood and Breath of Vehicle Drivers
3.3 Drinking and driving
Driving behavior in which the alcohol content in the blood of vehicle drivers is greater than or equal to 20mg/100ml and less than 80mg/100ml.
3.4 Drunken driving
Driving behavior in which the alcohol content in the blood of vehicle drivers is greater than or equal to 80mg/100ml.
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The fine standard for drunk driving and drunken driving is: those who drive a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall have their motor vehicle driver's license temporarily withheld for six months and be fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan. Whoever drives a motor vehicle while intoxicated shall be restrained by the traffic management department of the public security organ until he wakes up, and his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked

The standard of punishment for driving after drinking is: those who drive a motor vehicle after drinking shall have their motor vehicle driver's license temporarily withheld for six months and be fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan. If he is punished for driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, he shall be detained for not more than ten days and concurrently

1. The sentence for the crime of ordinary dangerous driving shall be criminal detention and a fine shall be imposed. Drunken driving with a blood alcohol content of more than 80mg/100ml is regarded as drunk driving and constitutes a crime of dangerous driving; 2. If it is chasing and racing to endanger public safety

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     Legal Advisor

    Legal Advisor

    According to Article 133-1 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the crimes of dangerous driving include: road chasing and racing, drunk driving, overloaded and overspeed operation of school buses or passenger transportation, and illegal transportation of dangerous chemicals. The punishment shall be criminal detention and a fine. The owner or manager of the motor vehicle who is directly responsible shall also be subject to the same punishment. If the act constitutes another crime, it shall be determined as a felony.

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     Legal Advisor

    Legal Advisor

    According to Article 133-1 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the punishment for the crime of dangerous driving includes detention and fine. A variety of factors will be comprehensively considered in the judgment, such as the severity of chasing and racing, alcohol content of drunk driving, overloading or speeding, and illegal transportation of hazardous chemicals. If the behavior touches other laws, punishment will be imposed according to more stringent regulations.

    Views: one thousand four hundred and thirty-three 2024-07-04
  • How to deal with the crime of dangerous driving after drinking

     Legal Advisor

    Legal Advisor

    According to Article 133-1 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, drunk driving of motor vehicles is a dangerous driving behavior and will be severely punished by law. Offenders will be sentenced to criminal detention and fined. If the owner or manager is responsible for this, he/she shall also be punished. If the act touches other criminal laws and regulations, the person shall be convicted according to the heavier punishment.

    Views: one thousand two hundred and twenty-nine 2024-07-04
  • How much is the fine for drunk driving

    Lawyer Xu Ning

    If driving after drinking alcohol does not constitute drunk driving, that is, the alcohol content is less than 80mg/ml, the motor vehicle driver's license shall be temporarily withheld for six months and a fine of 1000 to 2000 yuan shall be imposed. If he is punished for driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, he shall be detained for not more than 10 days, fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked. Anyone who drives a motor vehicle drunk shall be restrained by the public security until he wakes up, his driving license shall be revoked, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated; No motor vehicle driver's license shall be obtained within five years.

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  • How to define drunk driving

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    The standard for drunk driving is that the alcohol content in the blood of the vehicle driver is equal to or more than 80mg/100ml. The alcohol content here refers to the alcohol concentration measured by the driver in the breath alcohol content test or blood alcohol content test. If the vehicle driver refuses to cooperate with the breath or blood alcohol content test, the qualitative results of the breath alcohol content detector detected passively can be used as the basis for drunk driving.

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  • How much will be fined by law enforcement agencies for drunk driving

    Lawyer Xu Ning

    If driving after drinking alcohol does not constitute drunk driving, that is, the alcohol content is less than 80mg/ml, the motor vehicle driver's license shall be temporarily withheld for six months and a fine of 1000 to 2000 yuan shall be imposed. If he is punished for driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, he shall be detained for not more than 10 days, fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked. Anyone who drives a motor vehicle drunk shall be restrained by the public security until he wakes up, his driving license shall be revoked, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated; No motor vehicle driver's license shall be obtained within five years.

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    Whether drunk driving requires criminal detention depends on the situation. If the circumstances of drunk driving are serious, such as causing serious accidents, casualties or threatening public security, the responsible person may face criminal responsibility investigation, and then be detained. However, slightly drunk driving is usually subject to administrative sanctions, such as fines or suspension of driver's license. Therefore, criminal detention depends on the severity and legal consequences of drunk driving.

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